I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 386 Building Block Man

"It is an extremely standard, extremely regular cube. Outside the entire world, but also within the world, it has a space that encompasses everything, and it also has a vision that transcends space..."

Following the Brick Man's words, the picture on the electronic screen continued to change, and finally turned into a square, old-fashioned TV.

A standard cube, the entire world is within the TV screen, wrapping everything.

The simulated cartoon building block man saw the changing world through this TV.

“The space that envelops everything also has a vision that transcends space.”

This TV can meet all the requirements of building blocks.

The Brick Man's eyes also lit up and he stared at the TV for a long time.

"This is a color simulation technology that can convert electrical signals into pictures, right?" As it looked at it, it suddenly asked such a question in a standard broadcasting tone.

Hearing this, the robot was also stunned: "You are right, this is indeed the principle."

"A very clever use, but this is probably not what I want." The brick man looked at the electronic screen and said seriously: "What I want is true detachment."

"Then we may not have such a thing." The robot replied: "Only relics can meet your requirements."

The Block Man was also very disappointed: "There is no way, our gods have very high requirements for divine objects. I have been looking for it for a long time, but I haven't found anything suitable."

The building block man continued to describe the appearance of the divine object to the electronic screen, but he still did not get satisfactory results.

Until it saw Li Luo who had just gotten off the boat.

Its eyes were instantly fixed on the square behind Li Luo, and it was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the Brick Man took a lunge and wanted to rush forward, but was stopped by the robot.

"What do you want to do?" Seeing the strange movements of the Brick Man, all the robots picked up their weapons.

"There! There!"

The Brick Man's tone suddenly became excited, no longer as calm as at the beginning.

It pointed at the block, and the blocks all over its body were shaking.

"That's the divine thing I want. I've been looking for it for a long time!"

The robot looked back and directly rejected its request.

"That won't work."

"Why not? Can't everything be traded?" The brick man panicked.

"That item already has an owner, we don't own it," the robot explained.

"Has a master?" The Block Man couldn't believe this fact: "How could there be a master? How could a truly transcendent person have a master?"

It covered its head and seemed to be having an ideological struggle.

"As long as it is true detachment, there will be no master. If there is a master, it will not be true detachment, but that is true detachment, so there will be no master, and that is not a master!"

"You're lying to me!"

The bricks all over its body were shaking, and colorful lights shone out from the gaps, and it looked like it was about to explode.

Seeing this situation, all the robots quickly retreated and protected Li Luo.

Li Luo, who had just gotten off the boat, was also stunned.

"what happened?"

"Someone wants to hurt you, so you hide behind us first." The robot on the side explained.

Although Li Luo didn't know the situation, he still hid behind obediently.

The light on the building block man became more and more intense, and the building blocks shook faster and faster, almost to the point of falling apart.

Finally, with a crackling sound, all the bricks in the Brick Man's body were shattered and scattered on the ground.

Colorful building blocks are piled on the mirror-like ground.

All the robots were on guard, and those races that were still in line stayed far away, as if the danger still existed.

Sure enough, the building blocks on the mirror began to shake again.

Immediately afterwards, he started to build it by himself in full view of everyone.


Before long, the scattered building blocks formed another building block man.

It's just that the appearance of this brick man has completely changed, and the original arrangement of the bricks has also been disrupted.

At this time, standing in front of everyone was a fat and naive building block man.

It moved its body first, and then looked around again.

"Alas, we're in trouble again..." it sighed helplessly.

The voice is also different. The accent of this fat brick man is like that of a slick businessman.

It looked at the robot, which was still vigilant, and raised its hand:

"I'm sorry, my kindred spirit is a little too extreme. It has always had this character and is easily agitated."

Seeing that the Brick Man returned to normal, the robot slowly walked towards it.

"What happened just now?" the robot asked, still pointing its weapon at it.

"That's a member of my race. There's something wrong with its brain. It's easy to get into trouble and then collapse. It's so nagging that we don't want to let it out. I'm sorry..."

The fat brick man rubbed his hands and kept apologizing.

“If you don’t trade, leave as soon as possible,” the robot warned.

"Yes, yes, excuse me." The fat brick man took a few steps back, made a few strange moves towards other races hiding in the distance, and then quickly fled the scene.

"What is it doing?" Li Luo asked curiously when he saw those movements.

"When apologizing, each race's apology method is different. It understands the etiquette of those races." The robot beside him explained: "In the Sea of ​​Creation Gods, there are many benefits to being familiar with the cultures of other races."

Li Luo nodded. The brick man raised his hands and bowed. He could also speak human language fluently and seemed to be very familiar with human culture.

Li Luo didn't hear the Block Man's previous conversation, so of course he didn't know what happened.

But Mo Ling could see clearly that the brick man wanted to get the cube.

Not only that, even when the fat brick man left, he glanced in this direction from time to time, obviously unwilling to do so.

What the brick man said before when he was about to collapse also confused Mo Ling.

"Real detachment?"

Why does it think that the cube is truly transcendent?

Mo Ling has been locked up in this metal cube for so long, and he has never felt "detached".

Some, there is only endless depression.

No matter how big the block is, he is just in a cage from which he cannot escape.

"Where does the detachment come from?"

Mo Ling still felt that the TV was more in line with the building block man's requirements.

In any case, this was just a small episode. The Brick Man's explosion did not hurt anyone. After it left, the abyssal creatures that had escaped from a distance gathered back and continued to line up.

The robot also took back its weapon and continued the transaction.

"You are ready to go, be careful on the road and pay attention to safety."


Li Luo nodded to the robot and walked towards the depths of the Sea of ​​Creation Gods.

The figure of the girl was reflected in the smooth mirror beneath her feet, surrounded by wandering glass creatures.

But the mirror under the cube was empty...

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