I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 423 Universal Container

"The last one."

Mo Ling looked at the pavilion on the other side of the mirror quietly.

There was only one person left in the quaint pavilion.

The young man who looked very capable-Shen Ping.

He looked very hesitant at this time, and his eyes looked at the blue olive with both fear and yearning.

Finally, after struggling for a moment, Shen Ping walked under the blue olive and imitated the immortals before, making an oval gesture.

Shen Ping's wish slowly appeared on the olive...

His family used to live a rich life, but an accident changed everything.

His sister was infected with a rare abyss disease called aphrodisiac disease, and could only survive by taking medicine. After she could not afford the expensive special medicine, the original family fell apart.

He was the only one left to take care of his sister...

In the golden light, a relic slowly emerged.

It was a bronze cup that looked very simple.

Mo Ling did not hesitate and sent the bronze cup to the other side of the mirror.

The water flow on the blue olive fluctuated again, and the bronze cup fell from the air. Shen Ping reached out to catch it, but the bronze cup passed through his palm and fell to the ground.

After seeing this last scene, the blue olive in front of Mo Ling exploded, and the scattered water flow made the mirror surface extremely blurry.

When the water flow gradually calmed down, Mo Ling could no longer see what was happening on the other side of the mirror. It seemed that everything that had just happened was just an illusion...

"Is it over?"

The surrounding golden light rippled gently, and there were no more relics that suddenly appeared. The mirror surface also became blurry, as if nothing had happened before.

But the fluctuating emotions in Mo Ling's heart did not disappear.

"Is it obvious that so many wishes have been fulfilled, but why is it still empty?"

Just as Mo Ling was entangled, another golden light suddenly grabbed him, pulled him away from the mirror, and drilled into the depths.

The ocean current of the Golden Light Sea seemed to want to take Mo Ling far away, but the golden light kept pulling Mo Ling tightly, preventing him from being swept away by the ocean current.

"Don't refuse, follow me, we'll be there soon."

A soft and ethereal voice came along his arm, as if he had seen it before.

Mo Ling followed the golden light and went deeper and deeper...

At this time, Mo Ling discovered that the sea did not seem to be all golden. As the depth increased, the ocean currents seemed to be closer to the normal blue.

The golden light seemed to be only concentrated in the upper part of the water surface. The deeper it went, the less golden light there was.

Finally, when the color of the sea gradually turned back to dark blue, Mo Ling saw the golden light that was holding him clearly.

It was a golden human figure with a square head.

"Little elf?"

The figure in front of him was the little elf, and it still looked the same as when it had parted with Mo Ling before.

"It has to go deeper, otherwise you will be caught by them and work." The little elf said as he pulled Mo Ling into the deeper sea.

It stopped slowly until the surroundings were completely dark.

"Why are you here?" Mo Ling asked anxiously as soon as he stopped.

"This is the gathering place of our race, so of course I am here."

"The Sea of ​​Creation is the gathering place of your race?" Mo Ling felt a little incredible.

But soon, he figured out the connection.

"Are you here to fulfill the wishes of other creatures?"

"Yes, our abilities are limited, and we must gather together to fulfill the wishes of those races to "create gods." The elf pointed to the top of his head: "Those above are all my people."

Mo Ling looked up at the golden light gathered on the sea: "Are they all the wish-making race? Why did they ignore me when I tried to communicate before?"

"They ignored me too, which is normal." The elf spread his hands and answered.

"Why don't you pay attention to you? Aren't you of the same race?"

"I don't know." The elf shook his head.

Mo Ling was stunned. He thought that he had met the elf and all problems could be solved, but he didn't expect that the elf was also half-knowledgeable.

"You just said that they caught me to work, what does that mean?"

"It means literally. They think you are useful, so they will catch you to work. I was caught by them before, but I ran away. They were busy fulfilling their wishes and didn't care about me."

Listening to the elf's explanation, Mo Ling nodded repeatedly.

"Since I entered the Sea of ​​Creation, they have indeed been catching me to work..."

Mo Ling told the elf everything that happened after he came to the Sea of ​​Creation.

He became the god of stone and satisfied their wishes of petrification. He became the god of sponge creatures and satisfied their wishes of killing. Finally, he was brought to the mirror and helped "distribute" relics in a confused manner.

He was busy all the time, and Mo Ling didn't know what he was busy with. He just felt that he had been "becoming a god" and then fell from the altar. He had begun to feel numb.

Now he was inexplicably pushed around by the golden light, making him dizzy.

"Because you are a very useful universal carrier, wishes can easily gather on you, so they will keep looking for you." After listening to Mo Ling's complaints, the elf explained helplessly.

"Universal carrier?"

"Yes, they need to gather the wishes of those races on a carrier, so that it will be easier to realize the wishes and the power will be easier to concentrate. The magic objects brought by those races are for this purpose."

The elf stretched out his hand and pointed to the block above Mo Ling's head.

"Different races have different wishes and different natures. If you want to gather wishes, you have to use different 'containers'."

"Use a cup to hold water and a basket to hold vegetables. The wishes of different races need to be placed in different containers, so their fetishes are different, but their functions are the same."

"If you use the wrong container, you can't gather wishes, just like you can't use a basket to hold water."

"But they found that you are a universal container, which is very useful, so they use you to hold wishes everywhere, regardless of whether there is anything in the container..."

At this point, the elf paused:

"So they won't pay attention to you , they just think you are a very useful tool, and no one will talk to a tool. "

Listening to the elf's explanation, Mo Ling first suddenly realized, and then a little angry:

"I thought they just asked me to help, but I didn't expect that they were using me and didn't treat me as a person to communicate with. "

The elf also sighed: "They are like this. After I found out that they are of the same race, I also tried to communicate, but they just caught me to work together. I asked why they did this, and they didn't respond..."

As he spoke, the elf scratched his head, seeming to be very puzzled: "I always feel that they... are like machines. "

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