I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 377 The non-existent divine wrath

The advance team also slowly encountered some other races, and also experienced some of the same attacks as the Winged Cats.

After subduing these races, the advance team discovered that they all attacked humans for similar reasons.

"If we don't stop human beings' uncivilized behavior, we will incur the wrath of God."

Such reasons drive these races to attack humans.

The advance team also discovered that most of those who attacked the ships were relatively weak races, and it was more difficult for them to suppress their inner anger.

They speculate that this is related to the degree of civilization.

The advance team also encountered some friendly races, which confirmed this suspicion.

The more ignorant you are, the more you will value the morality of "behavior", impose your own race's concepts on other races, and the more you will believe in "the wrath of God".

After traveling in the Sea of ​​Creation Gods for a period of time, the advance team also had a detailed understanding of this area.

At the same time, they also recorded the "taboos" of various races, and these taboos later became matters of note on the Tissot.

There was still a lot of information on the machine. Before Li Luo finished reading, the ship's broadcast rang:

"Now prepare for travel, camouflage the hull."

After the broadcast ended, the Tissot suddenly ejected from the dock, accelerated, and arrived at a sea far away from the coast.

Immediately afterwards, a humming mechanical sound began to sound.

"what happens?"

After Mo Ling heard the voice, he quickly moved away from Li Luo's electronic screen and looked outside.

I saw that the bow of the ship, which was like a drill, was constantly rotating, continuously rolling the sea water into the air.

The drill bit's spiral began to bring up seawater, and then was thrown to the Tissot with the force of the spiral.

And the surface of the Tissot began to secrete a strange liquid film, which absorbed the seawater and wrapped it on the surface of the hull.

Not long after, the entire Tissot was covered in a thick film of water.

Not only that, this water film seems to be flowing. Whenever the drill rotates and pushes the Tissot forward, the water in the spiral will slowly flow backward, pushing the water on the surface of the hull to flow backward.

This causes the Tissot to look like a huge object hiding under the sea when it is sailing on the sea, which looks very scary.

"Is this the hull camouflage?"

It was actually disguised in such a way. Mo Ling was very surprised when he looked at the increasingly solid water film.

The water film also covered the portholes, but the outside scenery could still be vaguely seen.

Seeing the surging water film, Li Luo also curiously approached the porthole and poked his head to look back and forth.

"Get ready to set sail, turn off the lights inside the ship and enter bionic form."

Following this announcement, the lights in the room were instantly turned off, and the buzzing sound on the ship became more and more obvious.

The drill bit suddenly sped up, and the Tissot ejected again, rushing away from the coast.

This sudden acceleration even made Li Luo fall on the bed.

After the darkness, all that could be seen was the surging water outside.

The speed is getting faster and faster, and the flow of the water film outside the porthole window is also speeding up, but it has remained stable. The water waves slowly disappeared, and the vision became clearer.

When the water film outside the portholes reached an extremely stable level, the buzzing sound on the ship slowly disappeared.

The drill bit begins to rotate at a gentle and uniform speed and no longer makes any noise.

At this time, the entire Tissot began to move up and down in the sea water due to the waves.

In Mo Ling's field of vision, it looked like a huge black fish, clinging to the sea surface, sinking into the sea from time to time, and suddenly popping out its dorsal fin.

Tissot uses the waves to simulate the vivid appearance of living creatures.

"I see, this is the bionic mode."

Mo Ling can probably guess why the Tissot entered this state.

"If you maintain the shape of a boat, you will be attacked by a race like a winged cat."

Not only that, Mo Ling believed that the Tissot was designed like this and was different from normal ships for this reason.

Human beings have summarized the taboos of the races in the Sea of ​​Creation Gods, and created the unique ship Tissot to reduce attacks from other creatures.

Like the precautions on the ship, these are the experiences left by previous generations.

Watching the Tissot slowly enter a stable driving state, Mo Ling also slowly retracted his vision.

"Normal sailing, estimated arrival time, three days..."

Mechanical sounds came intermittently from the radio.

Li Luo finally sat down and found his electronic screen with the help of the light outside the porthole.

She did not continue to check the machine information, but opened the notes first and began to look at the contents above carefully.

The bright red font was particularly dazzling in the dim light, but Li Luo still read it carefully.

After learning a little about the Sea of ​​Creation Gods, she also realized that these seemingly ridiculous precautions might actually be very important.

"Give me your electronic screen, too, and I'll send you a copy." Li Luo said to the cube.

Just like that, Mo Ling also sat in the square and started watching.

After seeing these precautions in person, Mo Ling realized just how "messy" these matters were.

There is no logic, and some even seem very conflicting.

"It is forbidden to wear horizontal striped clothes..."

"It is forbidden to wear vertical striped clothes..."

This seemingly very repetitive and weird clause is written in different places in the notes, which makes people confused.

"Is there any connection between the two? Why not merge them into one?"

Mo Ling was puzzled. These precautions did not explain the specific reasons and had no logic.

As he watched, Mo Ling felt his eyes were dizzy.

Words as big as tadpoles began to swirl in Mo Ling's mind, and before long, Mo Ling began to feel sleepy.

Mo Ling turned around and forgot about the terms he had just read. He could only read them again, but not long after, he forgot the previous ones.

Not only that, Mo Ling would be confused by those convoluted expressions from time to time. He always felt that he had seen it somewhere, but he went back to look for it, but he couldn't find it. He couldn't even remember where he saw it. .


The Tissot was swaying, the water was rippling, and the room was quiet. Li Luo sat obediently on the narrow bed, mumbling words, as if he was reciting the words on the electronic screen.

Seeing Li Luo working so hard, Mo Ling also cheered up.

In any case, being able to memorize these things will definitely be of great use in the Sea of ​​Creation Gods, and maybe some conflicts can be avoided.

Thinking of this, Mo Ling focused on the words again.

"Where did you see just now?"

In a flash, Mo Ling forgot again and had to start from the beginning.

"It's forbidden to leave your room on the ship... By the way, that's rule number one."

After regaining his energy, Mo Ling pointed his finger on the electronic screen and began to recite the content on it.

Then he fell asleep.

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