I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 387 Seeking God

"Nothing at all."

Li Luo knelt down and looked down at the scene in the mirror.

Small glass fish were swimming around her body, jellyfish floated slowly over her head, and glass crystal bubbles flew up to the mirror surface, then burst without a trace.

There was only a curious face in the mirror, and nothing behind him.

Li Luo turned around and saw that the cube had been floating in the air and had never left. However, the existence of the cube could not be found in the huge mirror called the Sea of ​​Creation Gods.

She moved her body and looked in another direction. The place where the square in the mirror was was still empty.

"You're not in the mirror..." Li Luo said to Cube in surprise.

Mo Ling was also confused.

He hadn't noticed this phenomenon before. After Li Luo stayed away from the Tissot for a while, he realized something was wrong.

There is no shadow of the square in this mirror.

The sun shines through the place where the square should have been, and shines on the smooth mirror. This strange phenomenon happened in front of the two people.

In the sky, flocks of seabirds flew by, and the same picture appeared in the mirror. Everything on the entire Sea of ​​Creation was projected into the mirror, except for the squares.

"how so?"

Like those glass creatures that live only in mirrors, the cubes appear only in reality.

Mo Ling stared blankly for a long time, becoming more and more confused.

Just when both of them were confused, the seabirds in the sky suddenly became restless.

A seabird broke away from the group and flew downwards.

The piercing birdsong suddenly attracted Mo Ling's attention, and he quickly looked at the sky.

In the sunlight, the shadow of the seabird grew larger and larger.

"It's indeed coming this way." Mo Ling immediately became alert.

The Sea of ​​Creation God is not a safe place. The strange scenes during the previous voyage are still replayed in front of Mo Ling. He always feels that this sea is not simple.

Sure enough, as soon as the seabird approached, Mo Ling realized something was wrong.

There are no feathers or any bird structure, instead there are blocks.

That's a bird made of building blocks.

The Block Bird fell into the air, suddenly exploded into pieces, and then quickly reassembled, turning into the tall and thin Block Man that he had seen before, and then nimbly hit the mirror.

It shook itself, stood up, and stared directly at the square.

Then, it looked at the mirror again.

"There's nothing in the mirror. It's detachment! Real detachment..."

Before it could finish speaking, its body suddenly collapsed and reassembled, turning into the fat man who just apologized.

"Phew, it ran out again..." The fat man held his forehead and said fearfully.

Looking at the alert Li Luo in front of him, the fat man quickly took a few steps back.

"Sorry, we didn't mean any harm."

Li Luo still didn't let down his guard and put his hand on the end of the purple hand rope.

"What do you want to do?"

Faced with Li Luo's questioning, Fatty Jimu waved his hands repeatedly: "Nothing, we just want to ask, will you sell this relic?"

It pointed carefully at the square.

"Not for sale." Li Luo didn't hesitate at all and directly rejected the fat man's request.

This decisive attitude made the fat man speechless for a moment, unable to speak.

"We can meet any of your requirements." The fat man slowly took out various relics from the blocks on his body.

"These are very powerful relics, and they can all be exchanged..."

"No change." Li Luo interrupted the fat man directly.

The fat man held the relics and was stunned: "Let me introduce to you the functions of these relics. They can be used as family treasures in some races..."

"No introduction is needed, I won't change." Li Luo once again bluntly rejected the fat man's request.

"Why do you want to exchange such a precious treasure for my relics? Doesn't that mean that my relics are worth more than your treasures? If this is really the case, then why should I exchange it with you?"

Li Luo's logical words made Fatty freeze again.

It could only put away those "babies" in embarrassment.

"That's not the case. The divine object may not be the one with the highest value, but it must be the most suitable one." The fat man looked at the cube in the air: "This is the most suitable one."

"Is this your first time coming to the Sea of ​​Creation Gods?" Fatty asked Li Luo.

Of course Li Luo didn't answer this question, which sounded very suspicious.

Seeing that Li Luo remained silent, Fatty sighed.

"That should be the case. If you have spent some time in the Sea of ​​Creation Gods, you will know these things."

Fatty kept a distance from Li Luo and said to himself:

"If we who seek God's help want to seek divine help, we must find a divine object to attract God's attention. The divine object can be anything, it may be a broken crystal on the roadside, or it may be some kind of rare treasure... "

"But only we who seek God know what is most suitable. This relic of yours is the divine relic that we think is most suitable."

It looked at the square with yearning on its face.

"How do you know it's the most suitable?" Li Luo asked.

"Of course I know, this is the God we are searching for..." Fatty replied quickly.

It can be seen that Li Luo still looked unbelieving. The fat man thought for a while and started to explain again:

"Let me give you an example. I understand human culture. You humans also worship gods. When you go to worship gods, should you bring fruit? Or should you bring a basketball?"

"Not necessarily." Li Luo replied: "Some gods like fruits, and some gods like basketball."

When the fat man heard Li Luo's answer, he scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Humans still have gods who like basketball? It seems that my understanding of human culture is not deep enough... But this can also be explained."

"But what I mean is that this is what worshiping gods means. You have to know what the god you worship likes."

"Is it fruit? Or basketball? Or something else."

"When civilization formed the cultural symbol of God, it must also have stipulated God's preferences. This is all based on evidence, because the image of God originally comes from reality, and he will naturally be attached to real things."

“As God-seekers, of course we know God’s preferences and we are very clear about what God wants.”

"That's why we are so sure that it is the most suitable thing."

With that said, the fat man pointed at the square again.

But its words and actions made Li Luo even more defensive.

"I won't let you use it to worship gods, let alone sell it to you. You can find something else." Li Luo still did not change her attitude. She walked to the square and stood firmly with him. together.

Fatty looked helplessly between Li Luo and Cube for a while.

"We have been searching for a long time, but we have never found anything suitable. Without divine objects, we cannot ask God, and God will not even pay attention to us..."

While it was complaining of its pain, the block on its chest suddenly burst, and a head suddenly pushed open its chest and came out.

He was the tall and thin man from before.

"Don't talk to her so much! As long as divine objects exist, gods will definitely appear. That is true transcendence! All we have to do is follow!"

The fat man quickly stuffed the nonsense head in, and then smiled awkwardly:

"Although it keeps getting sick, it's true. I'll just follow you..."

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