I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 384 Your express delivery has arrived

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Mo Ling would never have believed that such a scene really existed:

A group of abyssal creatures lined up to receive express delivery.

"Where's my delivery?"

"Sign here."


These abyssal creatures may be ferocious or weird, but they all abide by the rules of the Tissot and obtain their express delivery.

After receiving the express delivery, most of them couldn't wait to open it on the mirror nearby.

After seeing what was inside, they were all shaking with excitement.

These races that receive express delivery do not all speak human languages, but the robots can speak the languages ​​of their respective races skillfully.

To a machine, a new language is just a new piece of data.

Although the queue was very long and the races behind them had to wait for a long time, no one dared to cause trouble. They all followed a strange rule and moved forward slowly and leisurely.

This is not the same as the Sea of ​​Creation Gods that Mo Ling guessed.

The scenes of racial conflicts in the machine information did not appear, and the queue was actually very orderly.

Mo Ling looked more and more weird.

"Is this a rule set by humans?"

However, this is understandable. These races queuing up all want to obtain divine objects from the Tissot. Anyone who causes trouble will immediately become the target of public criticism. No race would be so stupid.

"Once the interests are aligned, it is easy to form a consensus, and then rules will begin to be formed to safeguard common interests."

The Tissot used this kind of benefit to tie up all the races present.

It can not only obtain the resources of the abyss, but also ensure safety, killing two birds with one stone.

Perhaps, after humans came to the Sea of ​​Creation Gods, there was an additional rule in the Sea of ​​Creation Gods:

"Every once in a while, a ship carrying divine objects will appear. No race is allowed to attack the ship and can only trade with the ship..."

This rule will slowly spread throughout the Sea of ​​Creation as different races communicate, and gradually become a consensus.

Thinking of this, Mo Ling couldn't help but admire the predecessors who made the decision to "trade in the Sea of ​​Creation Gods".

Looking at the abyssal races dancing with human objects, Mo Ling couldn't help but sigh again at the wisdom of the "black-hearted race".

In this way, the express delivery on the Tissot was taken away one by one.

The "gods" these races want are all different and weird, and they don't know what to do with them.

There were also some who seemed to be a new race who had never experienced trading, but they were also attracted by the buzz of the Tissot and looked at the long queue in a daze.

"Can I trade a divine item?"

A strange race that looked like an upright loach, with black ink stains on its skin that kept twisting, lined up and came to the robot and asked in broken human language.

Its sound is like the call of a bullfrog, calm and rich.

The robot seemed to have experienced this scene many times, and handed an electronic screen to Loach.

"Look at it and describe the fetish you want."

The loach's fat little fins trembled, but it couldn't reach the electronic screen. The robot had to use a mechanical arm to hold the electronic screen in front of it.

"Thank you." Loach thanked politely.

"You can start describing." The robot reminded again.


Loach thought for a while and began his description:

"The divine object is sparkling..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a ball of light appeared on the electronic screen.

"It's round..."

The ball of light on the screen remains unchanged.

"Can accommodate all the filth in the world..."

"It is pure and flawless, with God's runes engraved on it, and all the scenes of the world can be seen in it, including tangible mountains, invisible water, visible rainbows, and unstoppable winds..."

"The palace of God is located there, suppressing all evil..."

Following Loach's words, the picture on the electronic screen began to change. The original light ball slowly expanded, twisted, and deformed...

Finally it became a porcelain bowl commonly used at home.

Under the rays of light, the white porcelain walls sparkle.

In the center of the porcelain bowl, there is a landscape painting.

Visible mountains, invisible water, visible rainbows, intangible winds, palaces of gods... everything is there.

"Is this what you're looking for?"

A gentle female voice came from the electronic screen.

The loach looked at the beautiful porcelain bowl and was stunned, its fins kept shaking.

"Can it contain all the filth in the world?" Loach stared at the porcelain bowl on the screen and asked curiously.

"Sorry, I can't understand what you mean at the moment. What do you mean by dirty?" the female voice asked.

"It's just...like mud..." Loach was also confused by the question on the electronic screen.

"Of course!" the female voice suddenly replied.

Immediately afterwards, the picture on the electronic screen changed again.

A cartoon loach was simulated on the electronic screen. It directly picked up the porcelain bowl and came to a swamp. As soon as the porcelain bowl was dug, it was instantly filled with a bowl full of mud.

Loach looked at the scene on the electronic screen and was stunned.

Then, it suddenly became excited:

"I want this! I want this!"

The small fins on both sides of the loach's body kept dancing, and it hurriedly looked at the robot beside it.

"Just tell her." The robot pointed at the electronic screen and said.

"Okay!" Loach approached the electronic screen again and said politely: "I want this, I want this."

"Are you sure?" the female voice asked softly.

"Sure, sure." Loach replied quickly.

"Okay, now I will place an order for you to produce. Thank you for your support. I hope you will often visit Yuanxin Online Mall. AI intelligent matching simulation will help you find the most suitable 'baby' for you. If you are not satisfied during the shopping process For places, please contact: 500…”

The female voice on the electronic screen was still announcing, and the robot suddenly retracted the electronic screen.

"Okay, next time we come here, we will bring you the magical item you want. Remember to pick up the express in time. It doesn't matter if you can't make it. You can do it later." The robot turned off the electronic screen and said to Loach.

"Okay..." Loach's excitement has not yet calmed down, and his tone suddenly became cautious: "What kind of price do I need to provide?"

The robot's eyes examined the loach, and a dazzling red light swept across its body.

Seeing this, Loach became more and more nervous and took a step back in fear.

"Does it cost a lot to exchange for a sacred object?" It asked cautiously with its fat little fins attached to its body.

The robot didn't speak, and still looked at it coldly, while the red light continued to shine on it.

Seeing this, Loach was ready to take a step back.

"Don't move." The robot's cold voice made it freeze in place.

Just like that, it was trembling and being scanned by the robot for a long time.

Finally, the red light disappeared.

The robot picked up the electronic screen again and displayed something strange on it.

It was a white piece, like a shell, but it was covered with black ink stains.

What is strange is that the black ink is still swimming and changing, sometimes chaotic, sometimes changing into regular patterns.

"Is this something from your race?"

"Yes." Loach looked at the electronic screen and nodded.

"What race are you?"

"The Black Loach Clan."

"Can you find this?"

Loach gave the robot a strange look: "Of course, these are the fish scales we shed."

Hearing Loach's answer, the robot nodded and spoke again:

"Ten fish scales, exchange for the sacred object, bring it next time."

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