I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 420 The battle of wishes

The originally crystal clear transparent world was almost shattered.

But the will to fight of the killing has not disappeared.

With the previous experience, it no longer chose to attack the balloon by splitting, but chose the purest physical combat.

Every punch could roll up a gust of wind, and every kick could make the mirror tremble. Although it still couldn't hit the balloon, the killing was extremely excited.

"Come again! Come again!"

The killing turned his body, and the sponge holes all over his body spewed out terrifying white smoke, and the powerful force made the surrounding air begin to distort.

As its fist swung out, a circle of sound waves burst out around its arm instantly.

However, the balloon transferred the hostility of the killing fist to itself.

The heavy punch was swung out, but it hit itself. The killing head burst instantly, but the sponge on its neck twisted and expanded, and a new head grew in an instant.


The killing did not take these injuries seriously at all, and quickly returned to the battle and launched a more fierce attack on the balloon.

Neither of them could hurt the other, but this transparent world suffered:

The huge seaweed had been completely annihilated into small transparent fragments.

The surrounding reefs had completely disappeared.

The limbs of countless glass creatures were scattered in the air.

These fragile lives could not withstand the aftermath of the battle at all. The countless strong winds and shocks were tantamount to a catastrophe for them. The original vitality had turned into a dead silence at this moment.

Mo Ling tried to teleport the body of the killing several times, but the stripped sponge body was restored to its original state in an instant. The killing did not take the damage seriously at all, and did not even look at Mo Ling.

Its enemy at this time was only the balloon.

“How long will they fight?”

This battle did not seem to end so quickly.

What the killing wanted was “hearty and enjoyable”, and this battle must be fought until it was satisfied.


The killing and the balloon fought in the air and returned to the ground...

Mo Ling was still thinking about how to break the deadlock, and an accident happened.

In the aftermath of the horrific battle, he suddenly heard a crisp sound:


That was the sound of glass breaking.

The mirror was shattered by Killing!

A terrifying crack bloomed from Killing's fist.

Spider-web-like cracks covered the entire mirrored land in an instant.

When Mo Ling reacted, countless glass fragments could no longer support themselves and began to fall.

Killing jumped into the air again, and the mirror under him shattered instantly.

"Not good!"

Mo Ling could still fly in the air, but Li Luo was still standing on the ground.

He hurriedly flew downwards, but the mirror shattered too quickly. Before Li Luo realized what was happening, he fell with the mirror.

Even Fatty almost didn't react. He was stunned in the air for a while until he was reminded by the head. He came back to his senses and quickly changed into a building block bird and flew towards Li Luo.

When the mirror fell completely, the things under the mirror appeared.

"What is this?"

Countless mirrors were falling into a group of wriggling golden light. The surface of the golden light was extremely sticky, like rolling paint. These golden lights were trying to make up for the mirrors, but the speed of the mirrors' falling had completely exceeded its expectations.

While Mo Ling was still marveling at the strangeness under the mirror, Li Luo had already smashed into the golden light, and the building block bird followed closely and plunged down.


After Mo Ling returned to the bottom, he could no longer find the figures of the two. Only the mirrors that were still falling and the rolling golden light were left.

The battle in the air was still going on, with killing and balloons fighting each other.

Looking up, Mo Ling flew directly into the golden light without any hesitation.

After plunging into the golden light that was like a quagmire, Mo Ling felt like he had jumped into the sea, and the sea water gently caressed his body.

The golden light that looked extremely turbulent on the outside was unusually calm inside.

"Where is this?"

Mo Ling looked around, but could not find the shadows of Li Luo and the building block bird.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and there was no sound from the battle above.

Mo Ling was floating in the golden light, at a loss.

Just when he was confused, a wave of light surged over, gently pushing his back, as if to guide him to a place.

After a moment of doubt, Mo Ling relaxed his body and stopped resisting the wave of light.

The soft light twisted on the side, and Mo Ling only felt that his body became light and was dragged by the light wave, up and down, and gently drifted away.

"Is this still the original place of worship?"

Mo Ling looked around curiously and found that everything around him was extremely monotonous, except for the golden light, there were only some strange golden lines spreading everywhere, as if connecting something.

Finally, after a period of swaying, the golden wave stopped and dragged Mo Ling upwards.

"Are we there yet?"

Mo Ling hurriedly broke free from the golden light and flew upwards.

However, when he came to the surface of the golden ocean, he was blocked by a layer of glass.

"Is this a mirror?"

Mo Ling touched the glass in front of him in surprise.

The mirror here did not fall off and was still intact.

Could this be another place for worshipping gods?

Mo Ling quickly looked up and looked outside through the thin glass.

The scene in front of him stunned Mo Ling again.

Outside the glass was an antique pavilion.

Outside the pavilion were stars, and the building was brightly lit.

The shadows of the lights flickered, reflecting the visitors in the building.

Those visitors were all human figures wearing embroidered robes, but their heads were various marine creatures:

Killer whales, octopuses, lobsters, starfish...

They were all dressed very exquisitely, with all kinds of accessories, noble and elegant. These human-shaped marine creatures gathered in the pavilion, making strange and peculiar whispers.

The friction between scales and tentacles, the collision between shells and fins, these rustling sounds passed through the glass and drilled into Mo Ling's square head.

The misty incense rose in the pavilion, and Mo Ling seemed to smell the lingering smell of incense ash, which was a bit pungent, but it made people unable to stop.

Mo Ling was in a trance, sticking to the glass, and suddenly came back to his senses.

"This is a mirage!"

He suddenly realized that this was the "mirage" in the mirage record!

Mo Ling hurriedly searched among those human figures.

Soon, he found the target.

It was a capable young man, who was carefully looking at the environment in the pavilion and poked the crab beside him with a branch he carried with him.

The crab did not react at all and ignored him at all.

When he found that the branch could directly pass through the crab's body, the young man breathed a sigh of relief, wiped his forehead, and whispered softly:

"It's still an illusion."

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