I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 385 Trading of fetishes

Loach happily left the Tissot.

Ten pieces of fallen fish scales can be exchanged for a magical object. Who wouldn't want to do such a deal?

Mo Ling was also stunned.

The transaction of the Tissot is too practical for the creatures of the Sea of ​​Creation. There is no sky-high asking price. The price of the transaction is different according to different races. It is no wonder that those creatures are willing to abide by human rules.

"So, is the electronic screen just an online mall?" Mo Ling thought of the conversation between Loach and the electronic screen, and it always felt like déjà vu. This is online shopping that humans are very familiar with.

An online mall that can simulate items according to customer requirements can intelligently match the strange requirements of those abyssal races and select suitable items.

So no matter how you ask, you can find the items you want. Even if these items are extremely abstract, they can still be produced at human production levels.

This is the gap in technology.

"I just don't know why those creatures really regard the purchased items as 'divine objects'."

Moreover, Mo Ling didn't know the functions of those divine objects.

While thinking about it, the queue outside the Tissot was getting shorter and shorter.

There are fewer and fewer couriers in the cargo hold, and most of them have been delivered to their owners.

Most of the creatures still queuing up at this time are placing orders.

A creature with oil stains all over its body, like a piece of garbage, squirmed in front of the robot and twisted towards the robot, not knowing what to express.

But the robot was very calm. It scanned the garbage creature and quickly understood what it meant.

The robot placed the electronic screen in front of the garbage creature, and a similar garbage creature appeared on it and began to twist.

"It's some kind of action language." Mo Ling quickly understood their communication method.

The garbage creature squirmed and asked the robot for its fetish.

The robot relayed its request to the online mall:

"The terrifying spikes can puncture the bubble of thought. They are infinitely hard, but also infinitely soft. They are extremely stinky, but also extremely delicious. They are garbage that is denied by others, but they are also the most precious fruit of life... "

When describing this divine object, the garbage creature acted extremely exaggeratedly, its whole body kept twisting, and even the garbage on it fell to the ground.

The robot translated for him unhurriedly, and also helped it pick up the garbage and stuff it back into its body.

The simulated products on the electronic screen also slowly changed, and finally one appeared


The garbage creature looked at the durian, a little confused, and started to twist towards the robot again.

The robot looked at it seriously, and after understanding what it meant, it gestured to its companion beside it.

The companion hurried back to the boat and came to the galley.

Not long after, his companion came back carrying a durian.

The garbage creature looked at the durian from a distance and was still very calm. But when the durian came closer and it smelled the unique smell, its body straightened up.

It suddenly became excited and wanted to rush towards the durian, but was stopped by the robot.

The robot pointed at some pieces of trash on its body.

The garbage creature immediately understood what the robot meant, pulled out these pieces of garbage, and placed them neatly on the ground.

Seeing that the garbage creature was so understanding, the robot waved his hand and asked his companion to send the durian over.

Just like that, the garbage creature shook a few times with excitement, hugged the durian, and twisted away.

The transaction went very smoothly, and the robot quickly collected the pieces of garbage.

This time, the order was not placed through the online mall, but the transaction was still completed.

"It seems that the transaction is not so rigid."

Soon, the robot starts to receive the next "customer".

Gradually, Mo Ling discovered that the robot would also take some items from the ship for on-site transactions.

Their purpose is only to obtain the resources in the hands of those abyssal creatures, and they don't care what kind of transaction method is used.

The line grew shorter and shorter, and a long time passed.

At this time, Li Luo couldn't wait any longer. He lay on the porthole and looked at the strange creatures below.

Just then, the broadcast rang again:

"Unloading is complete, passengers please wait in the room for a while..."

Not long after, a robot appeared outside the door and slowly opened the door.

"You've been waiting for a long time. Please follow me off the boat."

The person who came was none other than the robot who welcomed Li Luo onto the ship.

Somehow, after having the experience of Paradise Island, Mo Ling seemed to be able to tell the difference between these robots.

Obviously they all look exactly the same, but there are subtle differences in tone of voice and personality habits, and Mo Ling can recognize them immediately.

"Okay." Li Luo checked his luggage and quickly followed the robot.

"Are those races outside dangerous?" she asked curiously.

"If you can communicate, it's not very dangerous. There is safety near the Tissot. But if you continue to move deeper into the Sea of ​​Creation Gods, you will encounter some races that cannot communicate and are unreasonable."

Li Luo nodded, thoughtfully.

"Then after passing the Sea of ​​Creation God, how long will it take to reach the fourth level of the Abyss?" she continued to ask.

"We still have to pass through a few islands." The robot replied: "However, there is a direct passage to the fourth floor inside the Sea of ​​Creation Gods."

"Really?" Li Luo was a little surprised: "What passage?"

"God-seeking passages. When those abyssal races pray for divine help, they will accidentally open some passages directly leading to the fourth floor. Some are very dangerous and may not be found. It is recommended that you follow the normal path." The robot advised.

Li Luo also nodded and agreed, but this method was still remembered in her heart.

"If you want to cross the Sea of ​​Creation Gods, I suggest you choose to bypass the central area, which will be safer."


Li Luo's electronic screen also had a map of the Sea of ​​Creation left behind by the machine. During the past few days on the ship, she had become familiar with this map several times. When the robot said this, several paths automatically appeared in her mind. .

Soon, the two of them walked to the cargo hold and walked down the telescopic passage.

Apart from the Tissot, there are also some races that are "placing orders".

These were probably the races that were attracted by the Tissot's signal later, so they lined up at the back of the queue.

The creature that was placing the order at this time was made up of colorful building blocks. It had a slender body and was more than two meters tall, like a tall and thin building block man.

It was scratching its head with its long arms and looking at the electronic screen in front of it in confusion.

"This is wrong, I don't want so many colors."

The extremely standard human language came from the mouth of the building block man.

He even has a broadcasting voice that is more standard than most humans.

At this time, there was a colorful Rubik's Cube on the electronic screen.

After hearing the Brick Man's words, the electronic screen changed and turned into a yellow sponge square.

The Brick Man stared at the screen for a long time, then shook his head.

"It's not this color, it's the kind of color that can wrap everything in the world."

The electronic screen changed again, becoming as colorful as a TV screen.

"It's still not right..."

The Brick Man was also a little frustrated.

The robot on the side looked at it and reminded: "You can be more precise. If it is not specific enough, we will not be able to find the magical object you want."

The Brick Man shook his head: "I don't know how to express it specifically, I just know... it exists."

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