I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 464 Water and Blade

"Do you see the traces on the shore? Those are not water stains, but blood, the blood of some creatures. When it dries, it will turn black, just like black spots on the soil. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it."

"Some creatures were attacked there. This stream is not big, there won't be any crocodiles or other creatures. There is only one possibility - the creature was attacked by the stream itself."

The stone in Zhou Chao's hand was thrown through a perfect arc and was about to fall into the stream.

At this moment, a huge mouth suddenly appeared in the water, soaring into the sky, biting the stone in the air fiercely, and the hard stone turned into dust in an instant.

In an instant, the birds in the forest fled in panic, and the water stopped in the air, like a transparent giant python extending from the stream.

The head of the giant python is the huge mouth full of fangs. It seems to be savoring the stone just now, opening and closing constantly.

"I'll attract its attention, you pull out my sword and swing it at it." Zhou Chao commanded calmly, while picking up a stone from the ground and throwing it at the water python.

The giant python twitched and rushed towards the stone, crushing the flying stone again.

Zhou Chao seemed to be using the stone to lure it away from the stream and come to the shore.

Li Luo slowly took the long sword handed over by Zhou Chao, hesitated for a moment, and then pulled out the long sword.

It turned out that the stone shell was just a scabbard, and the sword hidden inside was extremely sharp. Once it was unsheathed, it emitted a dazzling golden light.

"Stand still, aim at it, and swing the sword. Be careful not to hurt yourself."

Although he was not very clear about the function of the long sword, Li Luo did not hesitate. He raised the long sword with both hands, aimed at the water python that had stretched its head to the shore, and chopped it down hard.

At the moment when the long sword was swung, a terrible golden torrent burst out from the blade and rushed towards the giant python.

Before Li Luo could react, the golden torrent completely swallowed the giant python.

But it was not over yet. The terrible sword energy suddenly surged, and the cylindrical shock wave even evaporated the stream completely, and then rushed forward again, directly swallowing up a row of big trees behind the stream.

It didn't last long in the light, and the big tree turned into charcoal and disappeared.

The golden shock wave rushed forward and slowly dissipated in the distance, but the front was already devastated.

Li Luo held the sword and looked at the scene in front of him in shock.

The forest was completely split in half by the sword energy, with a huge crack in the middle.

The stream no longer existed, leaving only drifting white smoke.

A long road of ash formed in front of Li Luo, and the scattered flying ashes were constantly rolling under the aftermath of the sword energy.

She turned her head in a daze and looked at Zhou Chao.

Zhou Chao was also stunned, looking at the scene in front of him, and he didn't react at all.

"You...you put away the sword first, be careful."

His voice was trembling, and he obviously didn't expect the power of the sword to be so strong.

Li Luo followed his advice, carefully put the long sword that was still emitting dazzling golden light into the stone scabbard, and handed it to Zhou Chao.

Zhou Chao's hands were shaking when he took the sword. He dragged his hands forward and carefully took the stone long sword in his hands.


After taking the sword completely, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"What is your relic?" Li Luo pointed at the long sword and asked in surprise.

"Holy Sword." Zhou Chao held the scabbard and said with lingering fear: "I named it."

"It's so powerful..."

"No." Zhou Chao shook his head: "It's not its power, it's your problem."

"My problem?" Li Luo didn't understand.

"Yes, the power of the holy sword depends on the person. The power of different people will be different. I have never seen such a huge power before." Zhou Chao explained.

"But what is its price?" Li Luo was a little worried. Such a powerful relic must have a terrible price.

"Price?" Zhou Chao was stunned: "Don't worry, I have already paid the price, and you will not pay anything."

As he spoke, Zhou Chao picked up the long sword and pulled it hard, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not pull out the scabbard.

"See? I can't use it. The price of this holy sword is that once it recognizes its owner, the owner cannot use it, and now, I am its owner..."

Zhou Chao walked to the side again, picked up a branch, and waved it.

But before he waved it a few times, the branch inexplicably broke into several pieces.

"I can't use any weapons other than the Holy Sword. Cold weapons and firearms are not allowed. Anything that I identify as a 'weapon' will be automatically damaged."

"This is the price."

"What a strange price. There is such a relic." Li Luo was a little surprised when he heard Zhou Chao's explanation.

"I can't help it. When I got it, it already regarded me as its master, which caused me a lot of trouble."

"It was only later that I found out that the Holy Sword can be given to others to use. Although I can't pull it out, others can easily pull it out, and the power is not small."

Zhou Chao said depressedly, and patted the stone scabbard helplessly.

This stone that is useless in his hand is a sharp sword in the hands of others.

He pays the price, and others use the relic. No wonder he is so depressed.

"However, since you have used the Holy Sword with such great power, the road ahead will be much easier. I will give you the Holy Sword next time you are in danger."

Zhou Chao did not feel depressed for long, and he regained his spirit.

"Let's continue to set off." Zhou Chao pointed to the stream that was completely evaporated by the sword energy of the Holy Sword and said.

"Yeah." Li Luo nodded and walked forward.


In the cube, Mo Ling was still staring at the Holy Sword in Zhou Chao's hand.

After putting it into the scabbard, the light on the Holy Sword was completely restrained.

Through the heavy stone scabbard, Mo Ling could still see the sharp blade in it, but now it had lost the destructive momentum when the sword was drawn, just like an ordinary long sword.

"It seems that it glowed after Li Luo held the hilt."

The sword energy of the Holy Sword has a destructive power that will completely decompose everything it touches. The previous activated water was directly decomposed by the sword energy, without even a little residue left.

Not only that, the activated soil underground was even affected.

Although the sword energy did not spread underground, the activated soil under the crack seemed to have lost its activity and stopped moving, as if a dividing line had been drawn abruptly.

If those activated objects have "activity", then the holy sword is just the opposite, and seems to carry a breath of "death".

"Is there another reason why the captain let Zhou Chao, who holds the holy sword, stay on the sky island?"

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