I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 427 God's Game

The movement of the earth veins became less active, and the sea water was no longer as violent as before. The whole sea became gentle and friendly.

All the creatures in the whole sea were celebrating, and joy spread to the sea water.

This was God's reward. God heard the cries of his people and the wishes from the heart.

The stable environment allowed civilization to enter a stage of vigorous development, and the whole sea was thriving.

However, the more creatures there were, the more wishes they had.

All the distracting thoughts in the world were transmitted to Mo Ling's heart along with the prayers:

"God! I hope that my tribe can become the most powerful tribe in the vicinity and quickly defeat those tough enemies."

"God, please let those enemies who are expanding wantonly enter destruction and protect our home."

"May we catch enough food next time we go out to sea, so that those robbers will encounter terrible storms."

"God, I hope that our robbery will be peaceful this time. If it succeeds, I will offer you the most precious treasure."


Some of these wishes conflict with each other, and some are full of desires. Countless distracting thoughts gather together, making Mo Ling's thoughts unable to calm down for a long time.

He saw the undisguised greed of those people. They were obsessed with the desires in front of them and blinded their eyes in the rolling world.

God selflessly accepted these desires, and the dirty thoughts kept polluting the sea, making the whole sea shrouded in dark clouds and black water flowing.

Just when Mo Ling was tortured by these disturbing thoughts, the vast voice came again:

"Because you selflessly fulfilled the wishes of your people, the entire sea was swallowed up by endless greed."

"At first, they wanted to survive, to live, and to allow their race to reproduce. This is their most basic wish."

"When the tribe prospers, they worry about their own safety and want to become stronger. They completely eliminate all unstable factors around them, and they are suspicious of each other. Their wishes are no longer pure."

"Desires have no end. When they are strong enough, they will begin to pursue more specific wishes, love, dignity, self-worth... these illusory things."

The vast voice echoed in Mo Ling's body, but it could not suppress the growing wishes of those people:

"God, I want her to fall in love with me!"

"I want everyone to respect me, I want to be the highest!"

"God, can you tell me what the meaning of my existence in this world is? I have fought on the battlefield all my life and fought all over the sea..."


Wishes began to become inexplicable.

Even some wishes could not be fulfilled by Mo Ling, because those wishes were too abstract and difficult to understand.

"What is the meaning of existence?"

Mo Ling heard many people asking him this question, and he didn't know how to answer it.

The chaotic wishes made Mo Ling suffer. The wishes of his people became some devilish sounds that chased his life, making him miserable.

And those real and simple wishes were also covered in the chaotic desires and could not see the light of day.

Mo Ling could no longer hear what his people were saying.

The sea water gradually became turbid and covered with dark clouds.

"Do you want to create some companions to share your work?" The voice sounded again and asked Mo Ling.

"Companions?" Mo Ling suddenly realized that he was indeed too lonely.

He had been bearing the turmoil of the entire sea alone, and he had been fulfilling those small and humble wishes without stopping for a long time.

"If there were companions, I would be much more relaxed."

Mo Ling escaped. He knew that as a god, he had failed in his duty. He should have decided whether those wishes could be fulfilled.

God should not have companions, nor should he be lazy.

But now, he is too tired

"I do need some companions."

The moment Mo Ling finished speaking, countless golden lights emerged from the sea.

Then, terrible cracks appeared in the golden light, which continued to spread along the sea surface and began to split the sea water.

Mo Ling only felt that his body suddenly began to split.

"To create companions is to split yourself." Mo Ling immediately understood everything.

The sea is Mo Ling's body, and the golden light can only be attached to the sea water.

When the golden light splits, it must also find a home for the new golden light.

The split made Mo Ling very painful, and the feeling of his body being cut apart made him very uncomfortable.

"Stop." The splitting of the golden light stopped.

In the end, Mo Ling only created two companions.

These two companions also turned into a small "puddle".

They were just born and ignorant, circling around Mo Ling, and constantly fiddling with their bodies, making the creatures in the sea miserable.

"Stop!" Mo Ling hurriedly told them to stop.

One of the companions listened to Mo Ling's advice and stopped immediately, staying quietly aside.

The other one was completely disobedient and continued to do its own thing, rolling and jumping in the mud pit. The creatures on it also suffered a catastrophe, and countless civilizations were extinct.

"It's fun." The lively companion said happily as he watched a large number of civilizations on his body die.

"They are all dead." Another companion reminded timidly.

"Good death." The lively companion didn't feel sad at all, because the civilization in his body was not only extinct, but also constantly reborn.

The active sea water rolled up more mud and sand, and deeper nutrients were swept into the ocean currents. Those lingering creatures also obtained more nutrients. After a major reshuffle, the creatures in the body of this lively companion also showed tenacious vitality.

Mo Ling wanted to stop his nonsense behavior, but seeing that the civilization in his body had completely adapted to this environment, he did not continue to control it.

And the quiet companion was like a pool of stagnant water. The lives in it were dying constantly due to lack of nutrients. Only those creatures that did not consume much energy could survive.

Seeing this, the lively companion came to his side:

"If you don't move, there will be no nutrients, and all the lives inside will die."

"I will fulfill their wishes and let them survive." The quiet companion replied.

Then, bursts of golden light came out of its body, the sea water was slowly compressed, the density of nutrients gradually increased, and those creatures were able to survive.

Although the methods were different, the two companions slowly adapted to their bodies, and the creatures in their bodies also experienced an elimination. Only the civilization that was more adapted to the environment could survive.

Seeing the two companions gradually getting back on track, Mo Ling was also very pleased.

After the split, the creatures in his body had become much less, and he could have enough energy to identify and realize the wishes of the creatures.

At this point, three completely different puddles appeared in the mud.

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