I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 430 Lively Companion

In the warm sea, Mo Ling was swept by the ocean current and drifted around.

It took him a long time to adapt to his new body.

Because the cells were too fragile and could not stop the surging sea water.

"What are you doing?"

When Mo Ling came to his senses, he found that there was a huge cell next to him, standing as steady as a mountain in the sea water.

The cell came directly over and pressed Mo Ling against his body.

"Come on, fight with me."

The huge cell did not wait for Mo Ling to react at all, and took him directly to the depths of the ocean.


The huge cell took Mo Ling to the crater of the seabed and snatched food from the cells that had gathered there.

Those small cells were completely unable to resist the huge cell, and the cells were broken and the liquid flowed.

"Is it fun?"

After destroying all the cells here, the huge cell said to Mo Ling on the side.

Mo Ling realized that this huge cell was the lively companion.

It did not perform the duties of a god, but turned into a member of the living creatures and played in this world.

But this is understandable. These cells have no concept of "praying" at all, and they don't even have consciousness. They just move aimlessly and take in food.

These primitive life forms have not reached the level of praying to God.

"Have you been playing like this in your body?"

"Of course, it's much more fun than outside. It's too boring outside." The giant cell replied.

But is this what God should do?

Mo Ling's heart aroused a trace of doubt, but he couldn't say what was wrong.

Just when he was still wondering, the giant cell took him to find a new enemy.

This time the enemy was a little strange.

They were a group of cells that were attached together. Such a group of cells gathered together, and they were actually comparable in size to the giant cell.

"You all come together!"

The giant cell directly hit it and fought back and forth with this cell group.

"It's really fun."

After destroying this strange cell group, the giant cell suddenly began to change.

"These guys are getting stronger and stronger. I have to transform my body. Otherwise, it will be no fun if I can't beat them."

The cytoplasm in the giant cell suddenly rolled up a vortex, and some bubbles of strange shapes began to appear.

Then, these bubbles turned into the appearance of the cell groups just now.

"Transformation is completed, let's continue to set off!"

The giant cell took Mo Ling and continued to search in the sea.

When it saw those cell groups again, the giant cell was no longer as reckless as before. It sprayed out the bubbles in its body and fought directly with those creatures.

Even if the bubbles were defeated, it could quickly create new bubbles.


In this way, the giant cell kept looking for enemies, and the enemies it encountered became stronger and stronger.

The cell groups they formed became more and more regular.

Finally, Mo Ling saw a familiar creature:

It was the prototype of an early animal, a worm with a simple structure.

The giant cell did not directly initiate a battle, but transformed its bubbles into the appearance of the worm, then released the bubbles and began to fight with the worm.

"Why don't you talk? Is it not fun?" The giant cell asked Mo Ling while fighting.

But before Mo Ling could answer, it started to talk to itself.

"It seems that fighting all the time is not fun. Let's change the way."

It continued to sink to the bottom of the sea and found a strange slug with tentacles. Then the bubble changed again, becoming the appearance of the slug and rushed out of the cell membrane.

"You compete with me. Whoever climbs to the stone over there first will win." The bubble said to the slug, regardless of whether it understood or not.

As soon as it finished speaking, the bubble crawled to the stone and won directly.

The slug stayed there in a daze.

The bubble had no joy of victory at all, and climbed back from the stone depressed.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying? Competition, stone over there... Do you understand?"

The slug waved its tentacles, grabbed the food in the mud and sand, and ignored the bubble at all.

The bubble looked at the food and thought for a moment.

"I see, you want food, right?"

A faint golden light appeared on the bubble, and then a large ball of food appeared on its tentacles.

The slug saw such a large ball of food and immediately rushed towards the bubble, and the bubble also threw the food on the stone.

"The game begins!"

In this way, both rushed towards the stone excitedly.

Unfortunately, the bubble did not seem to adapt to the body it had just acquired, and was left behind by the slug, and eventually lost the game.

"You win!"

The bubble did not look sad, but very happy.

"It turns out that there are more interesting things than fighting!"

The slug lay on the stone, eating the food voraciously. Its IQ was not enough for it to understand the source of the food, but it did not prevent it from enjoying the food.

The bubble slowly floated back to the cell membrane.

"It turns out that I need to give them something before they will play with me." The giant cell looked at the slug that was devouring the food and said with understanding.

After understanding this, the giant cell no longer worried that these creatures would not play with it.

"Every creature has something they want. As long as they are given enough temptation, they will join the game for these temptations."

The giant cell constantly uses bubbles to copy the appearance of the creatures it encounters, and then changes into their appearance to play games with them.

Because the creatures it encounters are getting bigger and bigger, it also transforms its body to be bigger and bigger, so that it can accommodate enough bubbles.

The games are very simple, but the giant cell still enjoys them and has a lot of fun.

Those simple creatures cannot understand complex games. They only know that there is a large ball of food waiting for them.

Appetite is the simplest desire, and the giant cell satisfies their wishes.

Looking at the giant cell that is still having fun, Mo Ling suddenly feels that this is a bit different.

At this time, the vast voice came again:

"The Pleasure One is addicted to pleasure and has abandoned the duties of God. Although it satisfies the wishes of its people, it is actually selfish and only seeks pleasure."

"From the beginning, the disadvantages have long been apparent. When the threshold of pleasure becomes higher, the Pleasure One will continue to increase the difficulty of the game to obtain the pleasure it wants."

"As a god, he fell into the spiral of desire and could not extricate himself, sinking into the abyss of pleasure..."

Accompanied by these thunderous words, everything in front of Mo Ling began to accelerate.

He watched the Pleasure One gradually fall into the spiral of pleasure.

The Pleasure One completely sank his thoughts into the huge cell and no longer cared about the outside world.

The originally vibrant sea slowly cooled down, the volcano stopped erupting, the raging waves gradually calmed down, and the earth was exposed.

And the Pleasure One didn't care about these things at all. All its thoughts were put into the game.

It gathered in the cell body, copying every creature it saw, and playing the game tirelessly.


Because the threshold of fun is getting higher and higher, it no longer enjoys those fair games, it likes the scene of creatures winning the game with great difficulty.

The more difficult and complex the game is, the more fun it is.

Winning or losing doesn't matter.

The wishes that those creatures have been pursuing, it can realize with just a wave of its hand...

Mo Ling looked at the reckless cell, and the vast voice sounded in his heart again:

"Those who are happy are not gods..."

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