I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 434 Dead End

The golden figure has been hugging his legs, sitting on the edge of the stone, still staring at the small puddle.

It seems that its eyes will never leave the puddle.

It also ignored the conversation between Mo Ling and the elf. It is not known whether it is listening or not paying attention.

After Mo Ling and the elf finished talking, it made the flat voice again.

"The simulation is over. You made a good choice."

"Me?" The elf asked blankly.

"Yes, better than my choice." The god praised unabashedly: "You are more suitable to be a god than me. I will pass my body to you."

"You are too flattering. Wait... body?" The elf said in surprise.

"Yes, this sea is yours."

The god pointed to the puddle below and said this shocking word in a very calm tone.

"Why?" The elf was very confused.

"Because you are more suitable than me." The god repeated the previous words.

"You will make this world more beautiful."

The elf obviously hadn't reacted yet. After thinking for a moment, he immediately refused: "No, you don't have to give it to me. I don't want to be a god, and I don't want this sea."

Hearing the elf's refusal, the god was silent and didn't speak for a long time.

It still stared at the puddle, and the atmosphere was a little depressing.

Mo Ling and the elf looked at each other, and the two square heads looked at each other. They both felt the other's worry at the moment.

Will there be any terrible consequences if the god's request is rejected?

Mo Ling immediately became nervous, and the elf also silently moved his position away from the god on the edge of the stone.

After a long time, the god finally broke the silence.

"Why? Don't you want to be a god?"

It was not angry at all, and still asked the elf calmly.

The elf did not answer immediately, but thought about the wording for a long time before explaining to God: "I want to, but I have more important things to do."

"What is more important than being a god?"

"I want to find my own wish..."

The elf answered very firmly: "Whether as a god or as a wishing relic, I am always satisfying other people's wishes. Of course, I also enjoy the process of fulfilling other people's wishes, which makes me very happy."

"But I want to know my own wish more, or I want to know the feeling of having a wish. I always feel that there is something missing in my heart. If I can find that feeling, I can fill this gap..."

The elf's goal has never changed. After leaving Oasis City, it traveled for a long time in the third layer of the abyss, including coming to the Sea of ​​Creation, just to find wishes.

"I want to ask my fellow tribesmen here what their wishes are, but they all ignore me."

"I will not stop until I find my own wish."

The elf said firmly, without any doubt.

After listening to the elf's words, the god fell into silence again.

The atmosphere became oppressive again.

At this time, Mo Ling asked in confusion: "Why don't you continue to be a god?"

"Although your choice was wrong, isn't it on the right track now? The Sea of ​​Creation is running in an orderly manner, and you can also fulfill wishes. Isn't this good?"

"No, this is not on the right track." The elf suddenly said.

"What do you mean?"

"This is a dead end. Although this method is working well at present, it will collapse one day, or spread." The elf explained seriously.

"Spread?" Mo Ling became more and more confused as he listened.

"Yes, the entire Sea of ​​Creation will spread and become a mirror that devours creatures, and it will get faster and faster..."

As the elf explained, Mo Ling slowly understood everything.

It turned out that this was related to the characteristics of the wishing race.

Although the wishing race consumes energy when helping other creatures realize their wishes, it can increase the upper limit of energy.

In other words, satisfying wishes can make them stronger.

Every time the energy is exhausted due to making a wish, when it is restored, their energy will be a little more than before.

When the elf first arrived at Oasis City, it did not have much energy. It was only through constant wishing that its energy became more and more, and it was able to realize the entire Oasis City rescue plan.

As a wishing race, the gods are of course the same.

Its energy is still increasing.

At the same time, because it forcibly bound the golden light to the area of ​​the Sea of ​​Creation, it caused changes in the sea water here.

The sea water became more and more viscous and even turned into a mirror.

These sea waters also have terrible activity and tolerance, and some areas will even swallow passing creatures and assimilate them.

The scope of the Sea of ​​Creation is already the limit of energy compression, so when the energy becomes more and more, the gods can only expand the scope of the Sea of ​​Creation.

"So, the Sea of ​​Creation will continue to spread, and the activity will become stronger and stronger." The elf explained.

"In order to prevent the Sea of ​​Creation from spreading further, God can only let those machines realize their wishes, but because those machines realize their wishes, their energy is also increasing. One day, they will definitely gain wisdom and escape God's control."

"At that time, it must take back these split bodies that are out of control, but this will cause the energy of the main body to surge."

"This is a dead cycle..." Mo Ling said in a daze. .

"Yes, as long as the wish continues, this is a dead loop." The elf said seriously.

"Not only that, after the Sea of ​​Creation is formed, no other path can be chosen. Once the God releases the energy restraint, the Sea of ​​Creation will cover the entire sea in an instant. At that time, all creatures will suffer a catastrophe."

"So, it can only watch the Sea of ​​Creation continue to spread..."

At this point, the elf did not continue.

The God hugged his legs, sat on the edge of the stone, looked at the puddle, and said nothing.

Mo Ling then knew why the God kept simulating various choices. It actually just wanted to find a way to escape this dead end.

"But even if it gives you the authority, you can't solve these problems. The path has been formed and the choice cannot be changed."

Mo Ling still didn't understand why the God gave this mess to the elf.

Could the elf have a way to solve it?

Mo Ling looked at the elf, and the two square heads looked at each other again.

"Actually, this deadlock is easy to break." The elf said lightly: "Just stop the energy from increasing."

Listening to the elf's words, Mo Ling suddenly realized:

"Just don't fulfill the wish, right?"

"Yes." The elf nodded.

The two of them looked at the god sitting on the edge of the stone in tacit understanding.

It still stood still, looking at the puddle.

Feeling the inquiring gazes of the two, the god finally spoke:

"I can't do it."

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