I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 436 Overlap

Mo Ling was startled by the sudden appearance of the scene on the puddle in front of him, and he couldn't help but lean back, and the elf immediately leaned back with his movement, so that the light and shadow always overlapped with him.

Mo Ling also quickly realized that this strange perspective was brought by the elf, and quickly sat up straight and stopped moving.

"Am I a god too? Did you throw the authority to me?"

"Of course not, I just stuffed me into you, you are empty, of course you can stuff anything." The elf explained.

"Is it that simple?"

"It's that simple."

Mo Ling nodded half-doubtfully, and the elf nodded as well.

"Don't ask first, help your friend quickly."

The elf controlled the change of vision and locked onto a place in the Sea of ​​Creation.

At this time, Li Luo was riding on the building block bird, dodging in the air, and a group of creatures like plastic bags were overwhelming and following them closely.

The plastic was also wrapped with the remains of other creatures, and they were flying while flowing with sticky blood, which looked quite terrifying.

"What is that?" Mo Ling asked in confusion, looking at the plastic bags.

"Flying plastics are a very aggressive species that will dismember other creatures and put them into their bodies. Did you see those limbs?"

"Of course."

Thanks to the "God's perspective", Mo Ling saw it very clearly. He did not hesitate and directly launched a teleportation to the overwhelming flying plastic group.

When a small cube-shaped hole appeared in the center of the flying plastic group, Mo Ling also breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that as long as you can see it, you can launch a teleportation."

The God's perspective allowed him to see all places in the Sea of ​​Creation, which greatly increased the range of his teleportation.

He quickly sank his vision into the cube and wanted to throw out the flying plastic just now, but found that the cube was empty.

"Where is the flying plastic that was just sent in?"

Mo Ling hurriedly searched in the cube, and finally, he found some small flying plastics on the metal ground, as small as dust.

"So small?"

Mo Ling remembered that the range of the teleportation just now was at least one cubic meter, but those flying plastics became so small after entering the cube.

Could it be because of the "God's perspective"?

Mo Ling quickly threw the flying plastic dust on the ground out again, and the flying plastic dust returned to its original appearance.

"The size is really changing, why is it like this?"


Mo Ling suddenly realized something:

The size of the teleported items will not change.

What changed is the cube! The space inside the cube has become larger!

But the original objects in the cube actually became larger, whether it was Martin's bed or those snacks and canned food, they were all getting bigger.

"Why is this happening?"

Mo Ling thought about it, and the only possibility was the influence of this God's perspective.

"Is the size of the cube changing according to my vision?"

Before, the space inside the cube became larger and the vision changed at the same time, and Mo Ling never thought that this was a causal relationship.

But there has never been a situation where objects have grown together before.

Mo Ling thought for a while, and decided to deal with the situation in front of him first.

Now, he has enough space to start teleporting, and of course he doesn't have to be restrained.

Mo Ling pulled the teleportation frame to a size that could contain a whole group of flying plastics, and without hesitation, he directly started the teleportation.

At this time, on the other side, Li Luo was still anxiously looking behind. These flying plastics had been chasing them since they left the Golden Light Sea.

“Why are you running? Just fight! These broken plastics look imposing, but they are actually very fragile. A stone can throw them down!” The head kept encouraging the building block bird.

“Why don’t you fight?” The building block bird asked directly.

When the head heard the building block bird’s question, he immediately became anxious: “Isn’t this a test for you! You don’t even have this little courage, and you still want to pray to God. It’s so embarrassing.”

Seeing that the encouragement failed, the head looked at Li Luo again.

“Human, why don’t you fight?”

“I can’t beat you.” Li Luo answered directly.

“Are you so weak? Why do I feel like you can’t do anything.” The head looked at her with contempt: “I don’t know how you got to the Sea of ​​Creation…”

Faced with the head’s contempt, Li Luo was not “ashamed” at all.

"I am very weak."

She admitted it directly.

The head had nothing to say now, and it withdrew into the body of the building block bird in boredom.

"Don't worry about it, it is like this to everyone, and it speaks without restraint."

The building block bird said to Li Luo apologetically.

"But it won't hurt you."

Li Luo nodded, looked back, and suddenly found that there was a piece missing from the flying plastic group.

"Lucky cube." Li Luo whispered, and then looked at her wrist. The place where the purple bracelet was originally worn was empty.

She looked around for a while, but did not find the cube.

But the gap can only be made by the cube.

"Where is it?"

Just as Li Luo was looking for it, a gust of wind suddenly blew from the front.

The severe wind pressure instantly made the building block bird's flight shaky.

"Where is the wind coming from! Hold on tight!"

Li Luo quickly closed his eyes, grabbed the building block in front of him, and leaned down.

The gust of wind came quickly and went quickly, and it stopped soon.

"Look behind you!" The shocked voice of the building block bird came from below.

Hearing this, Li Luo quickly opened her eyes and looked behind.

The scene in front of her stunned her on the spot.

The original flying plastic group had disappeared completely.

But this was not the most shocking thing.

I saw a looming block standing between the sky and the earth.

The shadow of this block was absolutely "empty".

There was no dust, no clouds, no air... nothing, which made this space appear extremely clear, forming a sharp contrast with the surrounding blocks.

This block did not really exist, but the contrast was too obvious, forming a sharp boundary, which showed such a strange scene:

The clouds were cut very flat.

The boundary was extremely clear, and the outside of the boundary was turbid.

Until the gust of wind rushed in and completely filled the air in the boundary, the non-existent shadow slowly disappeared.

As the "emptiness" was filled, the clarity was polluted again, the boundary gradually blurred, and the huge block standing between heaven and earth disappeared.

But the shock in Li Luo's heart could not stop for a long time, and the huge block seemed to be engraved in front of her eyes.

"Lucky block..."

She even wondered if her silent recitation just now had an effect.

The air pressure returned to normal, and the building block bird was circling in a daze, obviously not coming back to its senses.

At this moment, the head crawled out of it like crazy, and the two dry arms danced.

"Woo! Transcendence!"


"Kill them all!"

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