I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 403 Infinite Killing

The owner of the hideous mouth was an octopus entangled on the crystal reef.

Its belly was filled with various shells and flesh, and it was hard to tell which creatures they came from.

However, even though it was already full, the tentacles were still looking for food.

The tentacles swayed around frantically looking for creatures around, and then couldn't wait to roll them into its mouth.

Whether it was small fish or shrimps, or floating plankton, it would accept everything.

It was not picky about food at all. After clearing out a place, the octopus would twist its tentacles and come to a new place to continue sweeping up all the food around.

Even some seaweed would be rolled into the mouth of the octopus.

Some tentacles could not find food for a long time, and actually reached out to the reef crystals.

These crystals were eaten into the octopus's belly and mixed with flesh and blood. The octopus was also swollen more and more by these indigestible things, and even moving became more and more difficult.

However, the tentacles were still swaying randomly, constantly sending various things into its mouth.

Finally, the octopus's soft body could not bear the weight, and its thin skin exploded like a balloon, and the food in its belly burst out like fireworks.

The belly exploded into pieces, but the tentacles continued to roll up the food.

The scattered food attracted the attention of other small fish, and they frantically scrambled for these sudden "gifts", completely disregarding their own safety.

Seeing so many small fish suddenly gathered around, the tentacles shook violently again, rolling up the small fish.

Some tentacles even joined the fight for food, intending to grab the burst food back.

The food was rolled up by the tentacles, sent into the mouth, and flowed out of the rotten abdomen.

In this way, the cycle continued until the dying octopus could no longer wave its tentacles.

The small fish that gathered around were also dead or injured, dragging only half of their bodies, and continued to scramble for the scattered food.

The food flowed out from behind the half body and returned to the sea.

Slowly, only countless residues were left...

In the distance, a big fish swam over and devoured all the food here, completely ignoring the fact that its stomach was already full of food...

Such fighting can be seen everywhere in this transparent world.

Li Luo found that no matter how he escaped, such a scene would always happen in front of him.

The creatures here seemed to have no idea of ​​satisfaction. They were always looking for food, killing and devouring...

"It's a bit strange here..."

"It's a bit strange."

Li Luo and the fat man both noticed those strange creatures.

The vitality here seems to be based on endless killing.

The fat man looked at this "lively" scene, and his expression kept changing.

"We seem to have come to a place where we shouldn't be. This is the territory of killing."

"Killing? Is this a race?"

"Yes, it's a very scary race. Their moral standards are completely different from those of normal races..." The fat man said solemnly.

"They regard death as the highest honor and killing as a noble etiquette, so when you meet them in the Sea of ​​Creation, they will generally let others die out of courtesy."

"They will create murderous intentions and affect other creatures. This is also the special ability of their race. These glass creatures should be affected by their murderous intentions, so they are so abnormal."

"Are you sure? Could it be other races?" Li Luo asked back half-doubtfully.

The fat man thought for a moment and said very confidently: "It should be them. Although the "moral standards" of the Sea of ​​Creation are diverse, most races are easier to understand. This special one should be only their race."

"What's more, they are the only ones who can create murderous intentions and affect other creatures."

Seeing the fat man so sure, Li Luo also became nervous.

How terrible would a race that uses killing as a ritual be.

"Be careful, walk forward first."

The two stopped admiring the "beautiful scenery" in this transparent world and continued to walk forward.

After bypassing the huge seaweed, the two came to an open mirror surface.

This place is surrounded by a circle of huge transparent reefs, like a Colosseum, with scattered transparent debris everywhere.

The killing around seems to be getting more and more intense, and the fights between the glass creatures are becoming more and more fierce.

They no longer fight for the scattered debris, but rush to the surrounding creatures.

A small school of fish, with courage from nowhere, began to besiege a huge jellyfish. The jellyfish couldn't resist and was actually eaten clean by the small fish.

However, after killing the jellyfish, the fish, which were originally very united, began to kill each other.

All the creatures in this Colosseum seemed to be extremely irritable.

"Do you feel the murderous intent rising in your heart?" Fatty suddenly asked Li Luo.

"No." Li Luo calmed down and felt it carefully.

"Neither did I." Fatty said puzzledly: "It's a bit strange, why are we not affected? Is it because of transcendence?"

It looked at the cube in the sky and found that the cube was floating quietly, and nothing happened.

However, Mo Ling was not at ease at this time.

"Someone wants to harm me?" He was staring at his surroundings in fear.

Mo Ling had a strange feeling, as if everything around him was hostile to him and wanted to attack him.

The movements of those glass creatures were infinitely magnified, and any action seemed to be an attack on the block.

This was a strange "persecution delusion" that forced Mo Ling to guard against everything around him.

However, this feeling would only linger around the block. Once Mo Ling hid back in the block, that feeling would no longer appear.

At this time, Mo Ling finally understood why those glass creatures would continue to attack everything around them.

"They also felt that hostility."

This ubiquitous hostility would make these glass creatures very irritable, so that they began to attack randomly.

At present, these hostilities are constantly gathering around the block.

Because Mo Ling has not been affected, the hostility has accumulated more and more, even ignoring the two people under the block.

If Mo Ling does not attack other creatures, the hostility will continue to accumulate until it can affect him.

However, it is not so easy to affect Mo Ling.

Every time he feels that he is affected and is about to be unable to bear it, Mo Ling will retract his vision to the block.

Once he hid in the cube, Mo Ling would be completely free from the influence of hostility.

So, a strange cycle appeared:

"Someone wants to harm me?" Mo Ling quickly shrank back.

"Oh, it's an illusion."

After calming down, Mo Ling looked outside again.

Not long after...

"Someone wants to harm me?" He quickly hid again.

"Oh, it's an illusion..."

Every time he felt threatened, Mo Ling's first reaction was to hide in the cube. This has been a habit he has formed for a long time.

This resulted in the hostility never being able to affect him...

In this way, the hostility gathered around the cube became more and more intense, even making the air a little distorted.

The two people below finally felt something was wrong.

The atmosphere seemed a little depressing.

Those creatures that were still fighting suddenly stopped fighting and fled out of the "Reef Colosseum" in fear.

And around the cube, a terrifying atmosphere was slowly gathering...

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