I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 402 Transparent World

"Go this way." The fat man said, holding a round building block and pointing in a direction.

"But it's different from what's marked on the map." Li Luo said doubtfully: "I turned the map over, and my direction should be correct."

"You can't look at the map, it's completely chaotic here, we can only jump between different places of worship to get to the right place, believe me." The fat man said firmly.

It handed the round building block in its hand to Li Luo, and there was a bar-shaped building block pointer above the building block, pointing to the direction that the fat man had said before.

Li Luo turned around a few times in place, and the building block pointer pointed in the same direction.

"What is this, a compass?"

The fat man shook his head: "This is a god-pointing needle."

"Point to where there is a god?"

"Yes, you understand it very well." The fat man praised.

Li Luo returned the "god-pointing needle" to the fat man half-believingly.

The fat man stuffed the compass needle back into his body and explained, "If we follow the map, we will only get lost in one place of worship. We must now find the entrance to other places of worship..." The fat man squatted down and gestured on the mirror. "The different places of worship in the Sea of ​​Creation are like different grids in a maze. The exit is in a certain grid. We can only keep trying to find the grid where the exit is." "You will never find the exit if you just go around in one grid." Looking at the fat man's extremely serious look, Li Luo could only nod: "I will follow you for a while. If I can't find it, I will follow the map." She still couldn't completely believe what the fat man said. "No problem, come on." The fat man stood up, and the building blocks on his body changed again with a click, and finally turned into a huge building block turtle. "Humans move too slowly, climb up, I will carry you." The building block turtle made an inviting sound. After hesitating for a moment, Li Luo climbed directly onto the turtle shell. "Hold on tight."

As soon as the words fell, the brick turtle began to accelerate, and then began to run on the mirror.

The brick turtle looked very clumsy, but it ran very fast. Li Luo didn't react at first and was almost thrown off. Fortunately, she grabbed the protrusion on the building block in time and fixed herself on the turtle shell.

The strong wind blew Li Luo's clothes crackling.

The brick turtle was like a tank that completely disobeyed traffic rules, and it crashed a path in the mirror sea.

The rampaging brick turtle scared the glass creatures to flee everywhere, and those who couldn't dodge in time would even be smashed by the brick turtle.

Seeing that the fragments were about to fall on her body, Li Luo could only raise her hand to block it, but when the fragments touched her arm, she didn't feel any pain.


Li Luo was stunned for a moment. The touch of the fragments was like soft jelly, which did not hurt her at all.

"What a fragile creature." Li Luo couldn't help but sigh.

In this way, the building block turtle smashed countless glass creatures and finally came to a place that looked like a coral reef.

The coral reef was also completely transparent, and the small creatures wandering inside were clearly visible, but because of its large size, the scene behind the coral reef was completely unclear after the refraction of light.

"We are almost there, it is behind this, hold on tight."

The building block turtle did not slow down and crashed directly into the coral reef.

The soft coral reef was instantly smashed, and countless transparent jellies were sprinkled on Li Luo.

Although the fragments were very soft, Li Luo still closed his eyes.

After a period of jelly impact, the building block turtle finally stopped.

"We are here." The building block turtle said to Li Luo on its back.

Li Luo slowly opened his eyes at this time, and then he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

This is still an endless mirror, but the ecology on the mirror is much more complicated than the previous area:

Huge transparent seaweed reaches the sky and sways.

Plankton can be seen everywhere with the invisible water flow ups and downs.

A huge school of transparent fish swam among the seaweed.

Equally transparent predators followed the school of fish, looking for opportunities.

Li Luo could even see some huge marine creatures floating by in the distance.

"So lively."

If everything wasn't transparent, Li Luo would even feel like he had come to a vibrant underwater world.

"This is another place for divine sacrifices." said the building block turtle.

Li Luo temporarily suppressed his surprise and jumped off his shell.

The building block turtle also changed and turned back into a fat man.

"It's so beautiful here..." Li Luo looked at this crystal clear glass world and couldn't help but praise it.

"But it's very dangerous." The fat man's expression was very serious: "I don't know what race's divine sacrifice here is, and I don't know what rules they have."

Being too lively is not a good thing. Although these glass creatures can be seen through at a glance, they are stacked together, which will block the vision in the distance.

Not only that, these glass creatures coming and going also make the surroundings very chaotic, and it is difficult to detect the arrival of danger.

The fat man's words made Li Luo alert.

In the sky, several glass sharks gathered towards the school of fish. Some of them were responsible for blocking, while others were responsible for chasing, and they kept compressing the school of fish. When the density of the school of fish was too high and the movement was hindered, they rushed forward again and separated the school of fish.

Those lagging fish teams were instantly eaten up by the sharks. The broken fish meat fell into the transparent stomach and continued to twitch, as if they had not yet realized that they had died.

The cruelty of nature was displayed in the transparent world.

The flesh in the stomach was still twitching, and the sharks gathered together again, moving towards the next group of victims...

The cruel hunting made Li Luo feel more solemn.

She quickly lowered her head and looked at the calm mirror.

But on the mirror, countless hunting was still happening.

The huge crayfish raised its claws and crushed the soft little fish fiercely. The fish body that was broken into two pieces was still twitching.

The crayfish climbed forward and greedily devoured the fish meat.

The crayfish was still enjoying the food when a tentacle quietly came behind it.

When it relaxed its vigilance, the tentacle suddenly wrapped around it and tied the crayfish tightly.

The crayfish wanted to struggle, but the tentacle curled up and wrapped it up, followed by a violent contraction.

The crayfish's transparent flesh burst out of the shell under the strong pressure, and the shrimp meat splattered.

The limbs of the whole body broke into pieces of twitching limbs.

Under the curling of the tentacles, the crayfish soon became a pile of squirming minced meat and was sent into a huge mouth full of sharp teeth.

The killing continued...

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