I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 437 God's Purpose

"I found it."

Beside the empty puddle, Mo Ling was talking to the elf.

After dealing with the crisis between Li Luo and Fatty, the most important thing now is to find the location of God.

"Where is it?"

"No wonder I haven't been able to find it. It turns out that it has been mixed in with those of the same kind..."

The elf controlled the changes in his vision, quickly swept across the sea of ​​golden light, and directly locked the position of the god.

"It's too late, it went to the other side."

The elf looked at a mirror with a small blue olive attached to it, and the rippling water was about to dissipate.

The elf quickly restarted the olive that was about to disappear, and the picture on the olive slowly became clearer.

"Level 2 of the Abyss? What is it doing there?"

On the other side of the olives, there is a sky full of yellow sand.

There is a long river in the yellow sand, flowing to the city in the distance.

"Oasis City..." Seeing the familiar city, the elf instantly became nervous.

"Can we chase him?" Mo Ling was also very anxious. If God really went to Oasis City, who knows what would happen.

"No, we are trapped in the Sea of ​​Creation Gods. This is a limitation of authority. At most, we can see things over there through the olives, but we cannot interfere there."

Permission is both power and shackles.

"Can you control Olive to catch up? I can interfere." Mo Ling asked.

"Of course." The elf didn't hesitate and let Olive chase him along the river.

Soon, Olive arrived at the familiar oasis city.

But not so familiar.

Many candy structures were left behind, and those huge lollipops were used by the people of Oasis City to build stairs and use them as some kind of signal tower.

Although most of the candy has been removed, traces remain.

"I miss you so much." The elf controlled Olive and followed the traces of God to the center of the city.

Oasis City has restored its original vitality, people come and go, and the original wishing fountain has been replaced with a statue.

It was a little boy holding a toy pistol.

"It stayed here for a while and then went over there."

Olive turned in one direction, which was an alley on the edge of the square...

"Old Xu's home."

Mornington had a bad feeling.

"Go and have a look."

The elf didn't hesitate and rushed straight into the alley, arriving at the familiar old Xu's house.

There is still the familiar fence, and the yard is planted with carefully tended flowers and plants. No matter how bustling the outside world is, Lao Xu's home is always quiet and quiet, like a pure land outside the world.

Seeing the scene in the yard, Mo Ling also breathed a sigh of relief.

Lao Xu was sitting at the table, holding a cup in his hand, thoughtfully.

On the opposite side of the table, there is another cup. The tea in the cup is still a little warm, and there is a faint white smoke.

Someone once sat here.

The olive slowly floated over and came to the courtyard.

"Why are there so many strange guests today?" Lao Xu looked at the slowly floating olives and said with some dissatisfaction.

"I'm late."

It seemed that God had left.

Mo Ling searched for a while in the cube and found a shell of a shell man, which he sent to Lao Xu's desk.

"Huh?" Lao Xu's eyes lit up instantly when he saw the smooth-cut shell: "Old friend?"

Seeing that Lao Xu had recognized him, Mo Ling quickly asked the elf to respond.

The elf also quickly controlled the olive to shake, and then the picture began to appear.

Lao Xu looked at the picture on Olive and gradually understood the purpose of Olive.

"So you are chasing it..." Lao Xu nodded and said clearly: "It didn't hurt me, it just came to sit with me for a while, and then asked me some questions. Before I could ask about its origin, it Just left."

"What question was asked?"

Lao Xu knocked on the table and began to recall his previous conversation with God.

not long ago.

Lao Xu was still arranging flowers and plants in the yard.

When he saw the golden water man coming to his yard, Lao Xu immediately notified the guards, then calmly made a pot of tea for the water man and started to delay.

When the water man saw Lao Xu brewing a pot of tea, he asked him to sit down. He was stunned for a while, but he still sat down obediently.

"Why do you want to make me tea?" Water Man looked at the cup and asked in confusion.

"Everyone who comes is a guest. This is human etiquette." Lao Xu said calmly to the water man while pouring tea.

He was also very panicked. This strange creature came uninvited and didn't look very normal. However, Lao Xu didn't show it on the surface and still pretended to be calm.

The surrounding danger level fluctuates up and down, which is weird.

Lao Xu could only delay for time, hoping that the guards would arrive quickly.

"Humans, are you happy with your life?" The water man did not drink tea immediately, but looked at the boiling tea and asked such a strange question.

"I don't know if other people are happy, but I'm quite happy." Lao Xu picked up the fan and fanned his tea cup: "I'm not young anymore, and I've suffered a lot, and my life now is pretty good. "What's not to be happy about?"

The water man sat obediently on the chair, watching the fan swinging around. He was silent for a long time, and then suddenly asked:

"You don't want to die so early, do you?"

"Of course, who wants to die early? No one wants to die early, unless they can't think straight." Old Xu answered as a matter of course.

"You have no children, no continuation of life, don't you think it's a pity?" The water man asked again.

"Haha, I'm so old, and someone still asks me this. I haven't been asked this for decades. The last time someone asked me this was when I was introduced to a partner." A trace of nostalgia also appeared in Old Xu's eyes.

"I used to think about this, descendants... Later I figured it out. The continuation of life is not just about creating descendants. I can pass on my spirit and let the entire human civilization remember my existence."

"Our civilization was once plagued by wars. Many soldiers died in those wars. They also had no descendants, but their spirits were engraved in our hearts. The inheritance of spirit is deeper than blood..."

Old Xu muttered, as if he thought of something, and took a sip of the teacup.

"You've said too much..."

The water man just listened quietly without interrupting Old Xu.

"So, you don't have any wishes?"

When Old Xu heard this, his hand holding the teacup trembled and the tea almost spilled.

"Wishes? I don't dare to have any more wishes..."

The water man nodded meaningfully, was silent for a while, and continued to ask:

"Do you think humans need a god who can fulfill wishes?"

He suddenly stared at Old Xu, and his tone became extremely serious.

"A...god who can fulfill everything."

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