I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 432 A Bitter Choice

"Many creatures have visited me, and I have asked them to participate in simulations, but the results have never been better..."

"Your choice is the closest to mine, and that's all I've ever done."

The god still stared at the puddle and sighed.

Mo Ling was in a daze as he listened. God had already done what he was doing in the simulation.

In other words, everything he saw in the simulation was real.

"The Happy One, does it really exist?"

Mo Ling remembered a familiar creature.


"What about the lazy ones?" Mo Ling asked.

"Dead." The god was saying a very common thing.

It pointed to a sand pit not far away and said flatly: "Now it has become a desert, with only ruins and relics scattered everywhere, but there is still a lot of life..."

Immediately afterwards, the god pointed to another small puddle in the distance and said: "That was the former body of the Happy One, but it has left, and now I don't know where it has gone."

Mo Ling followed the direction pointed by God and looked at the sand pit and puddle.

He always had a feeling of déjà vu, but it didn't matter anymore.

"The Sloth split many companions before it died. The one who came here with you should be the split body it left behind."

"Elf? It's actually the split body left by the Sloth?"

Mo Ling thought for a while and slowly understood everything.

Perhaps the wish-making races scattered throughout the abyss are left behind by the lazy.

"Where is the one who came with me now?"

Mo Ling suddenly remembered that the elf had touched the bubble film before, and God must know where it went.

The god pointed at the puddle: "It's also in there, but its consciousness recovered slower than yours, and it's only now ready to start the simulation."

"Do you want to see its options?" God suddenly asked.

"Of course." Mo Ling was very worried about the elf and quickly accepted the god's invitation.

"Then let's get started."

God's voice suddenly became distant, as if coming from the sky. When Mo Ling came back to his senses, his perspective had already sunk above the puddle.

"You have woken up and are aware of your existence. Now start the simulation."

The god spoke to the puddle, and his vast voice spread across the entire sea.

"God's game begins now."

"Because of your awakening, the world was shaken..."

Just like what Mo Ling experienced at the beginning, the elf at this time is facing the first choice: "Do you agree to stop the disaster?"

"Agree." The elf's voice came slowly. Of course, it would not allow its people to be harmed.

The first choice was passed like this. The elf naturally chose to save his people, which did not surprise Mo Ling.

Just like that, the gods appeared and golden light overflowed...

The sea water gradually calmed down, and civilization entered a stage of vigorous development. The entire sea was prosperous, and the simulation continued according to the established route.

The elves earnestly fulfill the wishes of these increasingly powerful civilizations.

However, when the desire for survival is satisfied, all kinds of greed will follow, and the voice of prayer will become more and more turbid. The messy voice makes the elf in charge of the entire sea miserable.

Just then, the second choice came.

"Are you going to create some companions to share your work?"

Jin Guang has always had the ability to divide. Creating companions and sharing work is a matter of course.

The elf did the same thing when he was in Oasis City, using split companions to collect wishes.

However, what Mo Ling didn't expect was that the elf, as a god, directly rejected this choice.

"Don't create." The elf said firmly: "This sea is so big. If I want to create enough companions to help me deal with my wishes, it will require a lot of energy. But if the energy is too large, I will not be able to control them."

The elf very decisively rejected the choice God gave it.

Mo Ling then remembered that when he was in Oasis City, the elf had already experienced that most of the clones were abnormal due to lack of energy, and it took a lot of effort for the elf to fully recover them.

In this way, the elf chose to bear these disturbing wishes alone.

However, it did not sit still and wait for death. Instead, it directly established a wish-making screening mechanism to directly isolate those greedy people from the golden light. The chaotic wish-making sounds instantly became much quieter.

"Quick screening, fake ones will not be accepted."

"Time filtering, only one valid prayer can be initiated within a certain period."

"Location filtering, those who do not pray at the specified location will not be accepted."

"We will not accept those who do not comply with the norms, do not accept those who have unclear expressions, do not accept those who can realize it by ourselves, do not accept those who destroy the world, do not accept those who cannot be realized, and do not accept those who have cursed God..."

After some sifting, only a few of those chaotic prayers were left in an instant.

"This is much better." The elf said happily.

Mo Ling was stunned by this operation.

Only then did he realize that the elf must have dealt with those weird wishes after staying in Oasis City for so long. In order to save Oasis City, it must also have studied the wish screening method.

Unexpectedly, it actually came in handy here.

After being baptized in the human world, the elves don't have so many twists and turns. The information is too complicated, so they just start filtering.

Soon, the civilization in the sea also realized that it was becoming increasingly difficult to pray.

"Is God angry?"

They began to speculate on God's thoughts, and finally came to a conclusion:

"God is very angry about their unrestrained wishing behavior. If they continue like this, God will abandon them and let them fend for themselves."

So, they panicked, and quickly built temples, arranged special clergy, and then established various dogmas and scriptures, and began to standardize everything about God.

Standard statues, standardized prayer formats, unified sacrifices...

The result is that the wishes received by the elves are becoming more and more standardized, because the respect for God has reached a higher level, and there will no longer be various greedy wishes.

The benefit of standardization is that it is easier to filter. The elves adjusted the filtering system and set the priority of different wishes.

In the end, most of the wishes received by the elves were extremely standardized and had a wide range of influence.

"God, it has not rained in the northern plains for a long time. The river valleys have dried up, and a large area of ​​grain is in drought. People are complaining. Please ask God to make it rain..."

The elf will give priority to fulfilling such wishes, and then deal with other wishes with lower priority in an orderly manner.

As the civilization stage develops, it will slowly limit the scope of wishes.

Although it is still busy, it has not collapsed.

This wish crisis was easily resolved by the elf.

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