I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 418: Fierce Battle

When Mo Ling broke free from the hostility, he was already standing high on the transparent Colosseum.

"Huh? Are you back?"

He touched his head, and unexpectedly it turned into a square.

The balloon was floating aside, and the sponge thread underneath him kept fidgeting with the air.

"It actually followed me back."

As the balloons were played, the hostility that enveloped them gradually dissipated.

"I can't seem to see those hostile lines anymore."

The perception of hostile lines should be the sponge creature's own ability. After the body changes back, Mo Ling will of course lose this power.

"Is this your original appearance?" Balloon asked curiously while cutting off hostility.

Mo Ling nodded.

"It's quite strange." Balloon said unabashedly: "It feels very incongruous."

Just as Mo Ling was about to retort, a strong wind suddenly blew over.

"You? You are so weak! You want to fight me too?"

Mo Ling quickly followed the sound and found that in the center of the Colosseum, some sponge fragments were being generated out of thin air and gradually gathering together.

In the blink of an eye, the sponge fragments formed a strong humanoid creature with a thick tail behind it.

The humanoid creature had only one huge eye, which almost took up its entire face. It was staring at the balloon fiercely, with unconcealable contempt in its eyes.

"Are you an enemy sent by God?" it asked the balloon.

Then, he looked at Mo Ling again: "You too?"

When its body was completely condensed, it suddenly looked at Li Luo and Fatty at the edge of the Colosseum.

The two of them didn't know what was happening at this time, and were looking at the increasingly ferocious humanoid creature with vigilance.

"You too?"

"They are all so weak."

It says it unabashedly.

"This is killing..." Mo Ling looked at the growing hostility, and his mood became heavier.

The holes in the sponge kept emitting frightening white smoke, and the seemingly soft body was actually extremely tough.

"This is a powerful creature that can stop volcanic eruptions."

"It's very powerful," Mo Ling said cautiously to the balloon.

However, this subtle sound was captured by Killing in the distance.

"I am indeed powerful! I will grant you a glorious death! As a gift for your praise of Me!"

As it spoke, its body instantly twisted and expanded, and it stepped on the transparent reef of the Colosseum.

Seeing this, the balloon quickly flew forward.

"Your opponent is me, I'm here to fight you."

The sound of the balloon was still very calm.

Killing said nothing more. His terrifying eyes were fixed on the tiny ball in front of him, and countless hostility enveloped him.

But those sword-like hostility were bounced away by the swinging sponge line of the balloon.


Killing is not stupid, it also realizes that the same kind in front of it is not simple.

"A very clever use, but you are too weak!"

While commenting, it threw out a heavy punch, and with a violent aura, it hit the balloon in the air.

But the balloon did not dodge and continued to float in the air, allowing the terrifying fist to approach it.

Killing's punch was very fast. When it threw out its fist, its body also rotated. The tail behind it maintained balance, and all the strength of its body was concentrated on this punch.

His words are full of contempt, but he fights without mercy.

If the balloon is hit by this punch, its fragile body will definitely shatter instantly.

But it didn't panic, and fiddled with the sponge line in front of it.

The terrifying fist wind struck, and an afterimage passed through the original position of the balloon.


Killing quickly retracted his fist and jumped to the side.

At this time, the contempt was no longer in its eyes.

"I see, have you transferred my hostility?"

The fighting maniac understood the balloon's method instantly.

It did not continue to attack, but kept moving, as if testing the balloon's range of influence.

The balloon was still floating motionless in the air.

Finally, Killing launched another attack, but this time, Killing did not choose a heavy punch like the first time, but twisted his hands, turned into vines, and attacked the balloon.

The vines twisted and tightened instantly, but they still couldn't hit the balloon.

Killing didn't stop attacking. The vines suddenly spun again, throwing out countless spikes and shooting towards the balloon.

Of course, those spikes couldn't hit the balloon, but after the spikes flew by, they suddenly expanded and turned into small killing creatures, attacking towards the balloon.

In an instant, the battlefield became chaotic, and Mo Ling had to avoid it temporarily and came to Li Luo's side.

At this time, the fat man was dumbfounded, staring blankly at Mo Ling, who had turned into a square man.

"Detachment still has this form?"

"Stupid! Detachment can be in any form!" The head suddenly came out and scolded the fat man again.

Li Luo looked at Mo Ling with concern.

"Why are you like this again?"

Just as Mo Ling was about to answer, a crystal flew from the sky and hit several people.

Killing is trying to attack the balloon in various ways, testing the balloon's endurance limit.

"I have to go help it."

Balloon was already unable to withstand it and started to dodge.

"Wait, take this with you."

Li Luo took off the purple bracelet from his hand and put it on Mo Ling's wrist.

Mo Ling nodded to her, tacitly said nothing more, turned around and flew towards the balloon.

The gusty voice of Killing was constantly echoing in the Colosseum.

"I understand, you can divert the hostility, but your movements are too slow. I just need to hit you before you discover the hostility, and you will be helpless."

"Weak, or too weak, unorthodox, not in the mainstream..."

Killing accelerated the attack and split into more small Killings, as if intending to drown the balloon with hostility.

The balloon struggled to dodge and maneuver in the overwhelming attack, while diverting the hostility.

Mo Ling was a little surprised, the strength of the balloon should not be like this.

But it is indeed at a disadvantage now, and Killing's crazy attack is about to drown the balloon.

"You're too slow!" Killing launched an attack while roaring: "If your body was faster, you could attack me while diverting my hostility."

"But you are dragged down by this weak body. You can see the hostility, but you can only divert part of it. You can't avoid the rest. You can only delay time and die slowly!"

These sounds seem to be Killing's means of attack. It not only kills the enemy's body, but also destroys the enemy's will.

"You can survive under me for so long, you are already a powerful enemy, but it's not enough! Don't struggle, die! I will give you a glorious death!"

The balloon completely ignored Killing's tactical interference, but continued to avoid the siege, narrowly escaping one killer kill after another.

The killing continued to split into a series of afterimages, forcing the balloon into a dead end.

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