I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 382 The Solidified Sea

The performance finally came to an end, and the Tissot slowly pushed away the waves and sailed through the sea playing beautiful music.

The radio no longer broadcast warnings from time to time and returned to calm.

The entire cabin fell silent, and there was no longer any sound except the occasional sound of the robot moving in the corridor.

The waves returned to their normal appearance, sparkling and lapping on the sea surface.

But at this time, Mo Ling could no longer look at the sea with normal eyes.

I don’t know what else is hidden under the surface of the sea, which is as clean as diamonds.

As the Tissot moved forward, Mo Ling found that the sea gradually became more and more viscous, and the Tissot's progress became slower and slower.

Not only that, the small crystals shining in the sea also began to grow larger and larger.

Because the sea water has become viscous, like silt, the traces of the Tissot sailing on the sea will not be smooth for a long time, leaving a long "scratch" behind the ship.

However, in this increasingly solidified sea, "normal" creatures began to appear.

Some small fish wandered leisurely in the shallow water, seaweed was fixed on some solidified crystals, and at the deepest point that Mo Ling could see, there were also some strange marine creatures living freely.

The sea water is obviously too viscous for living things to survive, but abnormally many unaffected creatures appear here and become "vibrant".

These creatures also have a special appearance. They are like sculptures made of glass, transparent and very delicate.

Through the transparent skin, you can see the shape of their internal organs.

The internal organs are also transparent, like balls of crystal jelly, squeezed into different shapes by the movement of the creature.

These glass creatures are completely unaffected by solidification, just like normal creatures living in the sea. They are very flexible. They were crushed by the approaching Tissot, scurrying around, swaying their tails, and fled far away.

After the shuttle moved on, Mo Ling saw some large glass creatures again.

A group of glass dolphins crossed the sea and plunged into it. They seemed to be curious about the Tissot coming from afar. While following the Tissot, they gathered around and played around. After a while, they gradually moved away.

With the decoration of these glass creatures, the sea becomes more and more lively.

However, Mo Ling still had lingering fears at this time.

Behind the beautiful symphony are the inescapable earthbound spirits. So what is behind these extremely beautiful glass creatures?

The shapes of these creatures are indistinguishable from normal creatures.

Mo Ling also saw many common fish. Except that their whole bodies became transparent, their appearance did not change in any way.

They are just like the original members of this sea, wandering freely in the shining sea of ​​diamonds:

The small mouth of a glass fish keeps opening and closing, swallowing the small crystals that can be seen everywhere in the sea water.

At this time, a glass sea snake with a huge body twisted its body and swam over, as if it wanted to sneak attack the small fish, but the stirring crystal still attracted the attention of the small fish.

The little fish immediately noticed the sea snake, quickly jumped away, and hid between two large crystals. The sea snake came to the crystal and tried it. Its huge body could not enter at all, so it could only leave in despair.

The little fish, who had survived the disaster, carefully probed his head, and when he saw that the sea snake was gone, he swam out from between the crystals with peace of mind.

However, at this moment, a thick transparent tentacle stretched out from behind, and instantly tied up the small fish tightly.

A squid that had been hiding among the crystals revealed its original appearance and quietly launched an attack.

The little fish kept struggling, but could not escape the powerful tentacles. In the end, it could only be put into the squid's mouth. Its transparent body appeared in the squid's belly, and it could be seen clearly.

After the hunt, the squid retreated again and hid among the crystals, waiting for the next prey to arrive.

Scenes like this can be seen everywhere in this sea area, no different from other vibrant sea areas.

Just changed the color.

As the Tissot moved forward, those crystals became larger and larger.

These crystals are like coral reefs, or they replace the original role of coral reefs in the sea, housing a variety of organisms.

Small marine creatures shuttle among the crystals, and some molluscs cling to the crystals, while predators swim outside the crystals in search of prey.

As the Tissot moved forward, Mo Ling was also amazed.

“What a unique ecology.”

However, this scene still made Mo Ling feel very strange.

They are obviously completely different life forms, but the ecological circles are very similar.

It's like a parody of sorts.

In other words, it is like a "mirror image" of the normal ecosystem.

Make everything transparent, and then move it over. If it's missing, just find something to replace it, and don't care if it makes sense or not.

Obviously this shining sea is very beautiful, vibrant and energetic, but the strong sense of violation made Mo Ling feel extremely uncomfortable:

The fins of the fish flapping in the thick water, and they can move forward freely.

The completely transparent predator hides behind the completely transparent crystal, but the prey turns a blind eye and falls into the trap.

It was clear that the crystal would float away as soon as it was pushed, but the huge predator stared blankly at the prey that got into the gap in the crystal, helpless.

Sometimes the wandering fish are blocked by the crystal, and sometimes they regard the crystal as air and pass directly through it.

Under the sunlight, the huge crystals in this sea area sparkle, and everything is in order.

But Mo Ling felt like he was watching a "show".

As the sea gradually solidified, the show became more and more outrageous.

Those glass creatures began to shuttle in the center of the crystal, as if the crystal did not exist.

But whenever they are chased, these creatures can use crystals as cover.

It's as if the crystals that are getting bigger and bigger are just props for some kind of performance. They are taken out when they want to be used, and they are treated as if they don't exist when not in use.

Mo Ling became more and more stunned as he watched.

"Who are you playing it for?"

And why simulate the normal ecosystem?

Mo Ling couldn't think of a suitable answer, so he could only follow the Tissot, his field of vision constantly changing, and watch the constantly confusing performance.

The Tissot's progress was also affected by the gradually larger crystals, and its speed slowed down significantly.

However, those crystals seemed to have no weight and were very fragile, like foam floating in the sea. When lightly touched by the drill bit on the bow of the ship, they turned into pieces and floated far away.

The Tissot is like a silent passer-by passing through this bustling sea.

The radio broadcast some precautions from time to time, calmly, as if everything outside had nothing to do with the inside of the ship:

"Estimated docking time: tomorrow morning, please pack your luggage in advance."

"It is forbidden to leave your room on the ship..."

"No loud noises in the room are allowed..."

"It is forbidden to throw paper balls in the room while making shooting postures..."

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