I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 444 Already realized

"My wish?"

The god suddenly realized something and laughed bitterly at himself.

"Alas, it's all in vain."

White steam rose from the god's body.

The turtle under him was motionless and had long since died.

The pressure of the Dragon King still existed, and the thunder in the sky told of its anger.

The wet rain hit the turtle shell, bounced on the ground beside it, and merged with the turtle blood.

The streets of Dawn City were full of killing intent, but the invaders had no intention of fighting. They held the broken spear and their bodies were shaky.

The shrimp soldier holding the sledgehammer stood aside obediently, looking at Olive from time to time, and carefully observing the Dragon King in the sky.

It walked to the corpses of its companions, gently collected their claws and piled them into a pile.

The god looked at the shrimp soldier and shook his head helplessly.

"Alas, is this your wish?"

With a flash of golden light, the claws under the shrimp soldier actually spread out one by one and grew a body.

All those shrimp soldiers and crab generals with broken limbs actually came back to life.

They looked at their bodies and were extremely surprised.

The god looked at the sky again. The Dragon King still did not show his full appearance, but just released his pressure wantonly. A powerful thunder was accumulating in the dark clouds, and the terrifying electric current even made the raindrops begin to twist.

"Your wish..."

Another golden light emerged from the god's body and sank into the body of the turtle under him.

The golden light gathered on the turtle's wound, pushed the water spear out of the turtle shell, and covered the cracks again, quickly repairing the cracks.

In a blink of an eye, the wound healed as before, and the turtle suddenly trembled and stood up in confusion.

The god shook the spear and gently jumped off the turtle shell.

The thunder that had locked it instantly lost its target, and the pressure slowly dissipated, spreading in the air along with the raindrops.

After the Dragon King rolled for a while, he disappeared into the clouds and disappeared.

The rain gradually stopped.

A ray of sunlight pierced through the dark clouds and sprinkled on the earth again.

The god dragged his broken body and did not hide again, but stood on the street, facing the dazzling sunlight. White water vapor rose from it, and the golden light refracted in the smoke and dust, outlining dazzling rainbows.

The warm water on the ground rose with faint white smoke, the dark clouds gradually dissipated, and the sunlight covered the entire street, merging with the golden light of the god.

A strange rainbow appeared on the Dawn Tower.

It was a rainbow composed of two concentric semicircles, one inside and one outside, extremely magical.

The young man stepped on the puddles and slowly walked over from the other side of the street.

He walked steadily to the front of the god and took out the electronic screen.

"Wishless, you have violated Article 3, Article 500, and Article 738 of the Dawn City Management Regulations... You are now under arrest. Please cooperate."

"You will be allowed to end the invasion on your own. The subsequent judgment will be handled at your discretion. The remaining penalties will be determined based on the losses of Dawn City this time..."

"Do you agree with the above judgment?"

"Yes." God nodded and replied.

"If you agree with the above judgment, sign here."

The young man handed the electronic screen to God as if he was doing something very ordinary.

"Now please follow me."

He picked up a bracelet and put it directly on God's wrist.

But before he took two steps, he stopped again and turned to look at Olive.

"You may need to go back and wait for a while. After we make the judgment, we will send the wishless back to the Sea of ​​Creation, and then you can return the authority to it."

"Humans know that it comes from the Sea of ​​Creation?" The elf asked in surprise.

"Of course, but our intelligence source cannot tell you, please understand."


The young man left the street with God as if he had handled a business matter lightly.

"They seem to have experienced many of the same things, so skilled." The elf looked at the young man's back and said admiringly.

"It seems that Dawn City has never relaxed its vigilance. It is worthy of being a city that can suppress the abyss." Mo Ling also sighed.

"Go back."



Olive followed the river to the waterfall that fell into the abyss and jumped down along the waterfall.

No longer going upstream, Olive's actions were much easier.

Soon, Olive returned to the Sea of ​​Creation.

This time, the experience of going to Dawn City was a bit like a dream and extremely unreal to Mo Ling.

"Have we really been to Dawn City?" Mo Ling said in disbelief.

"Of course, we also solved a crisis." The elf was still a little excited.

But not long after, it became depressed again.

"It seems that I have to be a god here for a while, until the Wishless One comes back."

"No, we can't call it 'Wishless One' now. It has found its wish and even realized it. I just don't know when I can find my wish."

"Don't worry, look for it slowly." Mo Ling comforted: "Anyway, it has broken the fate of your race, you will find it eventually."

"Yeah." The elf responded softly.

On the empty stone, there was only a lonely figure left. Mo Ling's body overlapped with the elf. Both of them stared at the puddle below, but they were thinking about their own things.

"You said, if it doesn't look for wishes like other companions, will the fate of our race be broken?"

"Should be, right?"

"I don't think so. I wonder, if I experience the same despair as it, what choice will I make." The elf said in confusion.

"In fact, I understand the lazy and the happy. The price in the abyss is inevitable. Since you have such a powerful ability to realize wishes, there must be a certain price."

"I may not think about eliminating this price, but choose to escape."

The elf's eyes gathered on the puddle, and those devout people who prayed to God came into view.

"I didn't expect that the price of making a wish would fall on us, while we don't have to bear the price for helping the creatures who made the wish."

"No wonder it feels unbalanced."

"The people pray, and the gods fulfill their wishes. The people don't need to pay anything, they just need to ask for everything, and the gods are high above, but they can never have wishes."

"But the people are like ants, their lives are fleeting, trapped in noisy desires, life is short, and after it ends, they will turn into a handful of dry bones."

"God exists forever, enjoying endless years, without worrying about birth, aging, sickness and death, intrigue and deception, just watching quietly, free."

"In the abyss, who really benefits and who really suffers?"

"God and his people are just trapped in different cages, struggling for their own, pursuing the non-existent - transcendence."

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