I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 404 Someone wants to harm me

"Someone wants to harm me?"

When Mo Ling poked his head out of the cube again, he found that everything around him had changed. The crystal clear crystals and glass creatures had disappeared.

Thick smoke filled the air, and the smell of sulfur was everywhere.

The ground was no longer a smooth mirror, but rugged volcanic rocks, and hot magma was spreading in some places.

"It's like this again..." Just like before, Mo Ling came to a strange place again.

He quickly began to look at his body, and sure enough, he turned into a strange-looking creature, like a yellow sponge.

The original owner of the body seemed to be floating in the volcanic ash, eating the nutrients in it, seemingly a harmless creature.

While Mo Ling was still studying the structure of the creature, he suddenly had a precise feeling in his heart: "Someone wants to harm me and is preparing to launch a piercing attack on me. If I don't dodge, it will hit my upper body in ten seconds and tear my upper body apart."

Compared to the previous "delusion of being persecuted", the hostility Mo Ling felt this time was extremely precise, with time, direction, position, and attack method. He could even simulate the scene of this attack in his mind.

This time, Mo Ling could no longer hide in the cube, so he could only wriggle his sponge body and slowly float to another place.

Ten seconds later, the magma on the ground suddenly exploded, and a sharp rock bounced up from the ground due to uneven heating, and quickly flew past the position where Mo Ling was originally.

If Mo Ling hadn't dodged in advance, the rock would have pierced his body and caused him extremely fatal damage.

"Can hostility be used like this?"

Looking at the rock flying to an unknown place, Mo Ling was surprised.

"I can actually still feel the hostility of the magma?"

"No, magma can actually be hostile?"

Mo Ling suddenly realized that this hostility seemed to come not only from living things, but also from other things.

"This is hostility from the world."

However, even if he avoided the flying rocks, the paranoia in Mo Ling's heart still did not disappear, and he felt new hostility:

"Someone wants to harm me, and is preparing to launch a collision attack on me, which will hit the center of my body in five seconds."

"Five seconds?" Mo Ling was a little worried about whether he could avoid this attack in such a limited time.

He quickly moved in other directions, and his sponge-like body twisted in the air and changed his position.

However, even though the position had changed, the hostility still did not disappear:

"Someone wants to harm me, and is preparing to launch a collision attack on me, which will hit the center of my body in three seconds."

"Why didn't it disappear?" Mo Ling had moved a distance, but the hostility still did not disappear, and the time was shortened.

"It's too late to dodge."

Mo Ling prepared for defense in the direction indicated by the hostility.

Three seconds later, a creature like a flying insect pierced right into the center of Mo Ling's body, and then began to gnaw at his body.

"No wonder the hostility didn't disappear and couldn't be avoided. This time the attack came from a creature, so the attack would adjust itself."

Mo Ling quickly understood everything.

The little flying insect kept gnawing at the sponge body, but Mo Ling had found a way to deal with it.

It led the flying insect into a fake sponge hole, and then quickly contracted it, squeezing the flying insect into a pool of sauce.

"The hostility this time is not strong, which means the enemy is not strong..."

Mo Ling suddenly realized that the intensity of the hostility can also indicate the strength of the enemy.

The hostility generated by the weak flying insect is not even as strong as that generated by a flying stone.

Not only that, the intensity of this attack can also be estimated by the "degree of injury".

Mo Ling slowly understood the use of this hostility perception.

After the flying insect was eliminated by Mo Ling, it slowly merged into his sponge body.

Then, Mo Ling felt a strange sense of comfort.

It seemed like something was pouring into his body, just like drinking a mouthful of sweet spring water.

Then, Mo Ling discovered that his soft sponge body could actually begin to change at will.

With a thought, the sponge shrank rapidly and turned into the appearance of a small flying insect just now.

However, although the appearance has changed, the surface is still a sponge with pits and potholes, which looks very strange.

However, with wings, it must move much faster than before.

So, Mo Ling did not change back, but kept the flying insect form and flew away.

With the clearer perception of insects, Mo Ling finally saw the surrounding environment clearly.

This place seems to be in a group of volcanoes. The huge volcano cannot see the top, and the high crater pierces the gray clouds.

The boiling magma flows down the mountain range and flows into the sea at the foot of the volcano.

The cold and the hot converged, causing thick smoke to billow in the vicinity, and there were pits and volcanic rocks everywhere. These volcanic rocks formed a dark plain, and on the plain spread countless magma tributaries that had not yet cooled.

From time to time, the surrounding volcanoes also made rumbling sounds, as if there was a giant beast roaring in the volcano.

In the eyes of insects, everything around was even more terrifying, like a doomsday scene.

Mo Ling's hostility was also frantically warned.

"Someone wants to harm me... Someone wants to harm me..."

He dodged the erupting magma and the falling rocks from the sky. Just as he found a relatively safe position, high-temperature steam began to rise from the ground...

Countless hostilities enveloped Mo Ling, and he could only dodge and resolve them one by one.

At the beginning, these constantly generated hostilities made Mo Ling anxious, but he slowly found a way to resolve these hostilities:

"Sort by time."

First hide from the short-term, then hide from the long-term.

Sometimes, you can even avoid many hostilities at the same time.

In the process of dodging, Mo Ling gradually adapted to this state of hostility at every moment and became more comfortable with it.

Not long after, he began to avoid danger while exploring this volcanic land.

Debris fell, steam erupted, magma splashed... The little flying insect easily bypassed these dangers and flew away until it stopped near a red lizard.

"Someone wants to harm me. He is preparing to launch a entanglement attack on me. In ten seconds, he will hit my body and completely shatter my body..."

Mo Ling had never felt such strong hostility, which made him stunned.

At this time, the lizard was staring at the little flying insect in the air, and a low hissing sound came from its throat...

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