I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 372 Peaceful Paradise Island

Siyang did not stop, but joined the reconstruction work of Paradise Island non-stop.

After all the white light stones disappeared, Siyang had lost that powerful construction ability, and his body was just useless carbonized fragments with no special abilities.

However, it is still happy to help people on the island move things and join the team of building repairs.

"Do we still want to make it white?" asked a member of the construction team.

"No need. The island is so short of supplies now. It's a good thing to be able to rebuild. Don't be too demanding."

"But isn't white the tradition of Paradise Island? This way, there is no special feature at all. In fact, it is not troublesome. Just apply an extra layer of paint."

The team members argued endlessly about the color of the building, but could not come up with a unified result, so they all turned their attention to Siyang, the only foreigner.

"Siyang, you decide whether the building should be restored to white."

Si Yang scratched his head and replied: "Colorful ones are good."

His statement was echoed by many people.

"Look, I just said colorful is good!"

"I think you just find it troublesome!"

The team members argued again, but the work at hand did not stop and they began to repair the building in front of them.

Siyang looked at these "builders", smiled, picked up his tools, and joined in...

On the other side, Li Luo has been collecting supplies on the island with cubes. Because he is going to the fourth level of the abyss, Li Luo is worried about insufficient supplies.

But at this time, the supplies on Paradise Island became extremely important due to post-disaster reconstruction. Many canned food and drinking water resources were strictly preserved and could only be distributed on a per-capita basis.

Li Luo went to many places and only bought a little bit.

Not even Lin Nian could do anything about this, so she had no choice but to persuade Li Luo to stay on the island longer and wait until the supply ferry arrived with more supplies before setting off again.

However, Li Luo couldn't wait any longer.

Just when she was distressed, an unexpected person came to help her.

That person is the beggar.

The beggar heard about Li Luo and led her to the ruins next to the pier.

"There should be some cans in these boxes, and some drinking water in the box over there."

The beggar pointed to the boxes piled on the pier and said to Li Luo.

Li Luo opened one of the boxes and found that there were indeed some scattered foods inside, and there were even some boxes containing batteries and other items.

How could these very important supplies be piled up on the beach like this?

The beggar saw Li Luo's doubts and explained: "These are the supplies that have been replaced on the ship. Because now the crew on the ship have been replaced by robots, no one will use these things, so they will regularly replace these supplies." Change things."

"These batteries are also relatively old, and some may have been completely eliminated, but it is still possible to use a converter to charge and power off the device."

The beggar looked at the sea: "Although something happened on the island, those robot-operated ferries will still leave the sea and return to the port on time. Everyone on the island is too busy to clean up these supplies in time."

He patted the box: "Maybe it won't be long before someone comes to clean it up. Remember to hurry up."

After listening to the beggar's words, Li Luo quickly checked the shelf life of the food in the box. Fortunately, because they were all canned foods, they still had a long shelf life.

"How did you know there were supplies here?" Li Luo asked curiously.

"Because I am a beggar."

The beggar replied naturally: "Isn't finding food my basic skill?"

Hearing the beggar admit his identity so openly, Li Luo was speechless.

"I won't take a lot, thank you." Li Luo solemnly thanked you.

"It's a small thing, you're welcome." The beggar waved his hand: "You have helped me before, just treat it as a courtesy."

The beggar patted his chest with his thin hands, which was quite generous.

Li Luo looked at the beggar and found that he was very different from the one he saw when he first landed on the island.

Although he is still as skinny as a stick now, his energy is obviously much better. When he took Li Luo to find food just now, he was walking like flying, without the shaky feeling when he first saw him.

"You seem to be feeling much better."

Hearing Li Luo's words, the beggar was startled, scratched his head, and said sheepishly: "I was just pretending before. Only when I am miserable can people give me something to eat."

"Remember not to tell the people on the island. I only told you because I didn't want to stay on the island for a long time."

"Absolutely." Li Luo promised repeatedly, promising the beggar that he would never tell anyone about this matter.

"Whatever you need, get it quickly." the beggar urged.


Li Luo stopped being polite and found some supplies in the box and stuffed them into her backpack. She didn't need much, so she quickly filled her backpack.

"You go first, I want to get something too." The beggar said to Li Luo.

"no problem."

The two talked quietly, and Li Luo also left the dock secretly.

After Li Luo left, the beggar sighed and stood up straight.

He flipped up his messy hair, revealing his somewhat weathered face, and his eyes suddenly became clear and bright.

He is obviously still the same person, and his clothes have not changed, but his temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes. He was originally a downcast beggar, but in the blink of an eye he became a superior person with extraordinary temperament.

Mo Ling's vision hadn't gone far yet when he saw the strange change of the beggar and his attention was immediately attracted.

"What happened to him?"

Mo Ling's curiosity was immediately piqued.

The beggar's changed temperament didn't have any unnecessary movements. He put his slender hands into his sleeves and took out an ordinary glass.

"Cup of Lies?" Mo Ling was stunned.

The beggar still has it with him? What does he want to do?

Mo Ling stared at him closely.

The beggar shook the cup in his hand, and clear water appeared in the cup.

After taking a deep breath, the beggar picked up the water glass and swallowed the water in it without leaving a drop.

Then, he cleared his throat and started talking to himself:

"People on the island will soon discover this batch of 'replaced' materials and use them for reconstruction work to solve the problem of material shortage on the island."

"When more and more ships return, they will bring more supplies, as well as catches obtained in various sea areas. These supplies can help people on the island tide over the crisis."

"Fleets from other islands will soon discover what happened on Paradise Island and send some emergency supplies..."

"The weather on Paradise Island has been very good recently, with calm waves and bright sunshine..."

As if he felt that his words were a little off track, the beggar thought for a while and stopped talking.

After waiting for a while, he put the cup back.

In the distance, a burst of light suddenly lit up.

Someone is coming...

The beggar returned to his original abject appearance in an instant. He scratched his hair with his hands, and the messy hair covered his appearance again.

His figure suddenly became rickety, and his whole temperament suddenly became decadent.

The lights gradually came closer, and the person coming was the police on the island.

When the beggar saw the police, he quickly approached him and raised his hands, like a criminal who surrendered himself.

"Officer, I didn't take anything!"

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