I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 465 Dangerous Activation

"Have you seen the forest ahead? This means that we have completed the outer perimeter and now have reached the central area. The activation phenomenon here will be more obvious. You have to be careful."

In front of Li Luo was a strange forest. The first time he saw this forest, he had a feeling of chaos.

The roots of the tree were completely dug out of the soil and grew on the ground without any order. Such a plant should have withered, but the leaves still looked green.

It's like a typhoon passing through here. Big trees are growing here and there, the soil is turned outwards, backflowing streams are running through various gaps, and there are traces of moving objects everywhere.

"You have to be careful of everything around you, including the wind."

Zhou Chao raised his head and smelled the breeze that smelled of leaves.

"Do you smell blood?"

Li Luo quickly learned to smell it, and there was indeed a faint smell of blood in the forest wind that was mixed with the smell of earth.

"A little bit, very light." Li Luo nodded.

"Activated objects will hunt all moving things..." Zhou Chao said calmly: "So they will hunt living things."

"When we first arrived at this empty island, the investigation team had to endure a lot of hardships to understand the principle of activated pollution. At first, we thought those activated substances were some kind of living things..."

"How did you discover this empty island?" Li Luo asked curiously.

"It's just a routine investigation..."

The Sky Island Survey Team will occasionally land on some Sky Islands that are not marked by beacons, investigate the ecology of the island, and then set up beacons. They came to this island because of an ordinary survey mission.

Every time the survey team lands on a new island, they will go to the center of the island and set up a beacon.

Beacons cannot be set up on the edge of the sky island, because these "big rocks" flying in the sky often break into several pieces, and setting them in the middle can better prevent this situation.

When the survey team affiliated to the Zhou Dynasty first arrived on this island, they thought it was an island with normal ecology and very suitable for human habitation.

With the hope of transforming this empty island into a human monitoring station, the investigation team happily headed towards the center of the island.

But as soon as they entered the forest, they were attacked by a giant tree creature.

"Is it a tree man?"

There are many tree-shaped creatures in the abyss, and most of them are intelligent. However, the giant tree creatures on this island have no desire to communicate at all, and attacked the investigation team as soon as they met.

Sharp leaves slashed across, and several unresponsive team members were seriously injured.

Fortunately, the investigation team eliminated the weird giant tree in time.

"There are tree-man-like creatures on this island that are hostile to humans." This was the initial guess of the investigation team.

But soon, they discovered something was wrong.

Advancing deeper into the forest, the investigation team was attacked by various strange creatures.

Stone creatures, liquid creatures, earth creatures...

The ecology of this island is extremely complex and there are many kinds of creatures, but they all have one thing in common - they are extremely hostile to humans.

Unable to communicate, he launched an attack on the investigation team and would not stop until they died.

The deeper they advance into the forest, the more these creatures they encounter, and their intelligence becomes higher and higher. They begin to use traps, sneak attacks, disguises and other means, which also makes the investigation team miserable.

"Captain, let's exit first? I don't know if there is any danger here."

The captain shook his head: "At least set the beacon before leaving."

Under the captain's order, the entire investigation team continued to move deeper, and they encountered more strange creatures.

Air creatures, dust creatures, and even...


Zhou Chao recalled with lingering fear.

"That living creature caused heavy losses to our team, even sacrificing two of our companions. Only after we encountered it did we realize how dangerous this island really is."

"Did you defeat it?"

"No, we just escaped. It cannot enter places with shadows, and there is a relic that creates darkness in the investigation team. We used that relic to escape its pursuit."

"It was only after that that we discovered that these 'creatures' we thought all had the nature of something, and their characteristics as 'dead things' had not disappeared."

"Light cannot turn into shadows, and air cannot spread from low pressure to high pressure... Although these creatures are weird, they are still restricted by physical rules. The investigation team discovered this."

"However, the investigation team at that time did not know that this was caused by activated pollution. They just thought that it was a characteristic of those creatures."

"Until the items on our bodies were activated..."

"The backpack on one of our team members suddenly moved on its own. He opened the backpack, and the can inside suddenly jumped out. The sharp can lid cut his hand open."

"After destroying that crazy can, someone in the investigation team suggested that this was a kind of activated contamination."

After listening to Zhou Chao's memories, Li Luo nodded: "That's it."

"After knowing the principle, the response became much easier. Faced with the characteristics of those activated objects, the investigation team came to the center and set up the beacon... You also know the next thing. "

"I was left here." Zhou Chao spread his hands and said helplessly.

He looked at the twisted forest around him, and his tone was a little serious: "The activated pollution has become stronger. We were not so scared at that time, and the activated water has begun to appear on the outskirts of the forest..."

"When we get to the beacon, we must tell the monitoring station about the current situation on the island and ask them to send people to clean up the pollution."

Zhou Chao was talking when the ground suddenly rumbled.

Then, the soil in the forest rose and fell like a wave, until the rumble completely subsided and the mud wave gradually disappeared.

However, where the mud wave passed, countless big trees were uprooted and fell to the ground.

However, the roots of those fallen trees began to swing slowly, like tentacles, constantly extending and groping around, until they touched the soil on the ground, they eagerly drilled into the ground.

This weird scene made Li Luo and Zhou Chao stop.

Those fallen trees came to life, twisting their tentacles, and some tentacles touched other tentacles, and they actually began to kill each other.

They twisted together like two intertwined poisonous snakes, tearing at each other frantically until one side was completely torn off and fell to the ground.

The fallen roots did not die immediately, but wriggled violently like a gecko's broken tail.

However, the wriggling of the roots attracted the attention of the soil.

The surrounding soil, like a group of sharks that smelled blood, approached the roots one after another, and like a colony of ants, slowly surrounded, buried, and devoured them...

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