I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 379 The Changing Sea

Mo Ling looked at the several shark carcasses on the metal ground, feeling a little dazed.

"So, were these the ones in the dream just now?"

He stepped forward and picked up the shark's body.

When I pinched it, it felt like rubber, very weird.

As the palm of the hand exerted force, the shark corpse made a sound like a rubber toy.

At the same time, a stench came over me, like the smell of some low-quality plastic.

Mo Ling smelled the disgusting smell and couldn't bear it immediately, so he quickly threw the shark carcasses into the nearby sea.

Even though the shark carcass had been thrown away, there was still a sticky feeling on Mo Ling's palms, which was disgusting.

Mo Ling's thoughts also returned to the previous dream.

"Can you teleport even in your dreams?"

Sharks, spiders...

Those spiders are the robots on the ship, and the sharks are the strange sonic sharks.

The robot on the ship was still recording something carefully. Mo Ling continued to look and found that it was actually writing new notes.

The robot stood in front of the operation panel and pulled the page of precautions to the end. After one operation, a line of text was added to the end of the precautions:

"It is prohibited to carry hand rattles on board ships..."

Afterwards, the robot returned to his post.

"I see, the notes were written by these robots."

In other words, these robots are constantly improving.

Maybe there were only a few things to pay attention to originally, but after the Tissot sailed again and again, they slowly increased and became what they are now.

Mo Ling suddenly realized.

"No wonder there are so many clauses and no logic."

Because these robots will not modify the previous terms, or they do not have the authority to modify them.

They can only be added later to try to make the notes more complete.

This is like some kind of AI training. During repeated voyages, the most "perfect" rules are piled up through repeated experiences.

Mo Ling suddenly felt very reasonable.

Aren't there just a bunch of intelligent machines on the ship?

However, such precautions may be easy to understand for robots, but they will be very confusing for humans.

For robots, their logic is originally composed of "statements". The more statements, the more comprehensive they can do.

When faced with such sentences, humans have no choice but to memorize them by rote.

However, after knowing the origin of these precautions, Mo Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

"These terms are not rigid. Even if some are violated, it will only cause some dangers, and some may not be so fatal."

The Sound Shark just now didn't look very powerful.

The precautions are only to avoid risks to the greatest extent and cannot achieve ultimate safety.

While Mo Ling was thinking, the bow of the Tissot slowly began to rotate again, and the entire ship slowly returned to its original speed, sailing up and down on the sea.

"It seems the boats only stop between three and four o'clock in the evening."

This is to avoid attacks by sound sharks.

Once the time has passed, you can move on.

The hull vibrated, and the buzzing sound echoed through the cabin again. The Tissot accelerated and plunged into the current.

Mo Ling had gone to bed very early, but after the sound shark attack, he was no longer sleepy at this time.

He looked overboard.

The water outside the porthole window was a bit scary. It no longer had the sparkling texture during the day, but instead looked like a thick layer of oil.

As the Tissot rose and fell, the waves beat against the hull. For some reason, Mo Ling felt that the sound was much duller than during the day.

Some very thick crashing sounds of bubbles were mixed in, and I don’t know where they came from. It was very rhythmic.

Mo Ling observed carefully for a long time before coming to a surprising conclusion——

The sea has become sticky.

"This is not an illusion..."

Mo Ling originally thought that it was because it was too dark before dawn, which caused problems with his perception, but after careful observation, he found that the sea water outside had indeed changed.

Not only has the "touch" of touching the hull changed, but even the sound has become dull.

The drill bit on the bow of the Tissot seemed to have begun to run faster in order to cope with the increasingly viscous water flow.

Due to the change in the texture of the sea water, the Tissot can no longer be as flexible as before, and its ups and downs have become very slow.

Gradually, the Tissot seemed to be stuck in a pool of mud, and its movements became sluggish.

However, because of the increasingly viscous seawater, the Tissot's drill-like head has become more powerful.

"The thrust is getting stronger."

Mo Ling suddenly realized that the Tissot's strange propulsion method might be to cope with the changes in the sea water here.

Under the influence of the accelerating drill, the Tissot's speed did not slow down at all, but accelerated a lot.

The long hull of the Tissot also played a role at this time, reducing the resistance to a minimum.

At this time, the Tissot was like an earthworm, burrowing up in the increasingly sticky sea.

The water flow began to stick to the hull of the ship like silt, and the water film outside the portholes became thicker and thicker.

It didn't take long for it to become like glue, and you could clearly feel the change in texture.

This time, Mo Ling no longer doubted his judgment.

"The sea is indeed thicker. Is this a sign of 'solidification'?"

In the machine's data, it is clearly recorded: "There is a solidified land in the center of the Sea of ​​Creation."

Perhaps, this solidification does not have a clear boundary, but requires a process and gradual progress.

Now the sea water has become viscous, and it is also going through this process.

As the Tissot slowly moved forward, the sky gradually brightened, and a faint light shone on this viscous sea.

When the texture changed, the light perception also changed wonderfully.

The faint light shone on the water, and it actually looked a little crystal clear.

When the sun climbed over the sea level and slowly rose, the direct sunlight penetrated into the sea, and Mo Ling saw a scene he had never seen before.

Countless small crystals floated in the sea water, hitting the hull with the waves.

They were scattered in the sea water, shining under the sunlight, and the shining crystal surface constantly reflected light, like a dazzling diamond.

The sticky seawater carried these diamond-like crystals, surging and rolling onto the surface of the Tissot, as if covering the Tissot with a diamond coat.

The drill on the bow ruthlessly cut the beautiful diamond sea into pieces, and the shining small crystals were thrown into the air, bathing in the sun, shining brightly.

The sea not only became sticky, but also became shining...

The light outside the porthole illuminated the room with a dazzling light. Li Luo seemed to be dazzled by the flickering light. His eyelids moved slightly and he woke up slowly.

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