I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 426 The Depths of the Sea

"That's it..."

Mo Ling stood at the bottom of the deep trench, looking at the strange scene in front of him.

At the bottom of the trench, there was a small hole with a diameter of only about two meters, but the hole was covered with a thin layer of colorful bubble film.

Those glass sculptures kept squeezing through the bubble film and floating upward.

"All those materials came from here, this is the source." The elf explained: "Mirror surface changes are lossy, and materials need to be constantly replenished."

"So, you plan to block this place and stop the entire production line?" Mo Ling quickly guessed the elf's idea.

"Yes, without the support of raw materials, the change of the mirror surface will gradually slow down and finally stagnate." The elf affirmed.

"Is there only this place to make raw materials in such a large sea of ​​​​creation?"

"This is the only one."

Listening to the elf's words, Mo Ling picked up a stone half-believingly and threw it on the bubble film. The stone sank directly without causing a ripple.

"How do you plan to block it?" Although the hole is not big, it is not so easy to block.

"I'll block it myself." The elf said shockingly.

Before Mo Ling could react, the elf walked towards the hole and then jumped directly in.

In an instant, golden light overflowed, and the elf's body exploded, filling the entire hole completely. On the bubble membrane, a layer of golden light film was covered, which was extremely flexible.

The glass sculpture in the hole wanted to float up, but was blocked by the light film and could not move.

Seeing this, Mo Ling rushed to the hole.

"Are you okay?" He shouted at the light film.

However, Mo Ling did not wait for the elf's response.

In the silent trench, only the sound of the bracelet kept echoing.

The cold sea water seemed to penetrate Mo Ling's body in an instant, and a chill spread throughout his body.

"Elf, are you still there?" Mo Ling's voice trembled a little. He kept shouting at the golden light, but the golden light remained motionless and did not respond at all.

"Why is this happening?"

Mo Ling was extremely anxious and kept circling around the hole.

The oppressive sea water made Mo Ling a little drowsy, and his thoughts at this time were as chaotic as the dust floating randomly on the seabed.

As if by some strange coincidence, Mo Ling squatted down and reached into the hole with his hand. In a panic, he had forgotten the danger and only thought about how to rescue the elf.

When his fingertips touched the golden light, Mo Ling called the elf again, but there was still no response.

At this moment, the surging bubble membrane suddenly bulged and wrapped Mo Ling's wrist.

Then, Mo Ling felt a strong suction force, which instantly pulled him down.

And Mo Ling had no time to react, his body fell forward, and he watched himself fall into the hole.


"Where is this?"

Mo Ling felt the incomparable warmth around him, as if he was wrapped in a thick quilt.

His soft body didn't want to move at all, just lying lazily, completely emptying his mind.

"It's so comfortable, I don't want to move at all." This comfort made Mo Ling instantly forget his purpose, and his mind was blank.

"You can't sleep yet."

Suddenly, a huge call woke Mo Ling up instantly.

He looked around quickly, looking for the source of the sound, but he was surprised to find that the sound came from his body.

After being awakened by the sound, Mo Ling gradually woke up and his mind gradually became clear.

At this time, he found that he was wrapped in a ball of mud.

"I am, a puddle of water?"

Mo Ling was shocked to find that he had turned into a puddle of water. The warmth just now came from the surrounding mud. The mud surrounded him so that he would not lose it, so he felt comfortable and at ease.

Just as he was surprised at his own changes, the vast voice sounded again: "You have awakened and realized your existence. Now start the simulation."

"God's game begins now."

"Because of your awakening, the world has been shaken. The people living in your body have been devastated. They have made a wish to you. The content of the prayer is as follows..."

"Stop the tsunami, stop the volcanic eruption, stop the plague..."

"Do you agree with these wishes?"

The deafening voice rushed out of Mo Ling's soft body and echoed around.

At this time, Mo Ling's heart was left with only this one question.

"Do you agree?"

Accompanying this voice, Mo Ling's consciousness sank into his body. He also saw the people living in his body. They were indeed suffering from terrible disasters at this time.


On the coast, a scarred citizen was kneeling in front of a rough clay statue, crying.

"The tsunami destroyed our homes. The remaining tribesmen finally escaped to a safe place and found food, but the plague broke out again. I am the only one left. God! Why do you punish us like this?"

"It's meaningless for me to live alone. Everything is gone, everything is gone!"

The man picked up the clay statue and smashed it heavily on the stone, smashing it to pieces.

Then, he picked up the sharp stone blade and cut his own artery fiercely. Suddenly, blood splattered everywhere, and the blood poured on the broken statue, and the man also fell down.

The blood flowed along the beach, and the ruthless waves rushed onto the beach, washing away the blood completely.

But the blood on the statue could not be wiped off at all, and seeped into the cracks...

Mo Ling only felt that a warm feeling suddenly rose in his body.

The smell of blood flowed along the waves to Mo Ling's whole body, smelly and bitter. They were the dead people who drank Mo Ling's body and returned themselves to Mo Ling.

"So I am a sea..."

Mo Ling suddenly understood that he was not a small puddle of water, he was a sea, a sea called God by countless people.

At this time, this sea was experiencing turmoil.

Tsunamis occurred frequently, the earth veins moved, and the plague raged...

And the only one who could stop all this was him as a god.

"Do you agree with these wishes?"

The voice asked again in a deafening voice, and the pain of the people kept appearing in front of Mo Ling's eyes.

He personally experienced those pains and felt those heart-wrenching sorrows.

"I agree." Mo Ling compromised.

He is not the cold-blooded and ruthless waves. He also wants his people to live and work in peace and happiness in this sea.

He does not want to see the people suffering and starving everywhere, nor does he want to see blood and death flowing in the sea.

As Mo Ling spoke, a ray of golden light emerged from his body, and the golden light instantly covered the entire sea.

"Now, you are fulfilling the wishes of your people."

"God, it has appeared."

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