I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 400 Never transcended

Within the cube, all the original dust disappeared.

Mo Ling finally decided to fulfill the wishes of the zombies.

This result seems to be good for everyone:

The zombies can continue to be petrified, Mo Ling will no longer bear the pressure, and the sacred place of worship will lose its original influence...

“Isn’t this what God should do?”

He shouldn't worry about the future of Zombie Stone, and he shouldn't interfere with the fate of this race, no matter how deeply he has been immersed in it.

As a god, he should not have any emotions, not think, and not worry.

Mo Ling also knew that he was not responsible for the fate of this race.

That is true "detachment."

But at this time, his heart was still empty.

Everything comes as expected...

Mo Ling's dust earned countless compliments.

All the dead rocks were cheering and dancing with dust all over the sky.

They sang praises to Mo Ling in the most beautiful language, and thanked Mo Ling for his gifts with the highest standards of etiquette. Even their sharp gazes turned into looks of gratitude.

The whole world celebrates.

The prayer ceremony was extremely successful, and God graciously granted Zongshi’s wish.

With dust, petrification can continue.

The vortex swirled around the dust thrown by Mo Ling, flying higher and higher. With the utmost respect, he gave Mo Ling an earth-shattering bow.

The whole sky was rolling, and Mo Ling knew that this was the highest etiquette of the Zombie Stone Clan, turning over his carapace to expose his abdomen.

This represents unlimited trust and respect, as well as complete surrender.

"God, we will definitely live up to your expectations and we will definitely reach the end of petrification!"

The gray vortex rotated, rolled higher and higher, and finally disappeared into the endless clouds.

However, what about God?

Mo Ling sat quietly on the bed without saying a word.

For the safety of everyone, Mo Ling chose to fulfill the wishes of the zombies.

He knew that rejecting his wish would surely lead to dire consequences.

After the majesty of God no longer exists, believers will overturn altars, destroy statues, and burn temples... The more expectations there are, the more anger will come back.

Mo Ling wasn't sure if she could handle that kind of anger.

"Alas." Mo Ling sighed.

This God is so tired...

"Do the races that come to the Sea of ​​Creation God all come to God to fulfill their wishes?"

Mo Ling was still confused as to why he had become the god of stiff stone in a daze.

If he hadn't collected a lot of dust before, he wouldn't know how to realize the wishes of the zombies.

"Could it be that the Sea of ​​Creation God really just 'created' a god out of thin air?"

What is the principle? Mo Ling didn't know.

Outside the square, as the dust disappeared, the air became clear again.

The petrification in the entire area was carried away by the whirlpool, and everything in the field of vision began to move again.

First, the gray petrified stripes on the fixed glass creatures slowly disappeared, and then they began to swim as if nothing had happened.

Then came Li Luo. She suddenly took a deep breath of fresh air, and then looked around in confusion, obviously not knowing what was going on.

The building bird in the sky continued its previous actions and rushed forward after its tree roots petrified and disappeared.

While rushing, the head shouted: "So what if God comes! I will fight with you!"

After shouting this sentence, it shrank back and hid in the body of the building block bird.

After the Block Bird rushed forward for a certain distance, he found that the surrounding area was empty.

In the vast sky, there is only itself.

A group of jellyfish-shaped glass creatures slowly floated over and surrounded the building bird.

The Block Bird was stunned, flapped its wings, and was at a loss.

Realizing that nothing had happened, he cautiously poked his head out.

"Where's God?" it asked the Block Bird.

"have no idea."

The head looked at the floating jellyfish group, his expression changed, and then he suddenly looked at the square below.

"God was killed by detachment!"

Before the Block Bird could react, "The god has been killed?"

"Yes, detachment killed the stone god!" The head became excited: "Invincible detachment, not even gods can limit it! As long as you dare to provoke detachment, you will only end up dead! Haha!"

Being so excited to see the head, Block Bird was still very puzzled: "Have you seen God?"

"No." The head replied decisively.

"Then how do you know that God was killed by transcendence?"

"Zombie Stone has no brain, don't you?" The head scolded directly: "God came, but God disappeared again. It was not me, nor the human below. Could it be you? "

"But this doesn't mean that God has been killed..." Block Bird retorted.

"Then where do you think God went?"


"Just kill it! Transcendence brought us here specifically to kill God! Don't doubt Transcendence's will, it is planning a huge plan, we just need to follow it!"

The more the head talked, the more excited he became, and he began to talk nonsense again.

The Block Bird was also a little confused, and was stunned for a moment by what the skull said, but when he heard the skull's words getting more and more outrageous, he still stretched out an arm and stuffed the skull back.

The Block Bird circled, returned to the ground, and turned into the fat man again.

It walked to Li Luo who was flexing his muscles, kept a distance, and asked carefully: "Are you okay?"

"Thank you." Li Luo thanked the fat man directly.

"What do you mean?" The fat man didn't react yet.

"Thank you for your help."

The fat man finally understood what Li Luo meant.

"It's nothing. When humans first came to the Sea of ​​Creation, we were friends. Your civilization is very close to ours, and your moral standards are similar. Humans have helped me before..."

The fat man said, and he actually felt a little nostalgic.

"Is it the advance team?" Li Luo asked curiously.

"Yes, they were drawing a map of the Sea of ​​Creation at that time. I happened to have a part of it, so I gave it to them for reference, and then they found me some transcendental information."

"Do they have transcendental information?"

"Of course, humans should have the strongest ability to collect information among all the races I know. Whether it is useful or useless, humans will collect it."

The fat man thought for a while and continued:

"At that time, they gave me some records of transcendence from other races. These materials can just prove our conjecture about transcendence, so that we can find the right divine object."

Li Luo nodded, but still a little puzzled: "Didn't you know what you are looking for a long time ago? What is the divine object like? "

"Of course not, the divine objects of each race are different. Our divine objects are more abstract, so it is difficult to define specific things. We can only vaguely feel its existence. "

Then the fat man looked at the cube again: "But now we are very sure that it is the divine object we want."

Li Luo looked between the fat man and the cube for a while, and said apologetically: "I can't give it to you, it is very important to me."

Hearing Li Luo's words, the fat man shook his head: "You don't need to give us transcendence, as long as it is in the Sea of ​​Creation, our god will definitely appear."

"What exactly is the god you are talking about?" Li Luo couldn't help his inner curiosity and asked the fat man.

The fat man still stared at the cube, but his eyes seemed to penetrate the cube and look into the distance.

"It is a kind of... collection of wishes. "

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