I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 429 The Lazy One

"Were the relics created so casually?"

Mo Ling couldn't believe what this companion was doing.

"Without verifying wishes, and regardless of the consequences of creating relics, you use your power to create relics at will."

This world is lacking in resources and lifeless. Even the materials for construction require the corpses of living things, but relics can be so abundant.

"How often does such a sacrificial ceremony take place?" Mo Ling grabbed an excited creature next to him and asked.

"Once a week!" The creature looked in good spirits.

once a week?

How many relics are there in this world?

"Can sacrifices only be held here?" Mo Ling asked.

"Of course not, it can be held in many places. If your race can build an altar, you can also perform sacrifices yourself. However, the size of the altar will affect the upper limit of prayers. If your altar is too poorly built, the sacrifices obtained by these sacrifices will The strength will also be very weak.”

"It's better here. The altar of the Bamboo Tube Clan is so spectacular!"

The creature held the pool of mud in its hand and raised it to its head excitedly.

Listening to the creature's words, Mo Ling finally understood the meaning of what the vast voice said before.

"The lazy one..."

Fairly realize the wishes of every living being, and then use a simple upper limit to limit the intensity of the wish, and use relics to fill the wanton desires of the living beings.

Although this is an extremely convenient solution, as a god, isn't it just laziness?

The world is dilapidated, lacking resources, decaying and decaying, and the sea is like a dead, stinking ditch.

Even the building materials are made from the corpses of living things, because the materials here lack energy and are extremely fragile.

But the creatures here are accustomed to it, relying entirely on the relics given by the gods to survive in this dilapidated world...

After thinking everything through, Mo Ling felt extremely suffocated.

He just wanted to create a companion to share his worries, but this companion was doing even lazier things.

"A lazy man is not a god..."

The vast voice sounded again, pulling Mo Ling's thoughts into the air, allowing him to look down at this already terminally ill world with his own eyes.

"God's laziness is a pool of stagnant water..."

There was no wind or waves in the entire sea, and there was no rain. It was rotten and smelly.

"God's laziness is a pile of high bones..."

Creatures build buildings out of corpses, recycling scarce resources.

"God's laziness is full of greed..."

The proliferation of relics has made living things no longer think about how to progress, and instead try their best to build altars, think about ways to pray every day, and try to break through the upper limit of wishes.

"Oh, it was a mistake from the beginning." That vast voice rarely showed a hint of emotion.

"Sloth spreads. Once touched, it will slip into the abyss."

The voice brought Mo Ling high into the sky, and the lifeless sea water shattered into streaks of golden light. This lazy companion seemed to be trying some strange moves again.

"What is it doing?" Mo Ling asked in confusion.

"It's doing what you used to do, and the laziness continues to spread."

What have I done?

Mo Ling looked at the broken golden light and finally understood:

This sloth continues to divide and create new companions.

In this way, Mo Ling watched helplessly as the sea was cut into smaller and smaller pieces, and the golden light shattered into lumps one after another.

The original small puddle was not big in the first place, but after some efforts by the lazy people, it has become very small. Dividing it again will undoubtedly make things worse.

"Only living water can withstand the scorching flames, while stagnant water will only gradually dry up."

"Splitting will only make you more vulnerable. The sun will penetrate through the cracks and ruthlessly evaporate the lazy soul."

"The earth will only swallow up the lonely water, but will not tolerate the network of rivers that gather together."

The vast voice chanted, just as it said, the small puddles after splitting could no longer withstand the evaporation of the sun and the erosion of the earth, and those lonely water drops quickly disappeared.

The golden light, which had nothing to rely on, could only scatter in all directions, looking for a new way out.

Gradually, the small puddle below disappeared, leaving only the mud puddle, confirming its former existence.

"This is what happens to the lazy."

The sea turned into a desert, and those relics sank into the yellow sand. The original altars became ruins, burying these former civilizations.

A civilization that relies on relics has no future.

In the blink of an eye, the original sea was filled with yellow sand.

And new creatures have appeared in the sand, but now, they no longer have gods.

In the endless loneliness, Mo Ling was brought back to his own little puddle by the voice.

Looking at the empty sandpit not far away, Mo Ling still felt lingering fear.

This quiet companion just disappeared.

"It died and fell into chunks."

The lively companion came to the sand pit and looked at it for a while.

"Good to die."

After studying the new creatures that appeared in the sand pit, this lively companion came to Mo Ling's side again.

"Did you just go inside its body and take a look? Is it fun?"

Mo Ling didn't know how to answer such a question.

"It's quite miserable. Don't be lazy..." Mo Ling told it what he saw and advised it.

"I won't, I'm very responsible."

It came close to Mo Ling, stretched out a ball of water, and pressed against Mo Ling.

"Do you want to come and play with me? It's fun."

Mo Ling hesitated for a moment, then turned into a golden light and entered its body.


The sea here is very lively, or rather, too lively.

There were thunder and lightning in the sky, dark clouds, and heavy rain.

The temperature of the ocean seemed very high, the volcano erupted violently, and thick volcanic ash covered the entire sky.

There was even steam on the sea surface, and the atmospheric circulation was extremely intense.

This doomsday scene, which looked very scary, was the cradle of life.

The substances in the ocean circulated fully, the temperature was suitable, the volcanic eruption poured out energy, and countless organic matter was evenly sprinkled into the sea along with the abundant rain.

The excessively drastic temperature difference formed a chaotic ocean current, which turned the entire sea upside down, and the mud and sand on the seabed were also rolled out.

Although the sea was turbid, it was full of vitality.

"This is for you."

The golden light flashed, and the lively companion threw a body that was so small that it was almost invisible to Mo Ling.

"What is this?"

"I don't know. All the previous lives died, and this is the only one left."

Mo Ling's golden light continued to gather and shrink.

Finally, he saw the body clearly.

It was a cell.

A very simple cell, so it was so small.

The thin cell membrane wrapped the clear cytoplasm, and these liquids could just carry Mo Ling's consciousness.

So, with a flash of golden light, Mo Ling became a tiny cell.

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