I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 428: Quiet Companion

The quiet companion lay limply in the mud puddle, motionless. Except for the golden light coming out of his body from time to time, he looked like a pool of stagnant water.

The lively companion, on the other hand, was rolling around, happily picking up sand and running around between different mud pits. It seemed to pay no attention to the people on it, or the wishes they made.

"You created two companions from whom you can learn the experience of being a god..."

"A lazy man is not a god..."

"He who is happy is not a god..."

The vast voice appeared again, echoing in Mo Ling's body.

He quickly glanced at the two companions and found that they were still doing their own things and had no reaction to the sound.

"Only I can hear it."

The voice not only said some incomprehensible words, but also attracted a trace of Mo Ling's golden light to enter the body of the quiet companion.

This is a windless sea.

The sea is very wide, but there are no waves at all. It is as calm as a mirror.

As soon as Mo Ling arrived, he smelled a foul smell.

It was the smell of stinky ditches where garbage had settled, and it was so disgusting that it made me sick.

Only then did he notice that there was a thin film of oil floating on the sea, glowing with a sticky oily sheen.

This sea seems to have completely lost its vitality, with no currents, no waves, and a dead silence.

Mo Ling's golden light brought up a stream of sea water and turned into a human form.

The figure made of sea water walked onto a small island, and the voice was guiding Mo Ling towards the center of the island.

"Friend, are you here to participate in the sacrifice?" Mo Ling was stopped by a creature before he reached the center of the island.

This is a cylindrical creature that looks like a bamboo tube. The bamboo tube has hands and feet, and it looks very bloated when it moves.

At this time, the bamboo tube creature was asking Mo Ling's waterman body in a strange language, with a very friendly tone.

"Yes." Mo Ling nodded.

"Then come quickly. I'll take you in. The sacrifice is about to begin." The bamboo tube creature greeted Mo Ling and walked towards the center of the island.

Along the way, Mo Ling discovered a strange thing. The island seemed to have no plants and looked very deserted.

The land is dry and there are no rivers or lakes. It is too barren to be an island that can survive.

"Has this place always been so barren?" Mo Ling couldn't help but ask.

"Ah? What did you say? Isn't this good?" The bamboo creature looked around and replied in confusion.

Looking at its confused look, Mo Ling could only remain silent for now.

Not long after, the bamboo creature took Mo Ling to the center of the island.

From a distance, Mo Ling saw a strange building that seemed to be made of countless bamboo tubes. It looked extremely unstable and crumbling.

Those bamboo tubes were put together in a strange way and had no sense of beauty.

After seeing those bamboo tubes, Mo Ling quickly looked at the appearance of the bamboo tube creature next to him and found that the two were very similar.

"That was built out of the corpses of our compatriots. It's really spectacular!"

The bamboo tube creature was not afraid at all, but introduced it to Mo Ling happily.

"Why do you use the corpses of your compatriots to build buildings?" Mo Ling asked in disbelief.

"Then what to use?"

The bamboo creature asked in surprise.

At this time, Morrington didn't know how to answer. The island was so barren that there was really no building materials to be found.

Not even stones...

Mo Ling stretched out his foot and casually crushed a stone on the ground.

"The rocks on this island are so brittle."

It’s no wonder that these bamboo tube creatures “recycle” waste.

With suspicion, Mo Ling followed the bamboo creature to the strange building.

It looks messy on the outside, but there is something special inside. The slotted bamboo tubes are plugged into each other to form areas regularly. In the center is a hall paved with bamboo slices. The sunlight falls from the gaps above and fills the entire place. architecture.

"Isn't it beautiful?" the bamboo creature asked expectantly.

"Yes..." If you ignore that these are their corpses, then the interior of this building is indeed beautiful.

The hall in the distance was already crowded with all kinds of creatures.

Most of these creatures are looking around, and there are many bamboo tube creatures around, checking the layout of the sacrifice.

"You go over there first." The bamboo creature told Mo Ling, then turned and left.

Mo Ling walked to the center of the hall curiously.

His seawater body attracted a lot of attention, and the creatures sighed in surprise when they saw the surging water on his body.

"The ceremony begins, silence!"

A bamboo creature standing on a high platform suddenly shouted, and those whispering creatures immediately shut up and stood in the hall in a dignified manner.

"Offer a sacrifice!"

As the bamboo tube creatures shouted, those creatures began to take out various sacrifices:

Skulls, oil, mud, shells...

Mo Ling stared at the sacrifices carefully, becoming more and more confused as he looked at them.

"Why are they all rubbish?"

Mo Ling originally thought that the sacrifice would be something precious, but what those creatures took out were things that could be found everywhere.

"Where is your sacrifice?"

Seeing that Mo Ling had not brought out the sacrifice, a creature around asked curiously: "Didn't you bring it with you?"

The creature was carefully holding a rotten shell in its hands.

It was clearly garbage that could be found everywhere, but the creature protected it like a treasure, extremely carefully.

Seeing Mo Ling staring at its shell, it quickly moved the shell behind it.

"You're not going to steal mine, are you? Don't mess up during the sacrifice!" It looked at Mo Ling vigilantly and took a few steps back.

Mo Ling was even more stunned.

"You treat this as a treasure?"

Mo Ling did not take out the sacrifice for a long time, and the eyes around him gathered again, and the bamboo tube creature on the high platform also stared at him.

Mo Ling looked around and finally thought of a way.

He raised his hand, grabbed at himself fiercely, and took out a ball of sea water.

"This should be used as a sacrifice, right?"

Sure enough, after seeing the ball of sea water in Mo Ling's hand, their eyes moved away, and the bamboo tube creature on the high platform no longer stared at Mo Ling.

"Start praying now!"

Along with the words of the bamboo tube creature, all the creatures present began to recite silently.

And the sacrifices in their hands suddenly glowed with a golden light.

Soon, the offerings changed, with golden light overflowing and extraordinary, but the scattered golden light soon converged, and the offerings quickly returned to their original ordinary appearance.

"The sacrifice is over!" The bamboo tube creature jumped off the high platform and relaxed.

And those creatures were happy to hold the offerings in their hands, and they treasured them even more.

Only Mo Ling, the ball of water in his hand did not change.

Looking at the offerings in the hands of those creatures, Mo Ling instantly understood everything:

Those offerings have become relics.

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