I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 419: Death

Mo Ling wanted to lock onto the sponge fragments that were besieging the balloon, but their speed had already increased to the extreme, becoming a series of afterimages that circled and interspersed around the balloon.

After several attempts, Mo Ling could only teleport some sponge fragments on the edge. Killing didn't care about the lack of sponges at all, and it was spreading more and more, like a swarm of bees, completely wrapping the balloon.

Now, Mo Ling didn't dare to continue teleporting, for he was afraid of accidentally hurting the balloon.

"I can only use this."

Mo Ling looked at the purple bracelet on his wrist.

"I didn't expect it to come in handy so soon."

He carefully pulled the end of the rope apart, and the entire bracelet spread out instantly.

The purple gauze slowly spread along the arm, gently caressing Mo Ling's arm.

However, when the purple gauze was fully spread, it suddenly turned and rushed towards the block above Mo Ling's head.

"Xiao Zi, the enemy is over there..." Before Mo Ling finished speaking, the purple net had already wrapped Mo Ling's block head tightly.


"I knew it would be like this."

The primary target of Xiao Zi's attack must be the cube. Mo Ling realized this a long time ago, and it didn't seem to listen to Mo Ling.

At this time, Xiao Zi was still shrinking, tightly holding the cube's head, and had no intention of letting go.

However, Mo Ling had an unexpected gain.

"Is that, the hostility line?"

The cube was wrapped in a thin gauze net. Mo Ling could see the silk threads spreading everywhere through this layer of gauze.

"Silk thread? Hostility line, is it also a silk thread?" Mo Ling's mind flashed.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zi actually has the ability to make people see the hostility line.

But this is not the most shocking thing to Mo Ling.

I saw that in the battlefield in front of me, the actions of the balloon were not illogical.

It was using the hostility of killing to weave a net!

At this time, this net had covered the entire battlefield.

"Is this all in its calculation?"

Mo Ling thought that the balloon was really beaten and couldn't fight back before, but unexpectedly, it was actually setting up this net.

"But what is the use of this net?"

Just when Mo Ling was confused, the balloon suddenly stopped.

It landed right in the middle of the net, like a spider waiting for its prey.

"Die! You have no way to escape!"

The swarm of sea debris swept up, and the balloon had no way to retreat, and all directions were completely blocked by killing.

This was a dead end for him!

However, the balloon was not in a hurry, and gently wrapped the hostile line in front of him in the center of the big net.

When the sponge swarm covered the balloon's body, the hostile line of the big net suddenly began to shake.

"Prey, caught in the net."

A sponge that was launching a piercing attack suddenly hit another fragment beside it.

And the other fragment was about to gather into a fist with other fragments, but it was disturbed by this, and its movement suddenly deformed and crashed into other fragments.

The fist that was supposed to gather could no longer maintain its shape and suddenly exploded...

The originally extremely coordinated swarm was suddenly disturbed by various accidents, and affected other fragments like dominoes.

Killing tried its best to stop this chaos, but its actions became the beginning of a new chaos, which became more and more chaotic.

The balloon completely directed the target of hostility to Killing. The change of hostility would cause turmoil, which would cause new hostility, like a snowball, rolling bigger and bigger.

No matter how Killing struggled, he could not escape from this big net, and could only watch his sponge fragments inexplicably start to kill each other.

Those attacks originally aimed at the balloon also fell on other sponge fragments in a muddle.

Killing's meticulously calculated combat system suddenly collapsed, and his carefully set tricks were completely eaten up.

"Hostile fission."

The balloon's sponge line gently flicked, and the sponge in the distance instantly broke, and at the same time triggered countless chain reactions, completely destroying the surrounding sponges.

Killing struggled to escape the influence of these hostile forces, but the hostile lines wrapped around his body were not so easy to break free.

Those lines have already tightly wrapped around each sponge fragment, and a single hair will move the whole body.

If it wants to break free from the hostility on a sponge, it will inevitably interfere with other lines, making the chain reaction more intense.

Finally, after realizing this, Killing stopped resisting and let his sponge fragments break one by one.

The situation was reversed in an instant.

This was a dead end for Killing.

"What's your name?"

Killing's voice was no longer wild, but extremely solemn.

"I don't have a name." Balloon replied.

"You are the strongest of your kind I have ever seen." Killing said seriously: "So hostility can be used in this way?"

As the wind stopped suddenly, Killing's voice became a little intermittent, hoarse and weak.

"I thought that the extreme of the body was the extreme of the power of our race, but I didn't expect there was another direction..."

"Is this, the extreme of hostility?" Killing was a little confused.

It tentatively moved a piece of sponge, and then watched it move towards destruction step by step under the influence of the hostility network.

"You use my hostility to deal with me. You have been tempting me to split my body, so that you have enough hostility to arrange, and the chain reaction arranged is more tight and difficult to crack."

"In order to hit you, I can only split my body continuously, which is exactly what you want..."

"It's not that you can't escape, you just show weakness and lead me into the trap, great."

Sha Lu couldn't help but sigh.

But the balloon ignored it, just hid in the center of the big net, and continued to stir up hostility.

"Did you figure this out yourself? Why haven't I seen you?" Sha Lu continued to ask.

"Oh, I almost forgot that you were created by God, no wonder, no wonder..."

The balloon ignored it, and Sha Lu kept talking to himself.

"I never thought that hostility could be a means. It seems that I haven't developed my body enough..."

As he spoke, the sponge fragments surrounding the balloon became fewer and fewer.

Sha Lu's voice became weaker and weaker.

"Well, God actually created such a strong enemy."

"Enjoy it! So enjoy it! I haven't had such an enjoyable battle for a long time!"

A gust of wind blew, and the last two sponge fragments died together.

The sound of Sha Lu also stopped abruptly.

The terrifying hostility on the battlefield disappeared completely.

"Is it over?"

In Mo Ling's vision, there was no trace of killing.

The giant net woven with hostility gradually collapsed.

However, the balloon was still floating in the air, motionless, looking into the distance.

The huge seaweed was floating, and it had been broken into two pieces at some point. The transparent reef was destroyed in a mess. The originally crystal clear transparent world had now been broken into countless waste slags and was devastated.

Suddenly, a group of fish swam over.

They seemed to have no fear and rushed straight into the battlefield after the war. Then, they started to kill each other frantically.

They bit their companions' bodies, swallowed them into their stomachs, and then burst themselves, and the burst flesh and blood were swallowed by other members of the same kind.

Over and over again.

Soon, this group of crazy fish was left with only a piece of broken limbs.

The still twitching flesh and blood was extremely strange.

The hostility they generated did not dissipate, but continued to brew, becoming more and more dignified.

Suddenly, a tiny sponge appeared in the entangled hostility, and then it quickly expanded, growing hands and feet, and finally the huge tail.

Killing is reborn in the hostility.

As long as the hostility exists, it will never die.

This is the ultimate of the flesh.

The terrifying one-eyed man suddenly opened and looked at the balloon, full of joy.

"I'm back!"

It stretched out its hand and pointed at the balloon, and the hostility burst out again. The hostility gathered behind it and spread unscrupulously, like a gorgeous cloak.

The silk threads in the sky rose into the sky, turning into dark clouds that covered everything, covering the sky and the sun.

"You! You are the enemy I recognize!"

"Fight! Continue!"

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