I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 401 The Birth of God

"The reason why the Sea of ​​Creation Gods can create 'gods' is because it has the ability to materialize collective consciousness. Those races that come here with wishes will find their own set of wishes."

Fatty seemed happy to discuss God with Li Luo...

“The more specific and abundant the desire, the more powerful a god can be created.”

Most of the images of gods come from the imagination of living creatures. They attribute incomprehensible phenomena to the actions of gods, and then place their wishes on them.

In primitive civilization, living creatures could not understand the sun, moon, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, so they regarded these as gods.

The sun god, the moon god, the rain god, the thunder god...most of these natural gods are abstract and have no specific images. However, civilization based on the worship of the most primitive power will turn these things into abstract gods.

In the agricultural civilization, the connection between living things and nature has become closer, and the images of these natural gods will become more specific and begin to be subdivided into various small things.

The god who manages rice fields, the god who manages fishing grounds, the god who manages fires for cooking...

These gods were placed under the original nature gods.

As God's "authorities" became more concrete, so did their images.

The god who manages the making of fire and cooking must be a kind and kind fat old man.

The god who manages the fishing grounds must be holding a fishing net in his hand and wearing a bamboo hat...

As the stage of civilization developed, the "equipment" of these gods also continued to change, and their images continued to change and become more specific.

But in the final analysis, these images are based on the creation of civilization.

It is actually civilization itself that creates “gods”.

"So, the Sea of ​​Creation Gods is using these wishes to create gods that fit your imagination." Fatty said.

Li Luo was shocked when he heard this: "How did the Sea of ​​Creation God do it?"

"Simulation." Fatty replied.


"Yes, the Sea of ​​Creation God will simulate a god based on the collection of wishes."

The fat man thought for a moment and asked Li Luo: "Do you humans have a god named Guan Gong?"

"Yes." Li Luo nodded: "The image is of a red-faced armor holding a Guandao. His whole body is filled with lightning and thunder. He gallops on the battlefield and fights against the heroes. With a wave of the Guan Dao, a dragon-shaped thunder and lightning strikes out... "

"Yes, yes." The fat man nodded repeatedly.

"Just like Guan Gong, this god was not created out of thin air. It needs to have a real sense of civilizational identity."

"The Sea of ​​Creation Gods will start simulating when Guan Gong rides his horse and fights on the battlefield, creating a virtual consciousness. This consciousness will experience it in the 'human world' and finally become a god. In this way, the simulated statue God will be as complete as if he really existed."

"At the same time, this god will also have a sense of belonging to the civilization that made the wish, so that it can fulfill the wishes of those races."

"Then what is the function of the divine object?" Li Luo asked.

"A medium, the medium of wishes, is like a statue of a god. It can be regarded as the support of wishes. The wishes of those creatures will be concentrated on the gods. Only when the wishes are concentrated enough can the simulation of the Sea of ​​Creation be awakened."

"So, just like the statues of gods, the gods do not need to have any function. They only need to be 'good-looking' and sufficiently consistent with the image. Anyway, they are just used as a medium and do not need any actual function."

Listening to Fatty's introduction, Morrington suddenly realized in the cube.

Those races who come to Tissot to buy divine objects actually know that the divine objects have no function. They just need a suitable image and a suitable "desire to rest on."

And human technology can just create an "image" that satisfies them, and both sides just get what they need.

"But why is Zombie Stone's wish concentrated on the cube?"

Mo Ling thought that the life of the zombie he had experienced before seemed to be a "simulation" of the Sea of ​​Creation Gods.

However, the simulation did not create a new consciousness, but directly pulled him in and used it as the simulated consciousness.

"The cube replaced the divine object, and I became the simulated god..."

Mo Ling always felt weird, as if he was being dragged into the muddy water even though he was just passing by.

The Sea of ​​Creation God seems to be lazy. It is clear that a new consciousness can be created, but it must use an existing, mature consciousness.

The more Mo Ling thought about it, the weirder he became. He broke into this sacred place for no reason, and was pulled in without any reason, and became a stone god.

What's even more coincidental is that his teleportation ability can actually fulfill the wishes of the zombies.

He brought the petrified dust in the simulation into reality, which was exactly what the zombies needed.

He, this god who pretends to be just a fool, is really "effective".

As Mo Ling thought about it, a strange idea suddenly came to his mind:

"The Sea of ​​Creation Gods is in ruins?"

It seems like this is really possible.

Mo Ling was still thinking, and a new conversation started outside the square.

"How do we go back?" Li Luo squatted down and asked the fat man.

"I don't know, you have to ask about detachment." The fat man spread his hands, looking helpless.

Li Luo had no choice but to look at Cube.

Mo Ling immediately understood what she meant and flew towards the mirror below.

"If you can fly here directly, then it should be easy to fly back, right?"

However, Mo Ling thought it was simple, but the operation was not like that.

The cube hit the mirror hard.

"Detachment said he doesn't want to go back." The fat man looked at the cube clinging to the ground and analyzed it seriously.

"It shouldn't be able to go back, right?" Li Luo also looked at Cube with doubt on his face.

"There is no place that detachment cannot go. It is pretending that it cannot go back. In fact, it just doesn't want to go back. Its plan has not been completed yet." Fatty continued to explain seriously.

"what's the plan?"

"Big plan." Fatty looked at Li Luo very seriously: "There must be a reason why Chao Sheng is unwilling to go back."

"Think about it, it was so easy to transcend, how could you not be able to go back?"

The fat man knelt down and knocked on the hard mirror.

"Transcendence must want to go to other places of worship. I guess it wants to continue killing more gods..."

The fat man's expression suddenly became extremely solemn, and the blocks on his face were piled together: "This is its test for us..."

At this moment, the head suddenly popped out from the fat man's shoulders: "You finally know how to use your brain!"

"You're right, Chao Chao is not satisfied with our performance just now! It just killed the god personally, and we didn't play any role. Chao Chao must feel that we haven't passed the test yet."

The fat man stared blankly at the head, thoughtfully.

"Is that so? It's because I'm too indecisive..."

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