I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 376 Moral Kidnapping

Cultural conflicts make it difficult to understand each other.

Many seemingly normal behaviors of humans are seen as provocations to other races, not to mention that in a sacred place like the Sea of ​​Creation, many behaviors will be infinitely amplified.

Just like human beings who usually see people urinating and urinating everywhere, they may not mind their own business out of the mentality of doing less than doing more.

But if someone goes to the temple to worship a god and sees someone urinating and defecating under the statue of the god, it will not be as simple as a beating.

These "uncivilized" behaviors will be amplified into "blasphemous" behaviors in the Sea of ​​Creation God, which is completely intolerable.

What's more, these races come here to pray to God and will be extremely sensitive to this kind of behavior.

The machine's information emphatically stated this point, seemingly to attract Li Luo's attention. It also introduced in detail what humans encountered when they first came to the Sea of ​​Creation Gods:

It didn’t take long for humans to reach the Sea of ​​Creation Gods.

Because it is at the end of the route, it was not long ago that the Sea of ​​Creation God was discovered.

However, although it has not been long, humans have already suffered a lot here.

The first human advance team ship to enter the Sea of ​​Creation Gods was attacked by a strange race before it entered the solidification area.

This is a race with four wings on its back and thick hair. It looks like a long-haired cat with wings. As soon as they see human ships, they attack in anger.

They will pluck off their wings and throw them onto the ship, where they will then spin around the ship like a chainsaw, destroying the ship's facilities.

Their wings will slowly grow out, and when they are finished growing, they will launch a new round of attacks.

Fortunately, the number of these winged cats was not large, and the advance team was strong enough to deal with it. Without anyone being injured, the advance team quickly subdued this group of strange attackers.

Until they were escorted to the deck, these winged cats were still grinning, as if they wanted to eat people, and kept struggling.

The advance team also wondered why these attackers attacked the ship.

They initially thought that there was something on the ship that attracted the winged cats, but there were so many things on the ship that the advance team was unable to confirm them all.

Fortunately, one of the team members discovered that the "meow meow" sounds in the mouths of these winged cats were logical, so he took out the translation device.

Soon, they deciphered the language of the winged cats...

"Why are you attacking us?" the team members asked.

"Meow meow meow! You are blasphemy! You are a group of rude and uneducated barbarians! Your naked bodies are like white shells, and you will just lie stupidly in the dirty mud!"

A winged cat angrily insulted the team member, opened its mouth and wanted to pounce on him, but because it was tied, it could only squirm on the ground.

"You will definitely attract the wrath of the gods! Naked and filthy creatures! I curse you, you will never be able to catch any delicious dried fish in the Sea of ​​Creation Gods!"

While struggling on the deck, it attacked the advance team members with what it thought was the most "vicious" language.

Even though he has become a prisoner, he still looks tough.

However, the advance team members still learned some information from the Winged Cat's words.

So, he continued to ask the winged cat:

"What blasphemous act have we done? Will this definitely attract the wrath of the gods in the Sea of ​​Creation Gods?"

Because they had just entered a new area, the team members were eager to understand the "rules" here.

"Naked, filthy creatures! I am ashamed to even tell you what you have done. You will definitely be punished by God!"

"No fish to eat! No fish to eat!"

The winged cat became more and more excited, and in the end it was not even willing to answer the team members' questions. It just kept cursing the team members that "there is no fish to eat."

The team members had no choice but to change to a winged cat and start asking again.

This is a winged cat lying on its side, looking listless and very depressed.

"It's all over... Our actions have incurred the wrath of God, we will be killed by naked and dirty creatures, and there will be no more fish to eat..."

It lay on the deck, motionless and muttering.

The cat was less agitated and appeared to be someone he could communicate with.

"What is the wrath of God?" the team member asked.

"There is no fish to eat." The frustrated winged cat replied helplessly.

The team members were stunned for a while and then recorded the information.

"Why do you attract the wrath of God?"

"Because we're also on the coffin..."

"Coffin?" The team members were confused and quickly asked what it meant.

Although the frustrated winged cat kept speaking feebly, he always answered all questions. He sighed in despair as he finished answering all the team members' questions.

After understanding everything, the team members suddenly realized——

This group of winged cats regard human ships as "coffins."

This is part of their ethnic culture.

Winged cats regard all hollow things that can hold a lot of things as "coffins" for burying their kind, and consider these things to be extremely dirty.

To them, these coffins represent decay, stench, disease, filth and death...

They hate death and these "coffins."

Therefore, when he saw humans driving the "coffin" into the Sea of ​​Creation Gods, anger immediately rushed to his forehead.


It's like when humans see someone carrying a dirty and smelly coffin under a statue of a god, and then dancing while carrying the coffin, the winged cat can't stand this behavior.

They even felt that their failure to stop this behavior represented great disrespect to God, so they launched an attack.

But now, not only did they not stop this "naked and dirty race" from carrying the coffin and dancing under the statue of the god, but they also stood on the coffin together and became part of the blasphemy.

That's why the frustrated winged cat thinks that his own race will also attract the wrath of the gods.

"There is no fish to eat..."

It kept mumbling and even started banging its head against the deck.

After understanding the cause of the matter, the advance team let these winged cats go.

After being tortured by the advance team, these winged cats no longer dared to attack the ship. They just meowed insults and flew away into the distance.

Between God and their own lives, they chose their own lives.

The advance team did not let go of these winged cats out of kindness.

They installed locators and monitors on the winged cats, and followed the winged cats to the depths of the Sea of ​​Creation Gods and to the solidified continent.

The winged cats did not suffer the wrath of God as they said, but they still flew and caught fish, eating happily.

The worries in the hearts of the advance team slowly eased away.

"Where is the wrath of God?"

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