I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 397 A performance

Mo Ling was a little lost in thought when he heard the familiar words.


"Yes, transcendence. God should not exist in this world. He may just watch us quietly, as if watching a performance, and of course he will not lend a helping hand to us."

The Good Heart Stone rolled up a grain of dust, causing the dust to float back and forth in the void, as if dancing.

Seeing this, Mo Ling also rolled up a particle of dust and joined the dance.

Slowly, there are more and more dusts, and they have their own world, their own identity, and their own story.

"We are gods to these dusts, right?" Good Heart Stone said as he looked at the dancing dust.

"God will only watch and won't give us any help, just like we won't give any gifts to these dust..."

Mo Ling looked at the dust, a little absent-mindedly.

"A gift?"

On a sudden thought, he took out a can of Coke from the cube and threw it into the dust.

The vacuum environment caused the Coke can to burst instantly, and the black liquid poured out, completely soaking the dust.

"What is this?" Good Heart Stone looked at the red jar that suddenly appeared and asked in surprise.

"This is a gift from God to them." Mo Ling looked at the exploding Coke can and felt heartbroken. He forgot that it was in a vacuum.

He felt a little guilty for wasting food.

Looking at the coke that was still spilling, Mo Ling quickly put the can away again.

"Disappeared again!" Good Heart Stone couldn't understand what happened and exclaimed: "What on earth is that thing?"

Before Mo Ling could answer its question, he saw the star cluster in the distance twitching.

"what happened?"

He looked towards the star cluster and found that the rotation of the star cluster actually went backwards for a certain distance.

And the Good Heart Stone didn't know when it had returned to the edge of the whirlpool.

At this time, it asked Mo Ling painfully:

"Can we go back?"

Mo Ling was stunned. Didn't this happen just now?

Could it be that we have really turned back time? How is this triggered?

"If you give Coca-Cola to Dust, will it trigger time travel?"

An absurd conjecture appeared in his mind, and he immediately denied it.

Mo Ling quickly looked into the cube. It turned out that when he just took back the Coke can, he brought some dust in.

"Is it because I transported the dust that I went back in time?"

When he thought of this, Mo Ling quickly looked at the dust surrounding him.

"Can we go back?" Good Heart Stone asked again painfully.

"I can come back, but I may not be able to come back completely." Mo Ling gave it an ambiguous answer.

While Haoxinshi was still in a daze, Mo Ling collected some of the dust into the cube.

In an instant, the collapsed fragments of the planet were completely restored. The vortex stayed quietly on the original high mountain. A red giant hung in the sky. The life on the planet was at the end of withering.

"Successful." Mo Ling was overjoyed.

He quickly understood everything: the teleportation not only eliminated the dust, but also eliminated the "deceleration" of the dust.

If the original time flow rate ratio was "1:10000", the current flow rate ratio is "1:9998", because the dust has decreased and the slowing effect of the vortex has also become weaker.

Mo Ling also didn't expect that the change in flow rate ratio would actually cause time to go backwards.

"It's like that part of the dust didn't exist in the first place."

Mo Ling couldn't figure out why there was such a strange phenomenon, but this was an opportunity for him to undo everything the Zongshi clan had experienced.

Thinking of this, Mo Ling continued to move the dust.

The diffuse dust looked like a lot, but in fact the density was not high. When piled in the square, it could only form a small pile. Mo Ling quickly transported part of the dust in the vortex to the square.

The sun outside has completely recovered, and civilization has resurrected from death, from advanced to backward, and finally turned into a beast without wisdom.

Towering trees turned into buds, rainwater returned to dark clouds, and the earth dried up again...

Everything was going backwards, but Moring was very happy, it was exactly what he wanted.

Mo Ling kept moving the dust until the whirlpool completely fell into the sea and returned to the sea area covered with petrified dust. Mo Ling stopped.

"There is no room for the cubes..."

There was too much dust in the maelstrom, and Mo Ling did not dare to throw the dust out anymore, so he could only pile it up in the square.

"There's still not enough space."

If there is enough space, Mo Ling can send a little more dust, but now he can only do this.

However, this is enough.

At this time, the whirlpool was not too difficult to stop. Mo Ling only needed a little effort to stop the whirlpool.

He didn't hesitate for long and quickly threw himself into the control of the vortex.

Not long after, the speed of the vortex began to slowly decrease.

The gathered dust slowly spread out, covering the entire sea area...

Finally, the whirlpool stopped, and Mo Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

The zombies on the edge of the whirlpool didn't understand what was happening, and were surprised by the disappearance of the whirlpool.

A piece of stiff rock slowly floated over along the current.

"Why did you stop the petrified whirlpool?" The person who came was none other than Good Heart Stone.

"Petrification is wrong." Mo Ling told it the truth directly.

"We will only become a stone, heading towards the end of time, and there will be endless nothingness at the end..."

Mo Ling spoke slowly, telling Good Heart Stone everything he saw:

Collapsed planets, dead stars, and the empty universe...

"Is it really?"

After listening to Mo Ling's story, Good Heart Stone looked at the scattered dust around him in despair.

"Did you really see it?"

"I saw it." Mo Ling replied seriously.

The surrounding dead rocks also gathered together along with the water flow. They all heard Mo Ling's story, but they still couldn't accept it.

"The petrification we have been pursuing is actually wrong?"

Most zombies cannot accept this fact.

"Are you lying to us? You just didn't want to share the Maelstrom with us, so that's why you said that, right?"

"Petrified dust is limited. You ask us not to petrify it just so that you can monopolize all the dust."

"What nothingness, destruction... what do those things have to do with us? As long as we live long enough, what do those things mean?"

"I thought you would lead the tribe to be completely petrified, but I didn't expect you to give up halfway. I was wrong about you!"

The zombies were all talking about it. The meaning of their insect life was to keep petrifying. Now it is simply impossible for them to give up petrification and "enjoy life".

They only get angry when petrification stops.

Mo Ling was helpless in the face of such doubts.

If you don't feel the fear of nothingness yourself, you won't understand all this.

Mo Ling fell silent and allowed the stiff stones to talk about each other.

He looked at the noisy rocks quietly, as if watching a show...

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