I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 396 Accelerated Destruction

"Can't stop..."

The rotation of the vortex could no longer be stopped, and Mo Ling could only watch everything in the outside world changing rapidly.

Changes in the sea, melting glaciers, earth drift...

Those tiny marine creatures crawled from the ocean to land, and their limbs became longer and longer, forming a unique civilization.

Development, war, development... until it dies and becomes the nourishment of the earth.

The devastated and collapsed land caused by the war took countless days and nights before new green shoots sprouted. In the blink of an eye, it became a big tree in the sky, and in an instant it was cut down by the new race and made into weapons.

It's the same war and death again.

The cycle of life is insignificant outside the whirlpool of time.

Those civilizations that claimed to be advanced and powerful also turned into dust in the struggle.

From birth to death, it only takes a blink of an eye.

The vortex is getting faster and faster...

Before I knew it, it was getting dark.

It's not that night has arrived, but that the originally blazing yellow fireball in the sky has turned into a dim red and expanded to an extremely huge size.

The entire sky was covered in red, but Mo Ling could feel that its life had come to an end.

As soon as this thought came out, the red giant star quickly collapsed and shrank into a small ball that emitted dim white light.

"white dwarf."

Under the rapid rotation of the vortex, even the changes in the stars became fleeting fireworks. The yellow ball of light that was just in its prime was now a weak star skeleton.

The light is getting weaker and weaker, the temperature is getting lower and lower, and the star skeleton is cooling down at an accelerated rate.

After a while, the lights went out, as if someone pressed a switch, and the whole world fell into darkness and coldness, and you couldn't see your fingers.

All that was left around Mo Ling was the constantly rotating whirlpool and the stiff rocks that followed closely.

Dead silence, the destruction of stars represents the death of life.

The traces of civilization are quickly disappearing, and the remaining lives are constantly withering. The earth has lost all vitality and is completely dead.


Before Mo Ling could recover, changes happened again.

The planet is broken...

It shattered into meaningless pieces of stone, floating aimlessly in the cold space.

The entire vortex was also thrown into the endless universe.

The silence of the universe is a bit scary. There is no reassuring sound of water flow, and there is no package of sand. I have lost all support and can only roam with the current.

Mo Ling just drifted in the universe and gave up thinking.

After witnessing the reincarnation of civilization and the destruction of the planet, nothing seems important anymore.

He is turning into a stone.

Until, a voice woke him up:

"Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

When Mo Ling heard the familiar voice, he quickly looked around and found that the source of the sound was a stiff rock on the edge of the whirlpool.

The original kind-hearted insect has now become a kind-hearted stone.

"I feel so empty and scared."

Mo Ling told it her true feelings.

After witnessing the demise of everything, Mo Ling only felt endless emptiness.

In their limited lives, they could have floated freely in the sea, hunted delicious shrimps, floated to the surface to bask in the sun, and chased and frolicked with their companions in underwater canyons...

But now, everything seems to be meaningless.

Since the end of everything is destruction, why does it still exist?

"Me too." The Good Heart Stone was floating beside Mo Ling and he said helplessly: "Many of my companions are the same. Some of them have completely stopped thinking and turned into stone."

Mo Ling looked around and found that many of the dead rocks were no longer alive and were just spinning in whirlpools, no different from those scattered meteorites.

Good Heart Stone murmured in pain: "I don't know, the end of petrification is actually like this..."

“Is our choice to slow down really the right choice?”

It is not only asking itself, but also asking Moling.

The whirlpool floats in the endless universe, and the super galaxy cluster in the distance bursts into flames and dims instantly.

Mo Ling didn't know how to answer Haoxinshi's question. He only knew:

"We missed a lot."

Those fleeting things should be the meaning of their lives.

Delicious shrimp, soft water, warm sunshine...

But after speeding up, all was missed and could never be undone.

"Can we go back?" Good Heart Stone asked painfully.

"Time will not go back..." Mo Ling said in a daze.

The Good Heart Stone was silent until it circled the edge of the whirlpool several times before speaking again:

"Why can't you go backwards? You can definitely do it, right? You are the most talented one among us. We have been following your footsteps and learning everything from you."

"You created the petrified whirlpool, and the entire tribe depends on you for existence."

"You are our God!"

Good Heart Stone said to Mo Ling expectantly.

This sentence suddenly triggered Mo Ling's memories.


He suddenly remembered the reason why he was here.

"What is the god of stiff stone?"

Is it the eyes that are everywhere at the place where gods are worshiped?

Or those scattered petrified dust?

Mo Ling didn't know.

He looked at Good Heart Stone and asked seriously: "What do you think God is?"

"It's you." Good Heart Stone replied without hesitation.

"But I can't turn back time, nor can I fulfill your wishes. The vortex will only spin faster and faster, and I can no longer control it." Mo Ling said helplessly.

Mo Ling understood what Good Heart Stone expected, but he really couldn't do it.

Dust can only change the flow rate of time, but cannot turn back time.

"I am not your god."

He came to Zongshi's world inexplicably and experienced everything that Zongshi had experienced. Although he felt the same, he was really powerless.

If you miss it, you just miss it and there is no way to recover it.

Good Heart Stone wanted to argue something, but suddenly got stuck.

The empty universe is cold and cold, and even my thoughts are much calmer.

"I shouldn't have asked so much of you..." Good Heart Stone suddenly apologized to Mo Ling: "You are just like us, you just walk faster."

He said with some relief: "I actually envy you. I remember when I just rescued you, you didn't even know what petrification was, and you even wanted me to teach you about hunting."

"But in the blink of an eye, you created a whirlpool that perfectly petrified the entire tribe. I can only stay at the edge of the whirlpool, marveling at your amazing achievements."

"But you are indeed not a god..."

Good Heart Stone calmed down completely.

It followed the vortex to the center and floated quietly next to Mo Ling.

The two stones just looked at the star cluster in the distance, like the giant net that was once on the bottom of the sea, and the dancing cantilevers were like the flocculent structures swinging on the giant net. Everything seemed familiar.

"If there is a real god, he will definitely not be here." Good Heart Stone suddenly said.


"He should...have transcended a long time ago."

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