I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 408 God's Volcano

The dark clouds covered the sky of the entire volcanic plain, and countless tiny volcanic dust was constantly hitting Mo Ling's body.

Some of the volcanic ash that was rolled into the clouds was still extremely hot, which caused a strange red light to appear occasionally in the clouds.

These high-temperature dusts hit Mo Ling's body, burning black holes in the sponge.

Some weak hostility continued to rise in Mo Ling's heart, all from the danger in the clouds.

But now Mo Ling can ignore these hostilities. As long as it controls its body to change slightly, those holes will be completely restored.

Finally, after passing this thick black cloud, a huge crater appeared in front of Mo Ling.

This is the top of the Tianshen Volcano.

On the contrary, the pangolin, because it could not control its body, hit the gushing magma column directly. The hot magma instantly covered it and penetrated into the fragile sponge joints.

The balloon said helplessly: "You are going in the wrong direction. We should not pursue physical strength. The ubiquitous hostility is our most powerful ability. Do you understand?"

The balloon looked at the pangolin and said the same sentence again:

"You will never be able to kill me like this."

Just when the pangolin was about to completely cover the balloon, an accident happened.

Just as Mo Ling thought, the battle between the two creatures was extremely fierce.

And the balloon rode on the broken volcanic rock pieces, like surfing, and slid down the magma column, extremely gracefully.

The thick smoke and red light made the vision here extremely blurred, and the high temperature even distorted the air a little. The sizzling sound of roasting echoed in Mo Ling's ears.

Mo Ling continued to fly towards the crater with doubt.

The magma surged and the ground trembled. Mo Ling avoided countless thrills and came to the center of the magma lake.

The pangolin was silent. It was unknown whether it understood what the balloon meant, or whether its body could no longer support it to continue talking.

Although it looks very weak, Mo Ling doesn't think it's really as simple as it looks. This is the center of the entire Tianshen Volcano, and the weak are not qualified to reach it.

"You can't kill me yet."

After crossing the edge, the temperature rose a lot in an instant, and Mo Ling had to continue to thicken the shell on his body to resist the terrible high temperature.

The magma under the balloon suddenly rolled violently and erupted violently. The balloon just took a thin layer of rock and took off into the air.

Its black body was constantly emitting white smoke. The cooled volcanic rock trapped it in place. The huge body became a burden at this moment.

As soon as he came here, he saw two creatures fighting in the center of the lake.

"I didn't hide, and you couldn't hit me." The balloon said calmly.

"Your use of hostility is too simple, and it is still in the most basic stage. Such an attack has no effect and can only waste energy." The balloon still did not dodge, just quietly waiting for the pangolin in the air, watching it get closer and closer.

But the balloon just floated in place, motionless, allowing the spikes to pierce the magma lake around it.

The other one was also a sponge creature, but it looked much weaker. Under its spherical body, it dragged a long sponge line, extending into the magma, and looked like a balloon.

This sentence was extremely plain, but it was a cruel fact.

The plain voice came again.

"Zero point five... zero point three..." The balloon seemed to be mumbling something.

Seeing the balloon so provocative, the pangolin jumped into the air angrily and pressed towards the balloon.

"No!" The pangolin wailed and collapsed in the magma lake.

"Can you... kill me?" It whimpered, and this ferocious beast actually begged the balloon in front of it that looked extremely weak.

"Defeat the lava? Why do you want to defeat the lava?" The balloon raised the sponge line and patted the hideous volcanic rock spikes on the pangolin: "You mean this thick shell?"

"Yes, hostility. You didn't feel the hostility with your heart. You just learned from other creatures, made hard shells and sharp claws, and just rolled, sprinted, and pounced like those beasts... This is not what we should do."

The pangolin stood directly in the center of the lake. Every movement would stir up countless lava waves, but the balloon could easily avoid it and wander in the gap between the pangolin's huge body.

"Hostile?" The pangolin obviously didn't understand what the balloon meant.

After adjusting his body structure again, Mo Ling flew in the direction of the beast's roar.

The balloon still didn't respond.

Countless smoke and dust spewed out from the crater, and under the smoke and dust was a high-temperature red light. The gushing heat swept around. Mo Ling just stood around for a while, and his body went limp.

The magma was surging, and the balloon circled and returned to the pangolin.

But Mo Ling didn't care about those warnings.

"Why? I can obviously defeat this burning magma, but I still can't kill you?" The pangolin asked painfully.

"Kill me, give me a glorious death, it's worth it to be able to fight you..." The pangolin continued to plead, and its voice was already a little intermittent.

This is also the center of the entire crater, the place with the highest temperature, and Mo Ling also heard countless hostile warnings in his heart.

It slowly slid in front of the fallen pangolin and looked at this defeated opponent.

The pangolin kept changing its sponges to heal its joints, but the erosion of the magma was faster than it imagined. In a blink of an eye, it seeped into its sponge holes and then cooled rapidly, making it unable to move.

"You have too many flaws. You can't kill me like this."

"Die!" The pangolin ignored it and spread its body completely, leaving no room for the balloon to escape.

The balloon surrounded it, knocking on the thick shell with sponge lines from time to time.

The heat was even about to melt him.

But the balloon didn't move at all, just watching the huge body of the pangolin pressing down.

"Are there really similar species here?"

A pangolin that looked like it was covered with spikes, huge in size, almost occupying the entire center of the lake, its sponge body had completely turned into black volcanic rock, if it weren't for the sponge in the joints that was still changing, Mo Ling would even think it was another kind of creature.

There was a rumbling sound from the crater, which was the sound of volcanic activity, but among these sounds, there were also some terrible beast roars.

Going down along the wall of the crater, Mo Ling actually came to a magma lake. The cooled rocks formed a thin layer of land on the surface of the magma lake, connected together like small islands.

"Don't hide! Fight me head-on!" The pangolin roared, rolling in the magma lake, and the volcanic rock spikes on his body suddenly exploded and flew towards the balloon like a missile.

"Kill you?" The balloon murmured.

"You are not worthy..."

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