I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 378 Silent Ship

The Tissot rose and fell in the sea water. The water film outside the portholes was obviously flowing, but it seemed to be still and maintained a stable state.

The equipment lights on the ship flickered gently, illuminating the dim cabin.

From time to time, several robots passed by, making a rustling sound of parts rubbing together.

Obviously the shuttle was running normally, but those robots were extremely busy.

Their spider-like lower limbs allowed them to walk smoothly on the rickety corridors.

Li Luo ignored the sounds that came from time to time in the corridor, but lowered his head and looked at the electronic screen seriously.

Because the Tissot was often engulfed by sea water, the light outside the portholes also flickered on and off, and the light with water ripples shone in the room, like white worms, climbing up and down.

Li Luo rubbed his eyes and turned to the next page.

She has recited it many times. Although some of the convoluted terms are difficult to remember, most of them are already familiar by heart.

She categorized these considerations into two categories:

One type is things that are prohibited on the ship, and the other type is things that may be useful in the Sea of ​​Creation.

For example, the article "It is forbidden to leave the room on the ship" was classified as the first category by Li Luo.

She didn't remember this part carefully.

As for the second category, she specifically divided it into clothing, behavior, language...

This will facilitate her memory and allow her to think of these "taboos" in time when performing specific actions.

Of course, she also saw clauses that seemed a bit repetitive:

"It is forbidden to wear horizontal striped clothes..."

"It is forbidden to wear vertical striped clothes..."

Li Luo didn't have striped clothes, so of course she wouldn't violate this taboo, but she still wrote down these two items.

Not only that, these apparently strange items are easier to remember.

After watching it again, Li Luo turned off the electronic screen, closed his eyes, and began to recall it in his mind to deepen his memory.

She also looked at the square from time to time, guessing in her mind:

"I guess it's also working hard..."

Mo Ling dreamed of a spider fighting a shark.

The fight was very intense.

As a spectator, he cheered and cheered from the sidelines, constantly raising the fire.

The spider stood very firmly, with a few feet propped up on the rocks, and he arched his body and punched the shark hard, causing the shark's nose and face to be bruised and swollen.

The shark was unwilling to give in, rolled up the water around it, turned into a raging sharknado, and rushed towards the spider.

But the spider took its time and spit out a thread of silk.

With the help of the tornado's spiral, the spider silk tied the shark into a rice dumpling.

The shark struggled, twisted its tail, and bit wildly, but it couldn't break free of the tough spider silk.

It had no choice but to roar and start calling its friends.

A group of sharks suddenly appeared in the distance and began to attack the spider.

The spider's eight punches were no match for the sixteen, and it was difficult to parry, and he was beaten back repeatedly.

Mo Ling, who was still fighting the fire, became angry when he saw this scene.

"What a gang fight!"

He activated teleportation towards those sharks who had no martial ethics.

Seeing their companions disappear, the sharks were startled, but they still frantically attacked the spiders, and Mo Ling had no choice but to take them away one by one.

"If you want to fight, fight hard! Don't engage in group fights!"

The spider didn't waste this opportunity, he stepped forward and punched the flirting shark.

"Well done!"

Mo Ling cheered repeatedly, and in excitement, he suddenly waved his fist.

Then he punched the metal wall, waking himself up from the pain.

Covering her fists, Mo Ling rested on the bed for a long time before she recovered.

But when he turned his head to look for his electronic screen, he saw a pile of strange shark carcasses piled on the metal ground.

These sharks are very small, like toys, just scattered on the ground, motionless.

Mo Ling was stunned.

"A spider and a shark are really fighting?"

He quickly looked out and found that it was already late at night.

Li Luo had fallen into a deep sleep, and the time on the electronic screen beside him flickered.

"Three fifty."

The Tissot had entered a slow driving state at some point, and the drill bit also stopped rotating. It just drifted forward slowly with the waves, and the cabin was eerily quiet.

However, it was very lively outside the ship.

Several robot crew members are guarding the Tissot.

Some black shadows kept coming in the distance. After getting closer, Mo Ling realized that these black shadows were that kind of strange sharks.

Although they were small in size, they still rushed towards the tall robot crazily.

The robot also uses its mechanical arm to launch a special projectile to kill sharks in the distance.

Moreover, the robot's movements are very careful, and it seems that it does not dare to make too much noise.

However, battles always make sounds, and the sounds of projectiles colliding with sharks and robots firing projectiles make things around the Tissot even more lively.

Those sharks seemed to be very sensitive to sound and rushed toward the source of the sound even more crazily.

Not only that, as they got closer and closer to the source of the sound, their bodies began to expand rapidly.

After Mo Ling watched for a while, he finally understood why——

These sharks are devouring sound.

This appears to be a creature that feeds on sound, becoming more powerful the more sounds they acquire.

Therefore, the robot did not use more powerful weapons, but used this nearly silent projectile.

The Tissot also stopped sailing and entered a state of drifting.

Seeing this, Mo Ling suddenly thought of one of the precautions:

"No sound is allowed between three and four o'clock at night."

Is it because of these sound-eating sharks?

Mo Ling checked the time again. Three-fifty was indeed within this time range.

I don’t know how the Tissot attracted these sharks.

Sharks' bodies expand very quickly, and it seems that even the slightest sound can cause them to undergo drastic changes.

Fortunately, the robot's projectiles are very effective against this kind of shark, and the shark that is hit will definitely die.

When Mo Ling saw the flash of lightning when those projectiles hit the shark, he understood why those projectiles were so lethal.

Soon, the robots killed all the incoming sharks.

And the time slowly came to four o'clock.

After four o'clock, those strange sharks suddenly stopped coming, and the robot quickly returned to the ship after checking the Tissot.

After returning to the cabin, a robot began to record the incident in the Tissot's logbook:

"At half past three in the night, the hand bell in the cargo fell to the ground because it was not packaged properly. It made a noise and caused the sound shark to attack. However, during the attack, an unknown force helped the Tissot. The most powerful Several sound sharks disappeared without a trace, and the remaining sound sharks were successfully dealt with. After four o'clock, the sound sharks retreated on their own..."

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