I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 414 The End of Hostility

"Do you understand? The sun can also be destroyed. It will collide with another star."

"Of course." Mo Ling suppressed the shock in his heart and replied.

"You have a strong ability to accept. It seems that I don't need to hide anything from you. Next, I will show you the end of hostility..."

Immediately afterwards, Mo Ling felt his hand tighten, and the sun in front of him disappeared instantly. He seemed to follow the thread again and began to shuttle in the universe.

As countless stars flashed by, the galaxies in the distance were getting closer and closer.

Finally, they stopped in front of a star that was more than ten times larger than the sun.

"It is this star that destroyed the sun." Balloon introduced: "But this is not the end."

The scorching fireball released a terrifying high temperature. This huge star was also entangled with countless hostile threads. It burned recklessly, but it could not escape the entanglement of those threads.

As the fireball rotated, the threads became tighter and tighter.

Hostility still exists.

"Let's go." Balloon pulled Mo Ling, passed the sun, and flew away again along a thread.

"The next place is the thing that destroyed this star, right?" Mo Ling guessed.

"You guessed right." The balloon said with relief, pulling Mo Ling to shuttle again.

The surrounding star belt passed by, and the balloon seemed to bring Mo Ling to the center of a brilliant star cluster.

However, among the colorful stars, there was an extremely weird spherical twisted hole.

"What is this?" Mo Ling asked puzzledly.

The hostility emanating from this hole made him feel unprecedented fear.

The hostility line exploded from the hole like hair, connecting to the unknown distance.

"This is a black hole, do you feel it? The hostility that can destroy everything."

"Is this a black hole?" Mo Ling thought that a black hole was just a dark hole, but there were countless twisted refractions around the hole in front of him, just like the colorful light and shadow on the bubble, twisted and weird.

"Yes, it's beautiful, right?"

"No, I just feel scared, its hostility is too strong." Mo Ling said truthfully.

"But such a horrible thing will also be destroyed one day." The voice of the balloon was a little lonely, as if regretting the fate of the black hole.

"But I didn't find that thread..."

Mo Ling was eager to find the hostility that destroyed the black hole, but after searching for a long time, he could only find the hostility emitted by the black hole.

"You can't see it here, come with me." The balloon pulled Mo Ling up again.

This time, they will fly to the black hole.

They sank into the colorful bubble membrane, and Mo Ling also saw a scene that surprised him:

The light and shadow on the membrane slowly expanded, returned to normal from the distortion, and then turned into dazzling planets, which were ejected into the distant universe by the rotating black hole.

It was like a picture originally printed on paper, which was processed into a three-dimensional object.

"What is this?" Mo Ling asked in shock: "Why is the black hole creating planets?"

"No, it is swallowing planets." The balloon replied.

"What we see is the scene that happened before, because light cannot escape and is trapped here. As we continue to go down, the scene we see will continue to go backwards."

Sure enough, just as the balloon said, as they got closer and closer to the core of the black hole, the shadows printed on the black hole's light film were thrown out one by one.

The black hole is like a planet-making machine, and it ejected a vast supercluster.

However, Mo Ling knew that this supercluster no longer existed.

A long, long time ago, it was completely swallowed by the black hole. Now, all we see is its afterglow, the light trapped in the black hole's horizon.

There were countless streams of light flashing around, and Mo Ling witnessed the colorful past of the universe. Watching countless stars gushing out, he was getting closer and closer to the core of the black hole...

Finally, he arrived in a wasteland.

"Did you see it?"

In this empty universe, the voice of the balloon sounded again.

"I saw it."

Mo Ling stared blankly ahead.

It was a ball of tangled threads, so thin that it did not occupy any three-dimensional space, but it existed there, interweaving and interweaving, wrapped into a dark ball of threads.

The thread ball had no beginning and no end, connected from beginning to end, with no idea of ​​its source or destination, and it would circulate forever.

"Is this also hostility? Why is it like this?"

During this journey across the universe, Mo Ling had seen all kinds of hostile threads, and no matter how those threads changed, they would have a source and a destination, with one end connected to the other.

Hostility must have a beginning and an end, it is a vector with a substance.

But the thread ball in front of him had no beginning and no end, and was completely groundless.

The balloon also did not answer for a long time, and it seemed to have the same doubts as Mo Ling.

"This is the source of my confusion."

"Do you know? All hostility in the world has a source. The magma will be cooled by the sea, the sea will be evaporated by the sun, the sun will be destroyed by another star, and that star will be swallowed by a black hole. This is the law of this world."

"Because of hostility, life will be the law of the jungle. Herbivores are hostile to plants, carnivores are hostile to flesh and blood, and scavengers are hostile to corpses. As long as they exist in this world, they cannot escape this web of hostility."

"Hostile, the threads of the world follow the rules, all things are connected, the threads are messy, but everything has its 'root' and 'end'."

"But why is there something that has no beginning and no end?"

The thread was entangled, floating quietly in the desolate void, with nothing around.

Neither of them spoke again, just silently looking at the thread.

Mo Ling finally understood why the balloon brought him here to chase the hostility.

This thread has been bothering the balloon. It can't talk to anyone, and can't describe everything it sees.

Because no one can see the "thread of hostility".

It can only wait alone, trapped in endless confusion, and can never find an answer.

It has thought about the meaning of its own race's existence, the source of its power, and constantly studied hostility, but none of these can solve the confusion in its heart.

On the contrary, it makes it farther and farther away from its own people and more and more lonely.

The thread has been engraved in its heart, becoming a hurdle it can never get around.

"I even suspected that the line I saw might just be my delusion. The hostile line does not exist at all. I am just a special individual, or a sick individual..."

"Fortunately, you can see it, so it is at least not my hallucination, and my confusion has meaning."

The balloon said with a sense of relief.

In the desolate universe, it is no longer alone.

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