I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 425: Machines and Factories

After listening to the elf's words, Mo Ling realized that he had misunderstood the Sea of ​​Creation Gods before.

"They are not just showing it up, but they are squeezing every available thing to the extreme, including me, the 'universal container'."

If Mo Ling hadn't happened to be rescued by the elves, Mo Ling might have had to work with them for a long time.

"Why do they have to work endlessly? Will your race be very happy after helping others realize their wishes?" Mo Ling asked doubtfully: "In other words, what benefits will they get?"

After hearing this, the elf quickly shook his head: "What's the benefit?"

"When you were in Oasis City, if others made wishes to you, wouldn't you get their wishes?"

"That's just because my power is not pure enough, that's why that phenomenon happened. There is no need to pay for a normal wish." The elf explained: "Furthermore, I have been in the Sea of ​​Gods for so long, and I haven't paid a price. What a price it pays to see those creatures who perform divine rituals.”

As he spoke, the elf raised his head and looked at the swaying golden light on the sea.

"That's why I say they are like machines. Machines have no desires and do not require payment for their work. They just serve as a 'part' and keep running..."

There was both worry and panic in the elf's words.

All the people of the same race around him have turned into this weird look, and no matter who they are, they will feel very scared.

"I want to save them."

The elf looked up and said suddenly.

"They shouldn't have to work endlessly, it's unfair to them."

"How to save?" Mo Ling asked curiously.

"Just stop the Sea of ​​Creation God. As long as you stop the 'production line', the machine will stop running." The elf looked at Mo Ling and said seriously:

"The Sea of ​​Creation Gods is like a huge factory, and those mirrors are like conveyor belts. As the mirrors change, those places of worship and wishing places will appear in front of my kindred, and they will complete the work in front of them like machines."

"As soon as the mirror stops moving and the production line comes to a complete standstill, they stop working."

Listening to the elf's words, Mo Ling also understood its thoughts.

However, the elf said it was simple, but in practice there were many difficulties:

How to stop the mirror from changing?

After the mirror stops changing, will those machine-like wish-granting races really stop working?

If something goes wrong in the Sea of ​​Creation Gods, will there be any defensive measures?

Mo Ling always felt that the elf's idea was a bit too simple and not considered at all.

When Mo Ling told the elf about his worries, the elf calmed down a lot.

"You are right, even if the Sea of ​​Creation Gods can stop, they may not be willing to leave. Maybe they like this?"

"However, I have a way to stop the Sea of ​​Creation God, and it will not trigger any defensive measures..." The elf suddenly pulled up Mo Ling: "Come with me, I will take you somewhere."

Mo Ling felt that his wrist was suddenly wrapped in a golden light, and his whole body was sinking into the deep sea.

The golden light above became fainter and fainter, and the entire sea area became extremely dark. Thick seafloor dust continued to float past Mo Ling. Not long after, Mo Ling was taken by the elf into the darker deep sea. .

"Where is this?" In the blur, Mo Ling seemed to see two huge rock walls appearing on both sides, standing in the sea.

"There is a trench under the Sea of ​​Creation God. I found it when I dived down before." The elf replied.


Mo Ling looked down. From time to time, some turbid bubbles rose up in the dark abyss, and thick dust kept rising from the trench, as if something was stirring underneath.

"Is there something down here?" Mo Ling suddenly felt uneasy. The flashing white shadows of dust and bubbles made him feel like something was shaking.

You can't see the bottom of the dark abyss, and the visibility is getting lower and lower. The water here is extremely thick, exuding an indescribable feeling of suffocation.

Except for the gurgling sound of bubbles around, it was completely silent, with no living creatures, and even the water flow was somewhat stagnant, which was frighteningly depressing.

Just when Mo Ling was about to ask the elf where he planned to take him, a strange object suddenly rose from the deep abyss.

It is transparent, but its texture is somewhat different from that of sea water, and its shape is also very strange.

As the object floated up, Mo Ling finally saw its appearance clearly.

That is, a piece of glass!

In other words, it was some kind of glass sculpture.

It is very similar to the solidified glass creatures outside, but it is not as vibrant as those creatures.

The glass sculpture followed the rising bubbles, spinning and floating up.

"One, glass seabird..."

This glass seabird rolled slowly in the thick deep water currents, passed over Mo Ling, and floated towards the sea surface. Perhaps not long after, it would be submerged in the golden light.

"What is this?" Mo Ling finally couldn't suppress the confusion in his heart and asked the elf.

"This is the material." The elf explained: "The material used for the mirror."

"The mirror is not made of ordinary glass, but some kind of glass with living properties. After these materials float to the surface of the sea, my fellow humans will change their shapes and then use them to repair the sea surface."

"I also followed the direction of these materials to find this trench. Here is the source of these life glasses."

Listening to the explanation of the elf, Mo Ling suddenly remembered the scene he saw on the Tissot when he first came to the Sea of ​​Creation: seabirds swallowed by the symphony of the sea.

An idea suddenly came to Mo Ling's mind:

"Is this kind of living glass made in this way?"

The Sea of ​​Creation completely swallowed the passing lives, leaving only the sound, and then made it into glass to make special mirrors.

For some reason, Mo Ling felt that there must be a connection between them.

Just as the elf said, the Sea of ​​Creation is a huge factory, making something, and anything can be used as raw materials.

"If this is the case, Li Luo may also be in danger..."

Mo Ling did not see the figures of Li Luo and Fatty in the golden light, and they did not know where they were taken by the ocean current.

"If the mirror is a conveyor belt, then they may have fallen into another sea."

While Mo Ling was thinking, glass sculptures rose in the trench again.

They were all seabirds, still flying, but they looked lifeless and strange, pushed by the thick sea water, floating upward stiffly.

"We're almost there, do you see the light below?" The elf suddenly pinched Mo Ling's wrist and said to him.

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