I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 383 Mirror

Early the next morning, there was a clicking sound outside the boat.

Mo Ling, who had just woken up, looked outside and saw that the Tissot was breaking the hard crystal sea like ice and moving slowly forward.

The sea has completely solidified.

The Tissot's journey seems to be coming to an end and it can no longer move forward.

Mo Ling could clearly feel that the crystals were getting harder and harder, and the Tissot's drill bit was beginning to struggle.

A long ice trail was left behind the Tissot.

However, the fragments of the crystal came together and seemed to be slowly healing.

The sea surface in the distance is like a lens, reflecting light, and the sea water has completely turned into solidified crystals.

The morning sun shines on the sea like an extremely smooth mirror.

The mirror sea reflects the entire sky and also reflects the Tissot.

Seabirds flying around everywhere are also reflected in the mirror.

But what makes Mo Ling's hair stand on end is that from the mirror, he can still see those strange glass creatures, which are still living vibrantly in the completely solidified sea water.

They are clearly reflecting the scene on the sea, but they can still be seen.

"A creature that lives in a mirror?"

Mo Ling couldn't tell whether they were real or fake at this time, he just felt weird...

At the same time, the Tissot shattered the virtual image on the mirror and continued to move forward, at a slower and slower speed.

Finally, the Tissot slowly stopped and stopped in the middle of the mirror sea.

Several mechanical arms stretched out from the hull and were fixed on the edge of the hard mirror.

After a while, the familiar mechanical broadcast sound came again:

"We have reached the deepest reach, inside the Sea of ​​Creation God."

"Passengers please be prepared to disembark and please follow the precautions to ensure personal safety."


The radio began to repeat those familiar notes.

Li Luo also picked up the things he had packed early and stood in front of the door waiting.

However, the door did not open for a long time. The robots in the corridor were busy, but no one came to open the door for Li Luo.

"Passengers, please wait a moment. The Tissot needs to be unloaded first." Just when Li Luo was about to open the door himself, a reminder came from the radio.


Are they those weird express deliveries?

Mo Ling quickly looked towards the cargo hold.

At this time, the door of the cargo compartment has been opened, and a telescopic channel extends to the mirror surface.

At the same time, the Tissot's drill was making a strange buzzing sound, very rhythmic.

"What is this doing?"

A group of robots stood in front of the passage, vigilantly guarding their surroundings.

The humming continued, maintaining a steady rhythm.

Not long after, a figure appeared at the edge of Mo Ling's vision.

It was flying towards the Tissot from the edge of the field of vision.

"What strange creatures." Mo Ling was shocked as soon as he saw their appearance clearly.

It was a vegetative person whose whole body was as red as an apple peel. His running movements were also extremely weird, swinging his arms like branches wildly, and juices flowing all over his body.

It seemed to be attracted by the buzzing sound of the Tissot and ran over quickly.

The apple man was very fast and quickly reached the edge of the Tissot.

Immediately afterwards, the way was blocked by a robot.

The Apple man was very anxious and kept looking into the cargo bay, but the tall robot moved its position, blocking its view.

The apple man was panting, and the juices on his body kept slipping.

Finally, it thought of something, took out a crystal bottle, and filled it with its spilled juice.

After the bottle was full, it capped it and handed it to the robot in front of it.

Then, he asked in broken human language: "Where is my express delivery?"

Sounding very anxious.

"Is this really express delivery?" Mo Ling was stunned as soon as he heard what the Apple man said clearly.

His guess turned out to be correct. The goods on the Tissot were actually express delivery to other races.

The robot took the apple juice and weighed it.


The robot and its companion looked at each other, then walked towards the cargo hold. Not long after, they took out a package from the cargo hold.

"For your express delivery, sign here." The robot said calmly, and then took out an electronic screen: "The signature means that you have no objection to the goods, and you are not allowed to come to us to take responsibility again."

"Okay, okay." Appleman agreed repeatedly.

Then, it drew a circle on the electronic screen with a branch, and the robot handed the package to it.

Mo Ling looked at it with some confusion.

"Shouldn't we check the delivery first?"

This Apple man seems to be a little strangely simple.

It didn't realize that it was wrong to sign first, so it happily took the package and opened it on the mirror nearby.

Soon, the contents of the package were revealed.

It was a plastic apple model.

It should be a plastic model used by humans for decoration, very inferior, but the Apple Man was holding a plastic apple with trembling hands.

It held up the plastic apple, placed it in the sun, and kept looking at it, as if it had acquired a rare and rare treasure that it couldn't put down.

"Fantasy! Fantastic thing!" Appleman exclaimed, his hands holding the plastic apple trembling.

Suddenly, it seemed to feel that its wealth should not be exposed, and immediately hid the plastic apple under its own branch.

The red plastic apple blends in with its skin, making it really hard to spot.

"As soon as you get the express delivery, leave as soon as possible." The robot said calmly to the Apple man who couldn't hide his joy.

"Okay, let's go now." The Apple Man hid his "faith item", ran in the previous direction, and disappeared again in a flash.

Mo Ling was stunned at this scene.


That plastic Apple model is a fetish to Apple people?

Could it be that human beings are taking advantage of the information gap to do some profitable business in the Sea of ​​Creation Gods?

When he was on Fish-Man Island, Mo Ling knew that humans often made deals with abyssal creatures, which was a simple way to obtain abyssal resources.

Of course, humans are a "black-hearted race."

If you can buy gold with one dollar, you will never buy it with two dollars.

By taking advantage of information gaps, you can often make a lot of money.

The transaction of exchanging lighters for gold among primitive tribes is common in the abyss, and humans are also familiar with such things.

Seeing the excited look on the Apple man's face, Mo Ling realized that maybe the Tissot's express delivery had the same effect.

The apple juice obtained in exchange is probably used for research.

I just don’t know what the Apple man is going to do with the “sacred object”.

Maybe this has something to do with the God-seeking ritual of the Sea of ​​Creation Gods.

Just as Mo Ling was thinking, another large group of figures gathered from all directions and swarmed...

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