I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 443 The Price of Becoming a God

"Price..." The elf understood the meaning of this word very well.

Can you only fulfill other people's wishes at the cost of never having your own wishes?

"Are we the unwilling ones?"

The elf still couldn't accept this fact, and the god kneeling there began to speak again.

"The sloth has long understood this, so it gives up thinking and fulfills its wishes without restraint."

"In the face of death, it is not afraid. It has already anticipated its end. The sea has dried up, leaving only yellow sand in the sky. It is just too lazy to change."

"Since you are destined to be unable to have wishes, there is no point in doing anything. No matter whether you are lazy or not, the outcome is the same..."

God's voice is filled with sorrow. It does not hate the lazy, but more pity.

"It said something to me..."

"You know that my coming to this world is nothing, why do you want to separate me?"

Without wishes, everything is a wedding dress for others. How is it different from a wish-making machine?

The lazy person never thought about this problem until they died.

"The same is true for the Happy One, but it chooses another path..."

"Escape. Since you can't get what you want, you can enjoy yourself in time and completely immerse yourself in those illusory games. When one pleasure is gone, you can find other pleasures and pretend not to care about anything."

"A moment of fun can completely cover up confusion. Since you can't see the road ahead clearly, stop and look at the flowers on the roadside, crush the snails climbing up the road, forget about the curse that can never be changed, and forget about the destination that can never be reached. end."

"Happiness can cover everything, escape from everything, sink into one game after another and forget everything..."

As the god spoke, he fell heavily on the turtle shell. It could no longer support its body.

But it once again put its hands on the turtle shell and stood up tremblingly.

It grasped the spear that was pierced into the turtle shell and climbed up bit by bit.

The dragon king's pressure fell again and hit it hard. The god was hit and was paralyzed, but it still clung to the spear and climbed higher and higher.

Finally, he stood up straight with trembling.

It was holding on to the terrifying pressure, standing upright on the turtle shell.

"Why!" it roared suddenly.

"Why can we only fulfill other people's wishes?"

"Is that what we were supposed to do?!"

"A rat is born to dig holes? A dog is born to hold bones? A dragon is born to move the wind and rain?"


As if in response to its voice, the Dragon King in the sky lowered a bolt of thunder, striking the spear, and white smoke slowly floated up.

The body of the god was badly damaged, and the water dripped weakly, but its voice did not weaken even half!

"I will not be lazy, nor will I be addicted to pleasure. I will find a way to break my fate..."

"When I was in the Sea of ​​Creation Gods, I thought about it for a long time and finally thought of a way!"

“Make wishes out of wishes!”

"When I drown everything, I will let all my people make a wish——"

“Let our race have aspirations.”

God’s voice trembled as he spoke his beautiful vision:

"As long as the gathering of wishes is strong enough, we can have our own wishes. Then all our compatriots will not be confused, the foggy roads will be dispelled, and we will be able to break fate!"

It suddenly looked at the elf: "You should also understand! You have done such things in Oasis City, and you know how powerful the common desire is! The shackles trapped on our race are not worth mentioning under the common desire."

"Don't you want to find your wish? Don't you want to remain confused and never see clearly?"


Another bolt of lightning struck down, hitting it accurately.

Boiling bubbles have emerged from the stagnant water, and the god's body is slowly dissipating.

God's momentum was also completely eliminated by the thunder.

"Are you listening?"


"Help me, I haven't got my wish yet."

"No, you did it wrong." The elf said firmly.

"Why?" God looked like he couldn't believe it.

"Although I understand the pain of confusion, I will never choose to let others create wishes for me." The elf said seriously: "If the wish is created, is it my own wish?"

The elf looked at the dying god and asked a question that hit his heart:

"Do you want to have an illusory bubble called 'Wish', or do you really want to do something?"

"Although I was born not long ago, I am not as good as you, the Sloth, the Happy... and even not as good as those compatriots in the Sea of ​​Creation Gods, but I know one truth."

“Desire is not something created, but a desire that comes from the heart.”

"I saw a lot of wishes during my years in Oasis City."

"The child wants a candy-making pistol in order to make delicious candies, because as long as he eats the candies, his parents will not quarrel. He simply recognized this in his heart, and that's why he had such a wish."

"The soldier wants an extremely strong city wall, not really for the hard reinforced concrete, but behind the city wall, there is a girl worthy of his protection."

"The girl wants to see the stars every day, not because she cares about the stars that are far away and have nothing to do with her, but because she is worried that when her lover returns to meet her, there will be no starlight shining on their heads..."

"The wish is simple, but also very complicated. It comes from the tangled desires in the hearts of living beings. Like the desires of mud, beautiful wishes like lotus can grow out of it."

"What exactly is the 'wish' you want?"

The elf controlled the olive and slowly flew to the front of the god.

"In fact, you already have a wish, don't you?"

"You want us to all have wishes, isn't this a wish?"

Hearing the elf's question, the god was stunned.

"This is not it." It hesitated.

"Then what is this?" The elf asked.

The god didn't answer again, but just stood stiffly and didn't answer again.

From beginning to end, it seemed that it didn't understand what the wish was.

Whether it was those beast-like lives or those powerful races, they all had strange distractions, which were buried in the soil of the soul and grew into towering trees of wishes.

As a god, it witnessed the rise and fall of too many creatures, saw those creatures sinking in desires, crawling hard in intertwined thoughts, and their wishes were various and colorful.

However, the god never figured out the nature of wishes.

"I already had a wish?" It muttered in a daze, not daring to admit it.

"Then why didn't it come true?" It looked at the elf and asked puzzledly.


Olive didn't move.

"Well? Think about it again... Did your wish come true?"

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