I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 441 Emergency Plan

"Fifth contingency plan: Dragon King."

"It seems that the higher-ups take this invasion very seriously and actually use such an advanced emergency plan."

The young man held an umbrella in one hand and an electronic screen in the other, and said with some surprise.

"What is the Dragon King?" Mo Ling's question appeared on the olive.

"All kinds of things often come out of the abyss. Different emergency plans are for different situations, and the Dragon King is one of them."

"It's a strategy for using relics, specifically designed to deal with the same type of intrusion. Just look at it. The intruder won't be able to escape for long." The young man explained in an understatement.

Mo Ling looked doubtfully at the dark clouds that were still gathering, feeling a little uneasy.

"This is a 'god'. Can Dawn City really be able to deal with it?"

Although Mo Ling has been trying to persuade the elf to rest assured, he is still murmuring in his heart.

Just when Mo Ling was worried, the young man below suddenly sniffed, as if he smelled something.

"here we go……"

He suddenly closed the umbrella in his hand.

A shocking scene happened. The raindrops in the air suddenly stopped, and the raindrops that were supposed to hit the young man hovered in the air.

Immediately afterwards, these raindrops retreated upwards, and actually returned to the dark clouds.

"It's the forbidden rain, it should be the function of that relic."

The young man explained to himself and rummaged through the electronic screen.

Soon, information about a relic was displayed on the electronic screen.

[Relic: False Dragon King Statue]

[Cost: It is necessary to build a Dragon King temple, place a fake Dragon King statue there, and offer sacrifices. The user needs to eat the tribute while insulting the Dragon King in order to maintain the effect]

[Ability: Create drought in a certain area, and determine the scope of the drought based on the speed of stealing tributes and the degree of insults]

[Place of Discovery: Earth]

[Discovered by: Lin Zuan]

The young man's expression twisted as he looked at the electronic screen: "This weird thing can actually be used. I really admire those researchers."

In any case, the rain was indeed suppressed.

There is a terrifying aura quietly descending on the dark clouds, preventing any drop of rain from falling and completely blocking all water vapor.

Not only that, the gathering of dark clouds was also restricted by that force, as if something had been messing around in the clouds, breaking up the clouds that had finally gathered together.

The raindrops that were about to fall to the ground were forced back into the dark clouds by this force, and then were smashed away by the powerful force.

"Is this the function of the pseudo-Dragon King statue?"

If it says it will cause a drought, it will definitely cause a drought, and even the half-fallen raindrops will be forced back.

Morrington was shocked by the power of this relic.

"It's not over yet."

Although the dark clouds have dispersed, the low-lying areas of Dawn City have been completely submerged, and the raging floods are spreading everywhere.

"The next item should be... the Sea-Dinging Needle."

The young man quickly operated the electronic screen, and soon, information about another relic was displayed:

[Relic: Dinghai Divine Needle]

[Cost: The user's size will become larger and smaller uncontrollably, please use this relic in an open area]

[Ability: Prohibit the flow of water in a certain area]

[Discovered: Level 3 of the Abyss]

[Discovered by: Hidden]

"It actually makes the user grow bigger and smaller. Shouldn't it be the magic needle that makes the user grow bigger and smaller?"

Just when Mo Ling was curious about the purpose of this relic, the sound of rushing water below suddenly stopped.

The young man suddenly jumped onto the stone pillar on the side of the rooftop.

"It's working."

He took an umbrella and poked at the water on the ground.

A surprising scene happened.

The umbrella tip seemed to be poking through mud, plunging directly into the stagnant water. As the young man pulled out the umbrella tip, the hole in the stagnant water did not disappear. Instead, it was fixed in the shape where the umbrella tip was inserted.

"The effect is not bad."

The young man jumped again and jumped directly to the fence next to the rooftop.

Maintaining this dangerous movement, he waved to Olive.

"The floods have stopped and there is nowhere for it to escape."

The olive flew to the young man's side, and words appeared on the water waves again. It was the elf's warning:

"It can attach to any liquid, drinks, fuel, water vapor... even human blood."

Seeing this kind reminder, the young man nodded.

"The higher-ups are already aware of this matter and will have appropriate response strategies. Please rest assured."

As the young man spoke, he continued to search on the electronic screen.

When he saw the relics used later, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"The snipe and the clam are fighting..."

"Prime Minister Turtle..."

"Shrimp soldiers and crab generals..."

"They actually used three relics at the same time. It seems the intruder can't escape."

Just when he was about to continue checking the specific information of the relic, the sound of fighting suddenly came from below.

The elf quickly controlled Olive to look down.

I saw that the god had restored his appearance as a water man and started fighting with a strange lobster holding a spear.

The waterman waved his hand, and the lobster was entangled in the current and was instantly strangled into pieces.

However, another crab ran out not far away, holding two large knives in its pincers, and rushed towards the water man.

Of course, this rampaging crab could not withstand a single move from the water man. It was knocked to the ground in an instant, and its shell was cracked everywhere.

But this is not the end. A shrimp soldier rushed out from somewhere nearby, holding a large Guandao in his hand. After seeing the water man, he raised the Guandao above his head and rushed towards the water man like a helicopter.

As expected, the shrimp soldier was knocked down by the water man's water flow.

But after it was knocked down, another big crab rushed out from the side...

Just like this, it repeats over and over again.

Shrimp soldiers, crab generals, shrimp soldiers, crab generals...

They hold various weapons and look majestic, but they can't stand a single move from the water man. They are completely paper tigers and fall down at the first touch.

"Where did they come from?" Mo Ling asked curiously.

"They are summoned by the relics. They have no combat power. They are just bluffing. They are just delaying time. After defeating the shrimp soldiers, they will summon the crab generals. After the crab generals fall, they will summon the shrimp soldiers. There is no end." The young man explained.

Mo Ling looked at the water man who was completely entangled by the shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and was a little surprised: "Why doesn't it continue to hide?"

"It was provoked by the snipe and clam fighting. The relic will force two targets to fight. It should be selected as one of the targets, and the other target should be those shrimp soldiers and crab generals."

After listening to the young man's explanation, Mo Ling suddenly realized.

"So the relic can be used like this?"

One forced to fight, and the other could not be killed at all. The water man was trapped like this, and he could no longer hide and could only fall into a meaningless battle.

"What about the turtle prime minister?"

"The turtle prime minister should be the fisherman? After the snipe and clam fight to the death, the fisherman will appear..."

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