I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 433: Named God

The god did not speak at this time, but just quietly watched the elf in the puddle.

It did not throw out any more choices, but let the elf play freely.

As time went on, the civilization blessed by the elves slowly entered the technological age.

Various scientific concepts began to challenge the dignity of God.

"God does not exist." Atheists and theists had a fierce debate, from the heavy rain sent by God hundreds of years ago to the cutting-edge technology proposed recently.

"That rain is proof of the existence of God. There was a drought for half a year. The emperor prayed to the sky for rain that day. That night, the sky was covered with dark clouds. The next morning, it rained heavily. There was golden light in the clouds, and the rainbow outlined by the raindrops also had golden lines. Isn't this a miracle?"

"Coincidence! Sun showers are all full of golden light. Is it a miracle?" The atheist retorted: "After a long drought, there will be rain. When the heat condenses excessively, a little cold air will cause drastic changes in the sky. This is science!"

"Now that we can make rain artificially, are the shells shot into the sky also a miracle?"

"Why not a miracle? Everything we have now is given by God, and of course the shells are also given by God."

"Nonsense! The shells were made by us. We dug the ore, smelted the iron, and processed the screws. We assembled them together with great effort. This is the crystallization of the wisdom of all civilizations!" The atheist's words were greeted with applause from the whole room.

"Then how do you say the ore comes from?" The theist asked without any hurry.

"Geological changes."

"Why does the geology change?"

"Energy from the earth's core is released." The atheist is not afraid to get to the bottom of it, because this is the advantage of science.

"Where does the energy from the earth's core come from?" The theist asked calmly.

In this way, the two sides kept asking and answering as if they were stuck in a dead end.

Finally, when asked how the world came into being, the atheist had no choice but to answer: "We are still exploring, and science has no end."

Hearing this answer, the theist also smiled:

"We are also exploring, and theology has no end."

The two sides argued endlessly, and the people also talked about it with relish.

But the elf as a god didn't care, it even listened to these arguments with interest.

After the development of technology, it no longer cared about those wishes for rain.

Most advanced civilizations began to move away from the sea and move towards the depths of the continent, and the influence of gods was reduced to the lowest.

Although it can still receive the wishes of those civilizations through rivers, these wishes are slowly no longer pious.

Atheists gradually became the majority, and civilization was more willing to believe that man could conquer nature and change the world with his own hands.

However, this was what the elf wanted to see.

"God can only help you so far."

The elf looked at the people who were still arguing and muttered with some relief.

Most people in civilization just regarded these arguments about God as fun. They no longer needed God to comfort their hearts. They had the ability to do things that only God could do.

"Now it's the space age, who would believe in God?"

Civilization is about to take a rocket and fly into space.

Next to the calm puddle, with a flash of fire, a small white rocket flew into the air. The rocket broke away from the gravity of the earth and began to travel in the air, getting higher and higher...

It was too far, and the power of God could no longer interfere with it.

The elf lay in the sea, watching the civilization fly farther and farther, turning into a star until it could no longer be seen.


The sea was very calm, and the wishes were also very calm.

Because of the elf's deliberate selection, it can no longer hear the prayers of those lower creatures, and it has calmed down for the first time in a long time.

Civilization has gone from not relying on God to relying on God, and finally not relying on God again...

"This is really a wonderful process."

The elf did not rest for long, and then let go of the wish selection again.

It plans to bless the next civilization.

The sea is still nurturing life, and those lower creatures will one day climb onto the land, gradually become wise, begin to have desires, and then let go of desires.

The new civilization will also move farther and farther away from the sea, and then farther and farther away from the earth, and finally fly to the sky, gradually breaking away from the influence of God.

The sea will always flow to the low-lying areas, but civilization will always climb upwards.

Higher and higher...

The elf let go of the selection, but no wishes came, and it was calm.

When it looked around in confusion, it found itself sitting on a stone.

A figure with the same golden light was staring at the puddle in front of it.

On the other side, the square head was looking at himself.

In an instant, memories came back, and thoughts gradually became clear. The elf quickly remembered everything that had happened before.

The simulation ended.

"So I am not a god."

A trace of loneliness rose in the elf's heart, and then quickly sank.

"It's okay if I'm not a god."


When Mo Ling told the elf about his simulation, it just shook its head and said nothing.

"You are still experienced. You are worthy of being the 'guardian god' who can protect Oasis City." Mo Ling praised.

Mo Ling asked himself, he couldn't think of the elf's wish screening method. Even if he thought of it, he wouldn't be like the elf, constantly adjusting the screening mechanism, silently guarding civilization until they went into space and left the protection.

"You are more suitable to be a god than me." Mo Ling praised sincerely.

Faced with those disturbing wishes, the first thing he thought of was to find someone to share the burden, and he never thought that it could be solved in this way.

However, this is also the limitation of race.

Listening to Mo Ling's praise, the elf shook his head modestly: "I am not a qualified god."

"Why?" Mo Ling asked puzzledly.

"Speaking of lazy people, I am one too. I select my wishes, isn't that also lazy? I protect civilizations because I want to see how they develop next, listen to their interesting arguments, and watch the little rocket fly into the sky. These are just my wishful thinking. Isn't this also for enjoyment?"

The elf looked at the puddle, shook his legs and said, "I am not protecting those people, but the thoughts in my heart..."

"And, just like in Oasis City, they rely on themselves most of the time, and they never need any gods."

"Do you remember the story I told you?" The elf suddenly asked Mo Ling, "The story of the hero and the devil."

"Of course, what's wrong?" Mo Ling asked back.

"Some characters are unnecessary in the story. The hero defeated the devil not because the gods summoned the hero, but because the gods were just the background..."

"The artifact the hero holds is not important, nor is the blessing triggered by the gods when the hero is in danger. What is important is the hero and the story of his victory over the devil."

"Civilization has overcome difficulties, broken through technological barriers, defeated gravity, and ascended into space. People need such a story to inspire people."

"If you tell them that it is a god who has been protecting this hero and helping this civilization, they will be very sad."

"The hero does not need any help. It can defeat the devil independently. This is the story people want to see."

"If the gods can easily crush the devil, then all these efforts and this story will be meaningless."

The elf said seriously, and Mo Ling looked at it, as if he had returned to the day of Oasis City...

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