I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 463: Revitalizing the Forest

"Are you anxious?"

"Of course I am. It's been half a year. I've been living in the open air every day. It's hard to find food on this empty island. I'm attacked by those guys every day..." Zhou Chao was madly complaining about the environment on the island, looking indignant.

"Then why don't you send a signal?"

Li Luo looked into the depths of the forest, where the breeze blew and the leaves rustled.

Hearing Li Luo's question, Zhou Chao smiled awkwardly.

"I can't go in. It's a bit dangerous inside."

"Aren't you very strong?"

"..." Zhou Chao scratched his head: "Not strong enough. The further you go in, the more serious the pollution will be. There's nothing in the outer layer, but it's very chaotic in the inner layer. Those animated creatures will not rest at all and attack everywhere. If you're not careful, you'll die."

As he spoke, Zhou Chao looked at the block behind Li Luo.

"Are you going to the beacon?"

"Are there any other ways to send signals besides the beacon?" Li Luo asked back.

"No." Zhou Chao spread his hands.

"Then let's go." Li Luo walked directly into the forest.

"Wait, I'm not ready yet..." Zhou Chao said anxiously.

But Li Luo ignored him and walked straight to the center of the island.

Zhou Chao hesitated for a moment and followed immediately.

"You are really decisive..."

"The activated creatures inside are not like the bushes just now. They are all very scary things. As they absorb more activity, they will become more and more intelligent, and even use tactics. It's very difficult to deal with."

Zhou Chao followed Li Luo and talked about his intelligence non-stop.

"The elites left behind by those activated creatures who killed each other are all experienced. I haven't asked you about your combat level yet. If you encounter danger, remember to retreat in time. I will help you to cover the back, but I have other ways..."

Maybe it's too long since he talked to anyone, Zhou Chao chattered to Li Luo, and didn't care whether Li Luo responded or not.

In this way, the two slowly walked into the forest.

“Activation pollution?”

After learning about the events on the sky island, Mo Ling has been observing the forest.

After reaching the fourth floor, his field of vision doubled again, and he could see very far.

However, no matter how he observed, the forest seemed very normal.

Mo Ling did not find any activated creatures similar to the previous activated fossils and activated shrubs, but he saw a lot of animals.

Insects, birds, small mammals...

Although the creatures on the fourth floor of the abyss looked a little strange, they could still be distinguished. These were all normal creatures.

“It looks no different from a normal forest.”

After going deeper, apart from the more lush vegetation and more complex biological communities, there was nothing strange.

Mo Ling thought that this activated polluted forest would be full of activated creatures, but the actual situation was very different from what he expected.

“Activation pollution has no impact on the normal ecology.”

Not only that, after going deeper into the forest, he also found a gurgling stream.

The source of the stream seemed to be deeper in the forest, and the clear water flowed through the forest, nourishing the earth.

"Wait, what is that?"

Mo Ling found some strange debris flowing in the stream.

Wood chips, broken leaves, and some small pieces of material that could not be identified.

"Something seems to have happened upstream."

After seeing these fragments, Mo Ling's heart, which had been relieved, was lifted again.

Not only fragments, when Mo Ling sank his vision into the mud and sand at the bottom of the stream, he saw something even more shocking:

Bone pieces, nails, parts...

The bones of some large creatures and the remains of civilizations sank in the mud and sand, which were extremely hidden. If Mo Ling hadn't checked carefully, he would not have found them at all.

"There are such things?"

It is completely impossible to tell whether those debris were made by humans. The traces on them have been washed away by time, leaving only rust and decay.

After noticing the debris under the mud and sand, Mo Ling suddenly realized that he had always ignored a place - underground.

Thinking of this, Mo Ling quickly sank his vision into the ground, and this time, he finally found a clue.

"The soil is wriggling?"

Just like when earthworms drill through the soil, the soil under the forest has been twisting slightly, the small soil clods tremble from time to time, and the sticky mud particles twitch like living things.

The earth is alive...

The place where pollution spreads fastest is underground!

The activated soil has almost occupied this area. If it were not fixed by normal soil and tree roots, the soil would definitely rush out of the ground and attack normal creatures on the ground.

"No wonder the living fossil I saw before has soil on the surface. It seems to have crawled out from the ground."

Mo Ling remembered the appearance of the stone before, and realized that he had always ignored the fresh soil on its surface.

There is a difference between the stone dug out from the ground and the stone that has always been on the ground. At that time, Mo Ling's attention was only on the movement of the stone, ignoring this point.

"Is that shrub also polluted by the soil?"

Although the shrubs are low, their roots will go deep into the ground and entangle.

Compared to those tall trees, they seem to be more easily affected.

Under the calm forest, pollution has been spreading silently.

After entering the forest, Zhou Chao's words were obviously much less.

He held the stone sword tightly, always staring at the ground under himself and Li Luo.

"He should know that the danger comes from the ground."

Zhou Chao's performance was obviously to guard against sneak attacks from underground. It seems that he has suffered a lot in the past six months.

"Slow down, walk lightly, and don't step on those branches." Zhou Chao suddenly said to Li Luo in front.

Li Luo heard the reminder and immediately slowed down her pace. She also felt the caution in Zhou Chao's tone.

Just moving forward carefully, the two also came to the stream that Mo Ling saw.

"Stop first, don't get close to that stream." Zhou Chao said seriously.

He even walked directly to the front and raised his hand to block Li Luo's way.

The clear stream flowed slowly, and the sound of the water added a bit of agility to the silent forest.

But Zhou Chao was obviously not appreciating the beauty of the stream in the forest.

He squatted carefully, picked up a stone, and threw it towards the stream.

The stone was knocked crooked and did not fall into the stream, but rolled beside the stream and stopped.

Zhou Chao took a deep breath and picked up another stone from the ground.

While repeating the previous action, he explained to Li Luo beside him why he was so cautious.

"Activation is easy to find, living fossils, activated soil, activated wood... You can see it at a glance, because they don't move at all."

"But there is one thing that moves at all, and you can't tell whether it has been activated or not."

"That is - activated water."

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