I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 422: The fulfillment of a wish

Morrington suddenly understood that Xiabuluo wanted to take revenge on the Ever-Thirsty Man, which was why Xiabuluo came to the mirage.

As the Eternal Thirst's abilities become more and more powerful, no matter how hard Xi Buluo tries, he is unable to catch up, and seems to be facing no hope of revenge.

Therefore, after he learned that there was a relic in the mirage that could grant wishes, he came here without hesitation to find a way to break the situation...

"But how can I fulfill your wish?"

Mo Ling is not a god, nor can he conjure any relics out of thin air.

Just when some helpless thoughts arose in his mind, the golden light around him suddenly began to change and flicker.

Immediately afterwards, a strange relic appeared next to Mo Ling.

Black, like a top.

Mo Ling quickly looked around and found that the surroundings were still quiet. There was nothing except the golden light floating everywhere.

"Did your wish come true?"

So simple?

The golden light pushed the spinning top relic to Mo Ling's side.

Mo Ling immediately understood its meaning:

It wanted Mo Ling to help it deliver the relics to Xiang Buluo.

Mo Ling did not take the relic.

"Who are you?" Mo Ling shouted to the empty surroundings.

However, no one responded to him.

"Are you the Sea of ​​Creation Gods? Or the elf of the spring? Aladdin's magic lamp? Or the God of Olives?" Mo Ling kept shouting out the guesses in his heart, and the stone bracelet also made a sound that echoed around The cry.

However, after these questions disappeared into Jin Guanghai, there was no response.

In the mirror, Xiabuluo was still looking at the blue olive devoutly.

His dark eyes revealed infinite expectations.

As a result, Mo Ling kept looking at the relics and Xiabuluo for a long time.

Finally, he shook his head helplessly.

Mo Ling couldn't stand by and watch, besides, this matter was just a piece of cake for him.

"I will only help you this time." Mo Ling said to the people around him.

The teleportation frame was aimed at the strange top relic, and Mo Ling activated the teleportation, sending it to the other side of the mirror.

In the mirage, the water on the blue olives was rippling, and then a shining golden relic suddenly appeared.

When the golden light slowly faded, the relic showed its original appearance.

It's that top.

Xia Buluo raised his head, his two dark shrimp eyes flashing continuously. The slowly falling relic not only represented strength, but also represented his hope for revenge.

He will raise his pair of pincers and accept this precious hope with the most pious attitude.

Then, he respectfully withdrew, leaving his place to other petitioners.

Mo Ling silently watched him retreat and leave the mirage.

"Poor race."

For some reason, Mo Ling could feel the emotions flooding over the blue olive.

That's not just the experience of the shrimp not falling, it's what happened to the lobster people.

Mo Ling still felt a strong sense of sadness. Xiang Buluo didn't want to recall the pain. At the same time, there was also an anger that was difficult to conceal. It was the anger of revenge. Xiang Buluo wanted to suppress his anger. , but the anger is always burning.

In addition, there is a hint of hope mixed between sadness and anger.

This little bit of hope supported Xia Buluo's will and prevented him from being swallowed up by pain.

These emotions truly penetrated into Moling's heart from above the blue olive.

After satisfying his wish, Mo Ling belatedly became aware of the interference of these emotions.

"This blue olive seems to be more than just a convex lens."

It seemed to be able to amplify the emotions in the hearts of those who prayed, allowing everything to be revealed in front of Mo Ling.

“This is a magnifying glass that sees everything.”

See through life, see through emotions, so that God can consider whether to fulfill your wishes.

"What exactly do you want from me?" Mo Ling said to the golden light swaying around him.

But the golden light still didn't respond. The blue olive water on the other side of the mirror rippled and began to reveal the next petitioner's wish.

It was a killer whale with a bruise on its face.

Soon after, the killer whale also got the relic he wanted.

Mo Ling scratched his square head, unable to recover.

The experience of this killer whale is also very tragic. Their entire race is gnawing on a kind of food from the sea, causing the entire race to become dependent on this food. In the end, they find that it is just a bait for another creature, that kind of food. Food makes their entire race stupid.

So, the killer whale wants a relic that can relieve this food interference.

"I will help you this time, there will be no next time..." Mo Ling said to the golden light.

However, when the next petitioner came under the blue olive, Mo Ling was touched by the tragic story again.

This is a walrus-like petitioner, and its wish is very simple——

Let everyone in the clan have enough to eat.

There is less and less food in the sea. Overfishing by various powerful civilizations has greatly compressed the living space of these weak races. The tribe has not found food for a long time...

"The last time." Mo Ling shook his head helplessly.

One petitioner after another came forward, and Mo Ling said each time that he would not help Jin Guang again, but each time he would empathize with those stories.

The blue olives conveyed the true emotions to Mo Ling. Through the rippling water, he saw the true wishes of those wishers.

None of them were lying.

Oppression, hunger, war...

They had no way to resist, and the mirage was their only hope.

Mo Ling was unwilling to go against his inner compassion.

It only took a simple teleportation to help a race out of trouble. Without thinking, he knew how worthwhile it was.

Slowly, Mo Ling stopped saying the words "the last time". He just watched the wishers walk under the blue olives one by one, feeling the slim hope in them.

However, as Mo Ling continued to teleport, a strange emotion rose in his heart:

"So tired."

"Why should I help them?"

"Isn't it better to let them fend for themselves?"

"What does the affairs of other races have to do with me?"

Mo Ling's heart suddenly became very tired. He kept empathizing with various races, feeling the suffering of various races, and repeatedly experiencing similar things.

"Why is there pain everywhere in the abyss?"

"In the abyss, the strong prey on the weak. Every day, some species are eliminated. They deserve to be eliminated. Even if I help them, one day, they will fall into suffering again because of their weakness..."

Looking at the scene in the water, Mo Ling's heart gradually became numb.

No longer touched, no longer empathized, no longer pitied...

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