I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 406 Sponge Kindred

Above the volcanic plain, a giant yellow bird was flapping its scary wings, dodging the flying volcanic rocks.

Mo Ling didn't quite understand why there were so many creatures in such a harsh environment.

He was now transformed into a giant bird, soaring in the sky, overlooking the plain.

There were not only many creatures here, but also a wide variety of species, and even a complete food chain.

Finally, after circling a few times, Mo Ling found his target:

It was a sponge crab, which was fighting with a turtle at this time.

"Same kind."

What Mo Ling wanted to find was the same kind.

At this time, the sponge crab had been beaten by the turtle and couldn't fight back. Its limbs were broken and its shell was damaged beyond recognition.

The more Mo Ling looked, the more strange it was: "As long as it turns back into a sponge and then back into a crab, the injuries on its body will recover. Wouldn't it?"

Mo Ling glided and rushed down.

A huge black shadow appeared on the ground below. Before the turtle could react, it was caught by Mo Ling's claws and brought into the air.

The turtle struggled, but it couldn't reach the bird's claws.

Mo Ling turned around and threw the turtle heavily onto a sharp volcanic rock.

Suddenly, the turtle shell shattered and the turtle's flesh and blood flowed out.

Mo Ling ignored the dying turtle and walked directly to the sponge crab.

The sponge crab was frightened when he saw the turtle's fate.

Mo Ling waved his wings and shook in front of the crab a few times, but the crab didn't react at all and looked completely scared.

Seeing Mo Ling getting closer and closer, the crab trembled again, and even the shape of its body could not be maintained, and its whole body became bloated.

"So terrible... so terrible hostility..."

The crab looked at the giant bird and said tremblingly.

It was a language like the sound of air flow, very simple.

It seemed that they were the same kind that could communicate.

"I have no hostility towards you." Mo Ling replied.

The sound of the wind passed through the huge holes in Mo Ling's body, making a dull roar.

Although it was the same sound of airflow, the one made by Mo Ling was obviously much more terrifying.

"Yes, you have a lot of hostility."

The crab could no longer control the expansion of its body. It was filled with sponges and became chubby, and even rolled on the ground.

Mo Ling had to stretch out his claws and press down the round body.

It was soft and quite comfortable.

Mo Ling picked up the crab with his claws and placed it in the middle of several volcanic rocks so that it would not roll around.

The crab was suddenly stunned in the volcanic rock.

"The hostility disappeared..."

It checked its body, looked at Mo Ling again, and twisted to hide in the gap of the volcanic rock.

"It turned out that it predicted that I would catch it."

This crab's prediction of hostility seemed very rough.

"You won't kill me?" The crab raised its head and asked Mo Ling.

"Why should I kill you?"

"Because I want to kill you." The crab answered naively.


Mo Ling felt it carefully and didn't feel any hostility from the crab at all.

"I don't feel your hostility, maybe you are too weak."

After turning into a giant bird, Mo Ling could no longer sense some tiny hostility, such as the attacks of some small stones, which could not cause any harm to him at all, nor would they cause any warning.

In short, he was "slower" a lot.

"Am I too weak?" The crab looked very depressed.

But after a while, it cheered up again: "When I become stronger, I will definitely kill you!"

Mo Ling listened to the crab's innocent words and was a little happy.

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

"Thank you." The crab expressed his gratitude to Mo Ling very solemnly.

Mo Ling listened to its words and thought it was just a joke.

"Why didn't you turn back into a sponge and recover your body just now?" Mo Ling looked at the crab's scarred body and asked curiously.

"Recover your body?" The crab looked completely incomprehensible.

"That's it..."

Mo Ling broke his wings directly and threw them to the ground.

Then, he turned back into a sponge. After a twist, the giant bird reappeared, and at this time, the broken wings had been completely restored.

"See? This will restore the body."

Mo Ling demonstrated it to the crab himself. This was a skill he had learned in the previous battle.

The crab was stunned and slowly crawled out of the volcanic rock crevice.

Then, it imitated Mo Ling and turned back into a sponge.

After a while, the crab held up its fully restored claws and was extremely surprised.

"Can it be like this?"

"Didn't other species tell you?"

"No, they came up and wanted to kill me." The crab explained.

Mo Ling also quickly understood the reason why they killed each other:

They all felt the hostility in each other.

So, fighting is inevitable.

These species are still in a state of being controlled by hostile instincts, and they don't realize that they can control the hostility, so they are driven to kill each other.

Because they feel hostility, they decide to fight, and because fighting is bound to happen, hostility is generated in advance.

This is a cycle that is difficult to break.

These fellows can only become puppets of the hostility and are caught in an endless battle.

Thinking of this, Mo Ling could only sigh.

He could not change the instinct of this creature, so he could only give the crab some advice:

"You have to control hostility, don't let hostility control you."

"Okay." The crab waved its claws as if it understood: "Thank you."

It expressed its gratitude again.

Looking at this weak fellow, Mo Ling was confused again.

This time, is he going to become a god too?

"Become the god of this sponge creature?"

Mo Ling still remembered that the fat man said that this creature was called "killing".

At present, it seems that this creature is indeed very warlike, very powerful, and full of potential, but so far, no stronger one has been seen.

"Is it just for me to experience the life of this creature?"

Mo Ling felt vaguely that this time, like before, he was directly pulled into the "simulation" of the Sea of ​​Creation.

But this time, Mo Ling did not know how to become a god.

He also did not know what the wish of this creature was.

If the wish could not be fulfilled, the consequences could be very serious.

But for now, Mo Ling could only act according to circumstances and collect as much intelligence as possible on this volcanic plain.

"Do you know where there are the most of our kind?" Mo Ling asked the crab, "It has to be the very powerful ones."

"I know! The closer we get to the Tianshen Volcano, the stronger our kind will be, and the more intense the battle there will be." The crab answered with excitement.

"Where is the Tianshen Volcano?"

"It's the largest volcano here. The most powerful ones are in the crater, bathing in the hot magma..."

The description of the crab immediately gave Mo Ling a terrible picture in his mind.

But he did not hesitate. After saying goodbye to the crab, he turned around and flew towards the volcano...

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