I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 415: Passive Hostility

"Is it special?"

"Yes." Mo Ling had not completely recovered from the shock.

"Can you see anything from it?" Balloon asked.

"No." Mo Ling answered without hiding anything.

In his perception, this ball of thread was like a mess of information, without any meaning.

"It's okay, I'll tell you..."

"First of all, it's about direction. This group of hostility has no source and no target. It's connected from beginning to end, and you can see it."

"Second is time. Such a thin line means that time is very long, and it can even be considered "infinite" and will never come."

"And its entanglement is very messy and powerful, which means that the intensity of hostility is very high."

"Is it higher than the intensity of stars?" Mo Ling asked puzzledly.

"It's completely incomparable, even higher than a black hole. If the target of this hostility is you, then the terrifying hostility will even completely disperse your thinking and make you unable to think anymore."

Listening to Balloon's words, Mo Ling looked at the ball of thread again with worry.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly small ball of thread actually has such terrifying hostility.

"Of course, this is also the conclusion I have drawn based on my experience. It is too special, and I can't give an accurate interpretation." Balloon said helplessly.

"What do you think it is?" Mo Ling knew that Balloon must have some guesses in his mind.

Balloon thought about it and answered seriously: "Maybe it is some kind of hostility that can destroy the world."

"There is no source, which means that the thing that destroys the world is not here, or the source is the world itself, so the thread is connected from beginning to end."

"Everything in the world needs to be connected by the hostile thread, and the world itself certainly needs it, so this thread is hidden here."

"When the hostility comes, the world will destroy itself."

Balloon said, and began to become a little unconfident.

"But why does the world want to destroy itself?"

In fact, Balloon already has a rough guess, but it can't verify its guess at all, and it can't figure out the "motive" of this hostility.

However, Mo Ling listened to the words of the balloon, but a light bulb suddenly flashed.

"Is this some kind of countdown to destroy the world?"

When the time is up, the world will destroy itself.

If Mo Ling is also a native of this world, he will have the same doubts as the balloon.

But he understood that this world itself has a "purpose".

Simulating a god is the meaning of the existence of this world.

When the god appears, the world has no value to continue to exist.

"Will the time when this hostility comes be the time when the god appears?"

If this place is regarded as the world simulated by the Sea of ​​Creation, everything can be explained:

The Sea of ​​Creation needs a god, so it created a world as a "petri dish" to simulate the birth of the god.

When the god appears completely, this "petri dish" is useless, so the Sea of ​​Creation destroys the world and lets the god go to reality to satisfy the wishes of those races seeking gods.

All this is done automatically.

And the ball of thread in front of you is the "timing device" for the world to self-destruct.

However, the Sea of ​​Creation did not expect that the thread hidden in the center of the black hole was discovered by the balloon.

The balloon did not know the inside story, and of course could not understand why the world would self-destruct, so it fell into endless confusion.


After connecting all this, Mo Ling also suddenly realized.

"A bacterium in the petri dish discovered the timed cleaning device of the petri dish."

Such an absurd thing actually happened.

And that bacterium is right next to him at this moment.

"I should be able to solve the confusion in your heart."

After hesitating for a long time, Mo Ling decided to tell Balloon everything.

"The answer may be cruel, are you willing to bear it?"

"Of course." Balloon answered decisively: "What is the answer?"

"It's about the truth of this world..."

Mo Ling slowly told the story of the Sea of ​​Creation and told Balloon the operating principle of this world without reservation.

After listening to everything, Balloon was silent.

"Are you okay?" Mo Ling was a little worried that it couldn't accept it.

"It's okay, I just have to sort out my thoughts."

What surprised Mo Ling was that Balloon didn't have any emotional fluctuations and accepted everything he said very calmly.

"Won't you feel bad?" Mo Ling asked curiously.

"What's up?"

"The whole world is simulated, and the answers you seek are ultimately just illusions..." Mo Ling stopped talking halfway through. He understood that this was a complete despair, and he didn't want to continue to affect Balloon's mood.

However, Balloon still had an indifferent attitude, and was even a little happy.

"But I know the truth, don't I?"

"You don't have to worry about me. This has happened to me many times."

"When I was ignorant, I thought the coast was the world, and shells, crabs and waves were my brothers. I couldn't see the volcano in the distance, nor could I see the vast sky. At that time, my world was also 'false'."

"Later, as my thoughts gradually matured, my world became bigger and bigger, including the sea and volcanoes."

"Then, I saw the threads connecting the world and the 'truth' behind things. It turned out that the threads had planned everything long ago. Everything just moved according to the established hostility, over and over again."

"After I thought the world was just a stagnant pool of water, the thoughts active in those lives broke my concept again..."

"At every stage, I was trying to understand the truth of the world, and I was always denying my past self, and I never stopped."

"The world has never been true or false. Everything I see is real."

"I should be happy now. I have seen more truth."

"Thank you." The balloon thanked sincerely. There was no frustration in its tone, but it was full of yearning.

Mo Ling was stunned. He underestimated the awareness of the balloon.

"So, are you from outside?" the balloon asked.


"Are you also here to find God? In my memory, there is no God in this world."

Listening to the balloon's question, Mo Ling didn't know how to answer.

He was just inexplicably pulled in by the Sea of ​​Creation.

This is the second time, and Mo Ling doesn't know the purpose of the Sea of ​​Creation.

"If finding God can allow me to leave this world, then I am willing to do it."

"Really? I have a way to make God appear." Balloon said lightly.

"Really?" Mo Ling couldn't believe it.

Balloon can even create God?

"Really, and it's very simple..."

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