I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 407 At the foot of the volcano

This volcano is surprisingly high. Mo Ling has been flying along the mountain for a long time, but has not reached the top.

The boiling lava river flows down, and the thick volcanic ash covers the original appearance of this Tianshen volcano.

Mo Ling can only vaguely see the outline of a huge mountain through the gray smoke.

The higher you go, the hotter the magma is, the steeper the slope is, and the creatures here are becoming more and more strange.

A creature like a red quilt is tightly attached to the rugged volcanic rock wall, like a piece of red moss, motionless.

"Is this some kind of plant?"

Mo Ling in the sky was amazed.

A deer covered with insect shells was jumping on the rock wall, looking for this red moss. Once it finds it, it will call friends and swarm over to eat up the whole piece of moss.

When the red quilt-like moss is eaten, the wound will actually flow out red liquid like magma, emitting intense high temperature, which is obviously some kind of defense method.

But the deer seemed to be not afraid of this high-temperature liquid at all. Instead, they licked it frantically, not wasting it at all.

When this high-temperature liquid enters the body of the deer, their shells will suddenly open, and white mist like steam will be sprayed out from the gap.

In an instant, red light flickered and smoke lingered near the moss, like a fairyland.

These mists can hide the figure of the deer and ensure their safety when foraging.

However, those smart predators will stare at the suddenly rising smoke.

In the distance, a spider covered with volcanic rocks attracted the attention of the smoke. It came to the front of the smoke with a few bounces and then rushed into the smoke.

Several deer hurriedly fled, and several wails came from the smoke.

Blood splashed everywhere, and for a while it was hard to tell whether it was the red liquid flowing out of the moss or the blood gushing out of the deer...

The increase in heat made the creatures here very irritable and active.

Mo Ling also met some of the same kind, but they didn't seem to want to communicate.

As soon as he met them, Mo Ling felt strong hostility.

To survive here, these fellows were not kind people. They attacked Mo Ling as soon as they noticed him.

Fortunately, most of these fellows did not have such a strong flying form as Mo Ling, and could not hurt him at high altitude.

However, Mo Ling saw a very distinctive fellow among them.

It looked like a gorilla, but it had two pairs of huge bat wings behind it.

This fellow clumsily manipulated this completely uncoordinated body and attacked Mo Ling.

Of course, Mo Ling quickly subdued it, tore its bat wings to pieces, and pressed it to the ground.

"You can kill me now." The gorilla said discouragedly.

"I won't kill you."

"Why don't you kill me, kill me now!" The gorilla urged excitedly.

Mo Ling didn't want to pay attention to its nonsense, and asked directly: "How did you get those bat wings?"

"If you kill me, I'll tell you!" The gorilla said stubbornly.


Mo Ling found that the brains of these people were not very smart.

"If I kill you, how can you tell me?"

The gorilla was silent.

After a long time, it figured out the logic.

"You are right, then I will tell you first, and then you can kill me!"

"Okay." Mo Ling nodded and agreed, and then he released the gorilla under him.

The gorilla did not run away or attack, and kept his promise very well. After stretching his muscles, he began to demonstrate with Mo Ling.

"First, do this..."

It first restored its sponge form and squeezed itself into a long strip.

"Then break it..."

Under Mo Ling's shocked eyes, the sponge split directly into two halves.

Then, half turned into a gorilla and the other half turned into a bat. Then the gorilla picked up the bat and stuck it directly into his back.

"It's done."

The gorilla looked at Mo Ling and asked, "Have you learned it?"

"I have learned it." Mo Ling nodded blankly.

"Okay, then you can kill me."

The gorilla lay on the ground, stretched out his hand and moved Mo Ling's claws to his head.

"Kill quickly! Hit here."

It seemed to be worried that Mo Ling's attack was not accurate enough, and told Mo Ling its weakness.

But Mo Ling raised his claws and still hesitated to attack.

"I don't really want to kill you."

"Why?" The gorilla lay on the ground, puzzled.

"Although you and I fought, we are enemies, but you also taught me a skill, and we are also friends. It's a pity to kill you." Mo Ling said seriously, which was also his true feeling at the moment.

Although these people are irritable, brainless, and hit people when they see them, they have a strange innocence.

"You make sense, so let's not kill it this time, and kill it next time when there is a chance." The gorilla echoed Mo Ling's words, and it seemed to think it made sense.

It propped itself up and climbed up from the ground.

The gorilla looked at Mo Ling, then looked at the direction of the mountain top, and asked curiously: "Are you going to kill stronger ones of your kind?"

"I want to go and see, I don't have to kill them."

"You are so weird, if you don't want to kill them, why do you go to find them?" The gorilla scratched his head and asked in confusion.

"Maybe learn something new, just like what I learned from you."

Listening to Mo Ling's words, the gorilla nodded thoughtfully: "That's right, after learning new things, you can kill faster. You are really smart, no wonder you are better than me."

"Then go, when I become stronger, I will find you. If you haven't been killed yet, I will kill you. If you have been killed, I will kill the one who killed you."

The gorilla said this winding sentence in one breath, and then ran away, flapping his bat wings while running, which looked very funny.

Mo Ling looked at the gorilla's back as he went away, and his heart was full of helplessness.

He understood why this race was called "killing".

Being able to hang the word "killing" on the lips, but it is not disgusting at all.

In the consciousness of this race, killing is a very common thing, and this world is full of competition.

Especially in this volcanic plain where they were born, the creatures are like erupting volcanoes, which cannot cool down for a moment.

The gorilla talked about killing in every sentence, but he was communicating with Mo Ling sincerely.

Moreover, Mo Ling could not feel the hostility from the gorilla, so he naturally did not feel defensive, and the communication was very smooth.

Both of them talked about fighting and killing, but their attitudes were like neighbors next door.

Unconsciously, Mo Ling had adapted to this strange way of communication.

The gorilla had disappeared, and Mo Ling's sponge body began to wriggle.

He imitated the gorilla and divided his body into several parts, and then combined them together:

The head of a lizard.

The horns of a goat.

The trunk of an ape.

The shell of an insect.

Finally, the wings of a bird...

Mo Ling controlled this strange and weird body and took off into the air.

At first he was still a little uncomfortable, but slowly, the sponges at the junction of the organs began to merge with each other, automatically generating some link structures, and this apparently uncoordinated combination began to gradually improve.

And Mo Ling's flying speed became faster and faster...

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