I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 375 Tissot Express

When Mo Ling realized that these goods were like express delivery, he no longer felt strange.

The reason why they need to be packaged separately is because each item must be delivered to a different person.

But, who is the Tissot express delivery to?

"Isn't it human?"

Mo Ling recalled the information Siyang said before, and had such a strange conjecture in his mind.

But when she thought of these extremely familiar objects in human society appearing in the hands of other races, Mo Ling felt very uncomfortable.

When he was on Fish-Man Island, it took Mo Ling a long time to get used to the fish-men wearing human clothes.

Human culture seems to be very contagious to other races, and it is easy for other races to be immersed in it.

Siyang is one example.

And these “express delivery” shipments to unknown destinations seem to prove this point.

Mo Ling did not stop and continued to search among the goods.

As more and more "express delivery" arrived on the ship, Mo Ling discovered something particularly strange:

A clean cricket jar.

A mess of shoddy human wigs.

I don’t know if the radio equipped with batteries can be used.

These express delivery often carry many human "cultural attributes".

If you didn't want to fight crickets, you wouldn't buy this special cricket jar.

What's more, there are things like wigs and radios that are clearly engraved with human symbols.

Mo Ling really couldn't understand how other races would use these things.

In his mind, there was even a picture of Jeff wearing an afro wig, holding a cricket jar in his left hand, and holding a radio in his right hand.

Such a scene made Mo Ling feel dumbfounded.

Putting this strange scene behind him, Mo Ling began to search among the couriers again.

"Sports Evening News on August 8, 2008."

"The old version from fifty years ago misprinted the coins."

"An early car magazine, there was a graceful blond car model in it."


Mo Ling became more and more dizzy as he watched, and even began to doubt what he saw with his own eyes.

These things are not only human cultural symbols, they can even be said to be carriers of culture.

Words, currency, books...these are things that you would never understand if you were not in human society.

But now, these things are still being packed carefully, and I don’t know where they will be sent.

Mo Ling began to doubt his own judgment.

Are these express packages not sent to other races?

Just as he was thinking about it, all the goods had been transported to the ship, and the ship's announcement rang: "It will depart in an hour. Passengers please familiarize yourself with the precautions of the Tissot as soon as possible to prevent personal safety from being threatened."

On the radio, the precautions on board were mentioned again.

This seems very important.

Li Luo listened to the radio and took out the electronic screen to check the dense notes.

But after watching for a long time, she was also a little dizzy by these twists and turns of precautions.

So, she switched files and opened the information left for her by the machine.

Mo Ling was also very interested in the information about the flight's destination and quickly focused on it.

"Tissot route information."

What comes into view is a sea map.

The detailed information of nearby sea areas is clearly marked on the chart.

Li Luo's fingertips started from Paradise Island and rowed along the route to the farthest point.

"The Sea of ​​Creation Gods."

This name immediately stunned Li Luo, his fingers stopped on it, and he didn't react for a long time.

"What a strange name." Mo Ling, who looked at the chart, also fell into the same confusion.

It takes the Tissot three days to reach the edge of the Sea of ​​Creation. During this journey, it will encounter many strange races. For these races, there are only two words marked on the chart: unknown.

"A race that even the machine doesn't know about?" Mo Ling was a little surprised.

However, there is a note next to the chart.

"The races appearing here are too rich to be analyzed in detail, so I made this label."

It turns out that it's not because the machine doesn't know about them, but because there are too many of these races, so the machine can't introduce them in an all-round way. It can only summarize them in this way.

After arriving at the outskirts of the Sea of ​​Creation, you must disembark. The Tissot cannot continue to move forward, because the further in, the Sea of ​​Creation will become a "solidified" land, which will strand all ships, so it can only Get off the boat and proceed on your own.

The machine also wrote a note here: "When you get off the ship, you must also follow the precautions on the Tissot."

It seems that some of the precautions on the Tissot are common throughout the Sea of ​​Creation Gods.

Seeing this, Mo Ling also thought of Li Luo's previous clothes.

The robot's explanation for not letting the piece of clothing board the ship was: "There will be a racial attack similar to a bear."

After getting off the ship, this race will still exist in the Sea of ​​Creation Gods.

Therefore, the precautions on board are, in a sense, also the rules for survival in the Sea of ​​Creation Gods.

Mo Ling followed Li Luo's fingers and continued to read.

After arriving inside the Sea of ​​Creation Gods, because the ground solidifies, the direction of travel will also change to walking. At this time, more and more races will be encountered. Most of them come to the Sea of ​​Creation Gods to seek "divine help" .

It was a special act of sacrifice. God seekers from these races came to the Sea of ​​Creation Gods to seek a god for their race and bring it back to their tribe.

Because sacrifice is a sacred act, most of these races will abide by the rules to avoid causing "the wrath of the gods" in this sea area.

However, the rules between races are completely different.

Some races consider walking on one's stomach to be sacred.

Some races consider wearing a hat to be sacred.

Some races consider it sacred to spit while walking.

There are even races that believe killing is sacred...

The species and cultures in the abyss are diverse and have different styles. Most of the races that come to the Sea of ​​Creation God will not interfere with the behavior of other races.

But once you encounter those unreasonable races, it will be an unreasonable disaster.

They will bind you to the moral standards of their race.

For example, some races believe that it is very impolite and even extremely dirty to step on the left foot when walking. Once they encounter humans, they will force humans to only step on the right foot.

If you listen to them and keep your right foot, there will be no conflict.

But if someone is stubborn and unwilling to accept such "moral kidnapping", this race will cut off your left foot and then walk away.

This is how they work.

At this point in the introduction of the machine, we also made an analogy to humans:

"This race sees someone stepping on their left foot, just like humans walking on the road, seeing someone walking in front and farting on themselves..."

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