I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 388 The quarrel between the building blocks

Li Luo took the cube and walked alone on the empty mirror, her lonely shadow reflected in the mirror.

She looked back from time to time. Not far behind her, a fat man made of building blocks was arguing with another head on his body.

"You can just grab the transcendence. Transcendence does not belong to anyone. It belongs to whomever it is in!"

The thin man's head kept coming out of the fat man's body, encouraging him.

"We have so many relics, how can we deal with just a human being?"

The fat man kept stuffing his head back into his body.

It sighed and advised: "This is immoral."

"How can there be any morality in the Sea of ​​Creation Gods! We have been here for so long, and we have seen all kinds of races. You have also seen those creatures that regard death as the highest ritual, nor the creatures that regard dirt as sacred. No, you are still here talking about 'morality' to me?"

The fat man listened to Tou Shou's words and was silent for a while before he replied seriously: "Morality has nothing to do with others, it is a scale in my own heart. If I think it is wrong, I will not do it. There is no problem with it." Bar?"

When the head heard these words, it was also stunned. It did not continue to mess with the fat man and allowed the fat man to stuff it back.

After a while, the head came out again.

"That's detachment! Is morality really that important?" It seemed to be asking the fat man, but also seemed to be talking to itself.

"What do you think?" Fatty asked directly.

"Oh, indecisive! Indecisive!" The head cursed angrily and then retreated.

The fat man finally breathed a sigh of relief and continued to follow Li Luo.

Ever since it decided to follow Li Luo, it had been like this, keeping a distance from Li Luo, and then quarreling with the head on its body from time to time.

The two of them often have different opinions, but the fat man always has the advantage, and in the end, the fat man wins.

However, the fat man was also very tired from being tortured by his head.

Li Luo is also very wary of unstable factors behind her. She has already worn a translator. As long as she hears anything detrimental to her, she will launch an attack in advance.

But fortunately, Fatty had been able to suppress his crazy head and would not do anything dangerous to her.

Amidst the bickering behind him, Li Luo also heard some information about the Sea of ​​Creation Gods:

"How long do you want to follow? What if she walks out of the sea of ​​creation gods and the gods don't notice her?" The head came out and urged.

"Didn't you say that God would definitely appear?" the fat man asked.

“What if God is sleeping?”

"Does God still sleep?"

"Why not? We all sleep, and God will definitely do the same!" The head said decisively: "So it is safer to get the transcendence. How about you do it now? I think she seems to have no defense now."

Hearing these words, Li Luo's fists clenched instantly.

"Alas." Fatty sighed helplessly again. The head always tried every means to encourage it to attack humans.

"The Sea of ​​Creation Gods is so big. As long as the divine objects are there, the gods will definitely appear. Please stop trying to persuade me." Fatty said depressedly.

"You don't have any courage at all! Are you worthy of being a God-seeker? The opportunity is right in front of you, but you are hesitant. God sees your attitude and might as well continue to sleep!"

"Look at other people who seek God. They are both offering sacrifices and worshiping. They will do whatever it takes to get God to come. Only in this way can they express their sincerity. No wonder others can ask for God, but you can only wander around on this sea of ​​creation every day! "

"After wasting so much time here, if it were me, I would have obtained the transcendence long ago! Now I might even be negotiating terms with God! Indecisive! Indecisive!"

The head began to get excited again, torturing the fat man continuously.

The fat man stuffed it into his body, and it came out from other places, insisting on finishing his words, and finally even started playing whack-a-mole with the fat man.

The head seemed to never finish talking, and kept provoking the fat man with examples of other God-seekers.

Finally, the fat man couldn't bear it anymore and stopped paying attention to the heads appearing everywhere.

"How about I release you and you go grab it?"

Upon hearing this, the head shut up and buried itself.

"I'm not going, I want you to go."

The fat man was immediately angry and laughed: "You said so much, but you don't want to go yourself?"

"This is immoral." The head directly borrowed Fatty's words.

"Isn't it true that the Sea of ​​Creation Gods has no morals?"

"I have!"

The head choked in dissatisfaction. After that, it realized that it was wrong, got into the blocks, and never appeared again.

The bickering behind him finally stopped, and Li Luo's tense heartstrings relaxed.

She now roughly understands that the two consciousnesses in the building block man will not do anything out of the ordinary.

However, Li Luo was still very confused in his heart about what kind of god the Jiujiu people called him and what his intentions were towards the cube.

She looked at the squares beside her, her eyes full of worry.

Mo Ling also kept listening to the bickering of the Brick Man behind him.

As they continued to quarrel, Mo Ling discovered that he was slowly able to understand the language of the Brick Man.

They make a "click-click" sound, like the collision of different building blocks, which is very rhythmic.

Different senses of rhythm represent different meanings, which will change according to the mood of the brick user. It seems to be more important to express the user's emotions than to express the meaning. It is a very peculiar language.

Mo Ling was also shocked. For some reason, he could clearly understand the specific meaning of this language.

Moreover, he was able to understand the source of the sound of those blocks colliding.

The sounds of different building blocks colliding are different:

When the flaky building blocks collide with each other, they will make a dull sound.

The sound of strip blocks colliding with each other will be crisper.

The collision of irregular trapezoidal building blocks and polygonal building blocks will produce their own unique friction sounds. Although it is very subtle, you can still notice the difference if you listen carefully...

The overlapping of building blocks is regular. Bar-shaped building blocks cannot be placed on top of triangular building blocks, because it will cause imbalance and cause the collapse of the building block structure.

And this "building block language" also has the same syntax. Only bar collisions can be followed by triangle collisions, but triangle collisions cannot be followed by bar collisions. This is the rule of this language.

The collision sounds of these different building blocks can eventually form different "building block sentences" to express different meanings.

For some reason, the origin of this language slowly emerged in Mo Ling's mind, as if he had really learned this peculiar language structure.

This feeling of being self-taught made Mo Ling feel very strange.

"Is the cube really related to their god?"

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