I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 409 Hostility of All Things

"You are not worthy of my killing. Come again next time. Remember what I said."

The balloon looked at the dying pangolin, took a step back, and began to count down again.

"Zero point five... zero point three..."

As the balloon silently chanted, the magma under the pangolin suddenly rolled up, and then a column of magma shot up into the sky, spraying the pangolin out of the crater.

The balloon stood there, watching the pangolin fly farther and farther.

Until the magma column disappeared, it was still looking at the sky.

His reaction made the balloon curious.

"Only hostility is the real power."

Then he looked at Mo Ling.

When he saw these terrifying hostile lines, Mo Ling calmed down instead.

"There are also on the left!"

At the same time, countless rocks fell down, instantly burying the balloon, and the stirred magma sprinkled on the pile of rocks, emitting thick black smoke.

"The shell can't stop the plague..."

"Do you think it's getting stronger in the wrong direction?" Mo Ling asked curiously.

Those overwhelming dangers seemed to come alive, and each of them pointed their guns at him, fighting him to the death.

As he was talking, the balloon suddenly floated in front of Mo Ling.

At this moment, Mo Ling was no longer the puppet at the mercy of others.

He was like a puppet at the mercy of others, with countless hostile strings wrapped around his body, some wrapped around his neck, some deeply pierced into his body, and some gathered into a ball and stuffed into his eye sockets.

The dust cloud outside the crater actually roared, and a muffled thunder struck out of thin air, heading straight for Mo Ling.

Not far away, the balloon was floating leisurely, and the sponge line kept shaking, as if watching a good show.

"Okay, then fight with me!" The balloon suddenly became excited.

"Do you want to find out the source of our power?" The balloon asked seriously.

"I just want to come and see..." Mo Ling replied hesitantly: "The battle you just had was very exciting."

This is the source of those dangers.

"Really?" The balloon floated above the lava lake and asked, "I don't think this is exciting. Our strength is too different. It can't hurt me at all. There is no point in such a fight."

The terrifying hostility came over him, and Mo Ling was like being trapped in an invisible cage, waiting for the enemy to harvest.

Such words sounded strange, but Mo Ling had seen the strength of the balloon and didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

But now those lines are connected to him.

At this moment, Mo Ling finally understood what the balloon said before:

"Claws can't break the flood..."

Mo Ling took a deep breath and untied the hostility line wrapped around his neck.

"I know what you are doing here."

"Why are there so many hostilities suddenly?"

"Alas." The balloon sighed helplessly.

"Are you here to kill me too?" The balloon asked from a distance.

"You will soon know where our power comes from."

But it's not over yet.

"There are some on the right, below, and in front... everywhere!"

"Yes, our race is easily influenced by other creatures and thinks that the body is the most important. Many of my kind who came here to kill me have fallen into the same misunderstanding." Balloon explained lightly.

Stones, magma, high-temperature smoke and dust...

Mo Ling had just dodged when a thick magma column rose from his original position, and the hot lava flow stirred up a wave and scattered.

"This is a trap." Balloon retorted directly: "Using the body to fight the world is a very stupid behavior."

"Of course I want to know."

The thunder turned and struck the ground on the side.

In an instant, Mo Ling was surrounded by hostility, and danger came quietly.

Mo Ling's body stiffened instantly, and countless hostilities poured into his body.

So he quickly changed his position and jumped onto a rock not far away.

At this moment, Mo Ling suddenly felt a hostile warning in his heart, coming from the magma below.

Under this terrible perception, his sponge body shut down, and the strength of the flesh was vulnerable to the hostility of the world.

"So that's it, is this the essence of hostility?"

"Mimicry is just a tool. Our real strength lies in the ubiquitous hostility."


"Wings, afraid of the wind..."

This question made Mo Ling a little confused. He didn't know why he had to come to the center of the Tianshen Volcano.

They were raging, trying to kill into Mo Ling's body and smash every part of him to pieces.

"Fortunately, there is hostility perception."

That is, the hostility from every electron.

The lava waves suddenly hit the rocks and disappeared completely.

Mo Ling pulled out all the hostility in his body, and those dangers naturally went to other places.

"You are not here to kill me? Then what are you here for?"

Mo Ling understood everything instantly.

Everything in the world has hostility, and there is also such a line.


"Our mimicry only allows us to better understand the world, smell, touch, taste, vision... Only after we experience this world can we know the source of those unknown hostilities."

Mo Ling looked at his strange body and was puzzled: "We can simulate the bodies of other creatures, and even combine and specialize them at will. Shouldn't we become stronger in this way?"

The balloon obviously had no eyes, but Mo Ling felt the scrutiny like a needle.

Then, Mo Ling reached into his eye socket again, took out the messy ball of thread, and threw it towards the balloon in the distance.

"How did you do it?"

Mo Ling looked up and saw a huge rock flying towards it.

Hostility, shifted.

"It's it!" Mo Ling quickly realized the culprit.

He turned his head and saw that it was a wave of magma surging towards this side.

As soon as the voice fell, Mo Ling felt countless hostility shrouding him.

Mo Ling was still confused, and the balloon flew away again.

"No matter how sharp the claws are, they can't break the flood. No matter how hard the shell is, it can't stop the plague. No matter how strong the wings are, they are afraid of the wind... The power of the flesh is limited."

"No." Mo Ling flapped his wings and flew to the center of the battlefield.


Mo Ling did not hesitate and pulled out the thin line that pierced his body.


"Hostility." The balloon replied lightly: "This is the hostility from the world."

The warning of hostility has exploded. Mo Ling can only hear the piercing alarm like a buzzing, but his body cannot move.

I don't know when, Mo Ling has been wrapped in hostility, so those dangers will chase him and never give up.

At the moment of his epiphany, he seemed to see that those messy hostilities have become strands of thread.

The ball of thread rotated and wrapped the balloon tightly.

Looking at the terrifying magma column, Mo Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

In the distant pile of rocks, an excited voice also came:

"Congratulations, you have transcended!"

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