I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 424 The tireless tribesmen

"If I have to describe them, I think 'machine' is the most appropriate word."

The elf's ethereal voice echoed in the dim sea water, slowly telling Mo Ling what happened when it just came to the Sea of ​​Creation...


After arriving at the third layer of the abyss, the elf began to look for the meaning of its existence.

After not living for the wishes of others, it was very free, but more often, there was only endless emptiness in its heart.

"I thought I had escaped the fate of being dominated, but I fell into a more disordered nothingness."

Without a purpose, the elf began to wander around the third layer of the abyss.

Until it came to the Sea of ​​Creation.

As soon as it entered this sea area, it felt the presence of countless people of the same race, which made it very excited because it had always felt lonely.

After passing through countless mirrors, the elf found the location of those people of the same race.

They hid in a hidden sea and realized the wishes of other races through the mirrors.

As soon as it arrived at this sea, the elf was taken to participate in the "God Sacrifice Ceremony" before he had time to greet his people of the same race.

As one of them, the elf quickly understood the operating principle of the Sea of ​​Creation.

The fellow tribes of the Sea of ​​Creation adopted a very clever method. They did not directly realize the wishes of creatures, but used the carrier of "God".

They gathered the wishes of a race together, put them into a container, and then used this container to breed a "God", and realized the wishes of those races through God.

In fact, this God is the relic they created.

In this way, they can completely detach from the process of making wishes and become a hidden third party.

The process of making wishes only involves the creatures participating in the wishing and the gods created, and has nothing to do with them.

This is a very energy-saving method and can ensure their safety.

This golden sea is hidden under layers of mirrors and is difficult to detect. They don't have to worry about those greedy creatures coveting it.

The divine objects and divine sacrifice rituals set a threshold to a certain extent, allowing those creatures to restrain themselves.

The creatures will believe that it is the "God" who fulfills their wishes, and they will also remain in awe, and will not be too indulgent and make unreasonable demands on God.

After following his fellow tribesmen through several divine sacrifice ceremonies, the elf was extremely impressed by this way of fulfilling wishes.

"If I had known this method earlier, I would not be trapped by wishes, nor would I be troubled by those unreasonable wishes."

Not only that, the fellow tribesmen in the Sea of ​​Creation seem to be very motivated, running tirelessly in different divine sacrifice sites every day to fulfill the wishes of creatures.

Moreover, the mirror seems to be able to see not only what is happening in the Sea of ​​Creation, but also connect to some strange places.

These places are the famous wishing places in the abyss.

Wishing pool, wishing statue, wishing building...

Some fellow tribesmen are responsible for making wishes in these places.

It is simple to fulfill wishes, but it takes a lot of energy to send relics to the wishing place, so these places can only be opened periodically to avoid too many creatures making wishes and insufficient energy.

When he first came to the Sea of ​​Creation, the elf was very curious about everything, so he often ran around, and then was caught by his fellow tribesmen there and taken to fulfill his wishes.

With concerted efforts, the scope of wish fulfillment has become larger, and the intensity of wishes has become higher, which makes the elf admire the fellow tribesmen here even more.

However, the elf soon discovered that these "motivated" fellow tribesmen seemed to be working too hard.

No communication, no rest, no thinking... Every day, they work and run between various wishing locations.

Not only are they responsible for making wishes in the Sea of ​​Creation, but they are also responsible for making wishes in those distant places. These fellow tribesmen exhaust themselves every day until almost all their energy is exhausted, and then they will stop to recover.

The elf looked at these desperate fellow tribesmen and felt more and more strange.

"Why are you so tired?"

The elf asked a fellow tribesman who had almost lost all his energy and could only drift weakly in the sea.

The fellow tribesman just looked at it and continued to drift away along the ocean current. When its energy was fully restored, it would work again in the same place, wherever it drifted, it would work.

The elf asked many fellow tribesmen in a row, and all had the same result.

Those tired fellow tribesmen didn't even have the strength to respond.

The fellows who still have energy will directly pull the elf to work, regardless of whether it refuses or not.

If the elf runs away, those fellows will not care about it.

In their eyes, work seems to be the most important thing. Instead of chasing the elf, it is better to use this little time to work.

After realizing this, the elf even deliberately provoked some fellows to catch him, but those fellows still firmly put work first and completely ignored the elf's provocation.

The elf also made some other efforts.

It tried to take some exhausted fellows away from the Sea of ​​Creation and ran far away.

However, when these fellows recovered their energy, they hurried back to the Sea of ​​Creation and devoted themselves to work, and worked even harder, as if to make up for the time they had spent on the journey before.

They tirelessly fulfilled the wishes of other creatures without complaint.

"Isn't this a machine?"

The elf stayed in human society for a long time, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that these fellows were very similar to the machines in human society.

They are inflexible, extremely rigid, and only know how to work, not how to think.

They work well and efficiently, but they have completely lost the freedom that a living creature should have.

Looking at these mechanical fellows, the elf feels more and more terrified.

Not only that, those fellows are still influencing it.

As long as you stay in the center of the Golden Sea, you will definitely be taken to work.

After being drafted several times, the elf finally couldn't stand it anymore and hid in the deep sea alone, while continuing to observe these fellows and trying to save these mechanical compatriots.

"They asked you to go to the Wishing Tower to teleport the relics. They should have discovered your teleportation ability, which can save them a lot of energy." The elf said to Mo Ling.

"Are they being lazy?"

"No, they are not lazy at all. They save energy only to use it for other work. Even if you have helped them to transmit all the relics, they will only remove the restrictions on the opening of those wishing locations and let you continue to transmit."

The elf said seriously: "You may not understand that they don't have the concept of 'work saturation'. As long as the workload keeps increasing, the work will never be saturated."

"As long as you keep working, there will always be work, until you can't do it anymore!"

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