I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 442 Prime Minister Turtle

Every time the water man killed a shrimp soldier and crab general, he wanted to turn into a stream and hide again.

However, every time he wanted to hide, he would be pulled into the battle by the new shrimp soldiers and crab generals. His body, which had already turned into a stream, solidified again and attacked the shrimp soldiers and crab generals who were showing off their power uncontrollably.

Although the shrimp soldiers and crab generals were already full of the corpses of their companions on the ground, they were not afraid at all. They still raised their weapons and rushed towards the water man aggressively.

Under such a human wave tactic, the water man was also tortured to the point of being miserable.

At this time, a shrimp soldier held a machine gun and stood on the second floor to shoot at the water man.

The water man was almost scattered by the pouring bullets.

Such a scene made Mo Ling completely stunned.

"Shrimp soldiers and crab generals, can they use machine guns?"

"Keep up with the times, they can use other things."

Sure enough, just as the young man said, after a while, after the machine gun shrimp soldiers were defeated, a crab general carrying a cannon came out from the side and fired directly at the water man.

The water man was instantly blasted to the ground, his body twisted.

The crab general was also blown away by the aftermath of the cannon because he was too close, and fell unconscious behind.

"The fisherman should be coming soon."

The young man looked at the street below, and soon, a strange big turtle crawled out and pushed the twisted water man and crab general onto the turtle shell.

"Is this the turtle prime minister?"

Mo Ling looked at the turtle. Apart from its scary size, it looked like an ordinary big turtle, and it really didn't have the demeanor of a "prime minister".

On the contrary, the young man looked at the turtle below and showed an excited expression.

"Prime Minister Turtle, I haven't seen it for a long time."

"Isn't that a big turtle?"

"Yes." The young man nodded: "That's a turtle."

His answer was somewhat unexpected.

"Prime Minister Turtle, it is a relic phenomenon, not a specific item or a creature..."

Before he finished speaking, the situation below changed again.

The water man on the turtle shell slowly stabilized. Although the artillery attack could temporarily immobilize it, it could not hurt it at all.

As soon as it recovered, it directly called up the water flow, turned into a spear, and pierced into the back shell of Prime Minister Turtle.


With a weird scream that did not belong to turtles, the air suddenly solidified, and a terrifying gaze suddenly looked from the sky to Oasis City, began to scan the city continuously, and finally stared at the water man holding the spear.

The big turtle struggled in pain, blood flowed out of the hole in the back shell, and spread to the ground along the water flow. Its limbs twitched uncontrollably, and the whole body fell to the ground.

Looking at this cruel scene, the young man sighed and continued to explain:

"Prime Minister Turtle, will attach to any turtle on the earth. Whenever this turtle is destroyed, this phenomenon will attach to other turtles. There is only one turtle. The life of this turtle will not be affected in any way, nor will it have any special abilities. It is completely normal."

"But once this turtle is attacked, it will call the Dragon King."

The young man raised his head and looked at the sky.

"The real Dragon King."

As if responding to his words, a muffled thunder suddenly sounded in the sky.


Accompanied by this muffled thunder, the dark clouds that were about to disperse began to gather again.

Seeing this, the water man wanted to turn into water vapor again and hide in the dark clouds, but a strong pressure suddenly descended on it and suppressed it tightly.

The pressure was transmitted to the young man, but he was not affected at all. Instead, he slowly opened the umbrella and raised it above his head.

"It's going to rain."


A thunder pierced the clouds, completely removing the inhibition of the fake dragon king statue, and some warm raindrops fell again.

This time, the rain was warm and wet with a strange feeling. The young man reached out to catch some, and then pinched it with his fingers. The rain was as thick as blood.

He raised his head and saw the swinging black shadow in the cloud through the edge of the umbrella.

A low roar echoed in the clouds, and a blurry scale passed through the dark clouds from time to time.

The dragon king did not show its body, but its majesty had made the water man unable to move.

After struggling several times, the water man could no longer support his body and knelt heavily on the turtle shell.

The turtle blood slowly flowed out with the raindrops, and the water man drooped his body and knelt weakly.

At this moment, the god had no dignity.

In the distance, another shrimp soldier appeared. It rushed under the turtle shell with a sledgehammer. After seeing that the water man was powerless to resist, the shrimp soldier shook his head happily and cheered at the cloud.

"It's over." The young man said calmly, holding the umbrella.

"Help me..."

Suddenly, a faint voice came into Olive.

"Did you hear it?"

"I heard it, it was its voice." The elf said affirmatively.

"Wish... wish..." The voice muttered, as if it wanted to say something.

In order to hear the voice clearly, Olive slowly flew out of the rooftop and flew downwards.

Finally, after arriving above the turtle shell, Mo Ling and the elf finally heard clearly what the voice said:

"Help me, I haven't fulfilled my wish yet."

"What wish do you want to fulfill?" Mo Ling asked doubtfully: "Flood the world?"

"My wish... I have no wish." The voice suddenly became discouraged, and the god's head lowered again: "I can't fulfill my wish."

But it suddenly struggled a few times and straightened its head.

"The lazy one, the happy one, and another one..."

It suddenly turned its head, staring at the elf through the olive.

"You won't find your wish." There was both regret and a hint of sarcasm in its tone.

"Why?" the elf asked puzzledly.

"Because we can fulfill wishes. If we have wishes, we can realize our wishes..."

"If the wish is to become a god, we can become a god. If the wish is the destruction of the world, the world will be destroyed... This is impossible, so we will not have wishes. We are-wishless."

The words of God were like a heavy hammer, hitting the elf's heart.

"So, I will never find my wish?" It asked in a daze.

"Yes, we will never find it. We can't have it."

The god knelt on the turtle shell and said in despair:

"We can fulfill the wishes of all creatures, create powerful relics, make all dreams come true, and even create gods! But we are always confused, panic all day long, don't know where to go, aimlessly looking for a future that does not exist..."

"There is no way, no way... This is a curse."

"It is also a price."

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